
Tweet my way to your heart.


Chapter 38

I arrived in Berlin in the afternoon and it was super cold. They will be having their concert in three days so I had time. Good thing I was wearing thick clothes and packed some too or else I would freeze to death. I got into a taxi and went to the hotel where the boys were staying. I had to stalk them and it’s a good thing that I went into stalking mode and found out that some fans know where the location of the hotel is. I went online of course and did some research. I just ended up "researching" instead of asking him because he might be on to me and then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore... right? It’s scary really- how they can find these kinds of information. What if they found out that Kim Jaejoong has a girlfriend and she is pregnant? It’s really scary to imagine what will happen to both me and my relationship if this ever gets out. 

I was still feeling jet lagged and the hotel was quite far. Good thing the driver speaks english and so I really didn’t have a hard time communicating. I dozed off for a 10 minutes and woke up after that. Berlin is a really beautiful place. It’s so historic. I wanted to go sightseeing but I really didn’t feel good today. In fact, I feel dizzy and nauseated. I finally arrived at the hotel after 20 minutes and checked myself in. when I got to my hotel room, I quickly unpacked and went to the bathroom to wash up. I checked my phone and saw that no messages or calls. I sighed and decided to call Jaejoong. He answered after three rings.

“Hey baby~! You rarely call me. Is something wrong?”

Well. I have a problem. You see I am pregnant- is what I wanted to say but instead, “No. I just wanted to check up on you. are you at the hotel?” I said, keeping my voice casual.

“No. We are rehearsing right now but I’m on a break. How are you? Sorry I haven’t called or anything. i didn’t know when I should call. I didn’t want to disturb your sleep, by the way… isn’t it late over there?” he still doesn’t know I’m here in Berlin already. That made me chuckle softly but he didn’t seem to hear it.

“It’s okay. Listen, will you call me when you’re done rehearsing or when you get back to the hotel? I have something to talk to you about.”

“Oh? Um.. okay. Well I’ll be going back to rehearsing now. I’ll call you soon.” He said with a hint of worry in his voice. he must be wondering what’s so important that he has to call me when he’s done with work. I don’t know if this is the right thing to do… telling him about the baby. Am I ruining everything for him? Should I just not tell him? Oh my gosh… I flew thousand miles and I still am debating about this?? Pathetic. I walked out of the bathroom and plopped myself on the bed. I felt really dizzy and so I closed my eyes and felt myself falling asleep.

=after 2 hours=

I heard my phone ringing and I reached for it sleepily. “Hello?”

“Hey baby… we just got done. Going to the hotel now. I’ll call you when I get there.”

“Okay.” Then I hung up. I debated if I should go back to sleep or not but then I realized that I should get ready to surprise him. So I got up and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower and choose my outfit. I am kind of asking for it with this outfit but I have a jacket that matches this one but I don’t think I’m going to be needing it since I am just going to be in the hotel and it’s not cold here so this outfit should do. I fixed my hair and put on my glasses. I frowned at my reflection. I kind of look nerdy. I should have just brought my contacts…. But nooo the klutz in me forgot to pack them and now I have to wear these glasses….. =.=”


My phone rang again and I answered it after two rings. I am very nervous. Will he be happy to see me? “Hello?”

“hey. I’m here in the hotel. What do you want to talk about?” he sound so y on the phone. My gosh. Ok focus!

“I’m just curious. What room number are you in? I know it’s weird but you know me. I am weird.” I still haven’t told him that I’m here in the same hotel he’s in. He was quiet for a second but said, “room 1862”

“Oh. Okay. So you are at your room now? You must be tired huh?” I said, trying to make small talk as I looked at the mirror to check myself. Everything seems to be okay. I nodded at myself and walked out of the bathroom and walked to my door.

“Yea. A little bit. And yea I’m in the hotel room. “ his voice sounded like ‘why are you asking? Are you ok?’ kind of voice but I ignored it and just walked out of my room and looked for his. It turned out that his room was just 4 rooms away from mine and it’s on the left.

“Well, I guess now’s not a good time to see you then huh since you are tired and all. I guess I’ll come back later.” I said making sure to show him how disappointed and sad I am with my voice. I giggled inwardly.

“….. what? What do you mean? What are you talking about?”

“I mean… you are tired right? so you can’t see me?” I tried so hard to keep my voice even. I should go pursue acting.

“……. What? How can I---“ then I pressed the doorbell and he cut off his sentence. He was quiet for a few minutes that I thought he hung up already.

“so… I guess I’ll have to come back later. See you then.” I said and started to walk away when the door opened and came out a bewildered Jaejoong. his eyes were so huge that I thought it’s going to pop out of their sockets and his mouth was open. He stood there blinking and staring at me and I smiled at him. “Surprise!”

He blinked at me for a few minutes and walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. “It’s you. it’s really you. you are here!” he hugged me so tight that I had to tell him I couldn’t breathe and he let me go. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted to surprise you. are you surprised?” I grinned up at him but instead of answering, he kissed me so deeply that when he pulled away I was breathless. “Does that answer your question?” I nodded because I couldn’t find my voice at the moment. He led me to the hotel room and closed the door behind him. He was still staring at me as if he couldn’t believe I was in front of him.

“Wow. You’re actually here.. and you looked great. Wow.” I blushed furiously as he kept saying wow. “Oh stop it Jaejoong~ you are such a charmer.” I stuck out my tongue at him and rolled my eyes. “What?! It’s true! I missed you!” he hugged me again and I hugged him back, inhaling his intoxicating scent. “I missed you too babe.”

“I can’t believe you’re here! you are going to watch our concert right?” he beamed at me as he led me to the couch. “yes of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I smiled at him widely. I couldn’t be any more proud. My boyfriend and his bandmates, conquering Europe, I’m so proud.

And you just have to ruin it by telling him the news. An inner voice said and my smile faltered. Then I remembered what the stalker said before I moved out of my old apartment. “are you willing to ruin everything he has worked for?” suddenly I feel sick to my stomach. My face must have looked bad because Jaejoong cupped my face and made me look into his intense eyes, “Are you ok jagiya?”

I forced a smile and nodded. “yea I’m fine. Just feeling a little jetlag still.” I lied. I don’t know if I can tell him. Maybe I just need time. maybe after the concert, I can tell him. I just can’t right now. Oh my head hurts. My heart…. Hurts…..


I can’t believe she’s here. in my arms. with me right now. I still think I am dreaming and if so, I never want to wake up. When I saw her by the door, I couldn’t believe my eyes and she’s looking great as usual. She’s wearing glasses which I rarely see her with it. She must have forgotten her contacts. I chuckled inwardly. That is so her. Good thing she didn’t lose or forgot her passport. She reminds me of Junsu sometimes. I smiled. And what’s more she is going to watch our concert! This couldn’t be more perfect! I’ve always wanted her to see us perform but we couldn’t do it in Seoul so I’m really glad she flew out here to watch me. She really surprised me. I was getting suspicious as to why she was asking me my room number and all that but I never thought she would actually be here. I should have known. Then she went pale and her smile faded which made me worry. What is she thinking?  I cupped her face and made her look into my eyes. “Are you ok jagiya?”

She smiled at me and nodded, “Yea. I’m fine. Just feeling a little jetlag still.” I nodded in understanding but why do I feel something is not right? why do I feel that she’s hiding something from me…. That’s she’s lying…. I shook that thought out of my head and shook that feeling off. I’m thinking too much. I kissed her forehead and held her while we watched TV. 



hahaha he was really surprised huh? LOL well..... what a chicken... she didnt tell him yet! LOL now i really don't know whats going to happen with these two.... =P hmmm..... LOL stay tuuuuneeed~~ and sorry no rough on this chapter hahaha~ she's too troubled! but who knows... maybe they will do it next chapter~~ LOL don't worry even though she's pregnant its still safe to do it. hahahah! thanks to my readers! i love you all! comments are well loved!! you know what to do~~ <3 mwah!

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 45: Such an adorable story!!! I like it ^^
miakay #2
Chapter 45: Such an adorable story you have here! I enjoyed every bit >.< Nice work authornim~

hahaha my reason when I first sign up to twitter was to follow kpop artist...kekeke
Emeraldxol #3
Chapter 18: I'm listening Yiruma 'Kiss The Rain' why are u so good in writing this nim...I really Love This fic...I read on wattpad.u said u transferred to AFF.I found u now....great romance fic Ever !
alwaysdreamygirl #4
Chapter 45: I love it :D
redblossom07 #5
omg!!! i love this!! the sweet side of jae waaaaahhh!!! i love it really!! waaaahhh!!!!! ^^
annz_4383 #6
makes me wonder how the real-life gf's of male celebs take their sasaeng fans??hhmmmppp..
annz_4383 #7
waaahhh..Kwangie!!<3 <3 <3 that's all i can say..hehehe..
annz_4383 #8
aaahhhh..that was just romantic..the candles and then the piano..yiruma is definitely one of the best pianist there is..
annz_4383 #9
i wanna have dinner with them,too..waaahhhh..