Holy crap.

Tweet my way to your heart.


Chapter 36

It has 2 days since Jaejoong left for Spain. He called every now and then to see how I’m doing. His calls are pretty late or sometimes very early but it’s okay. The important thing is he called. It’s only been two days but I really miss him. I don’t like being alone in this apartment and yet I couldn’t leave it. I haven’t been going to school for two days. I just didn’t feel like it. I wanted to coop myself here in the apartment. I seriously need to stop being overly dramatic. Like seriously. I feel like kicking myself. If only I could. He did kept his promise and posted some pictures when he got to Spain. One picture in particular was very funny. The caption was “Find JJ” and I just rolled my eyes on that. I tweeted “I can see you!” he probably have seen it because he texted me with a message:

“Of course you see me. I see you too. In my dreams~~ <3” –Jaejoong

That made me laughed so hard. Aigoo this guy is really the king of cheesy lines. Aigoo… I texted him back:

“You are so cheesy!”

“You love it and you love me!”- Jaejoong

I was going to text back but I felt really weird. So I went to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I remembered feeling like this too on that day when Jaejoong was getting ready to leave. Then suddenly I felt sick to my stomach and went to the toilet. Ugh. What’s wrong with me? Is it because I haven’t been eating properly for two days? Or is it all I ate was ramen and spam? Oddly… I was craving for spam… and spicy rice cakes…which is weird because I don’t really like spicy foods much. I went to the sink to wash my hands and mouth. Then it hit me…. No…. it can’t be… no… it can’t be possible right… I mean… no way!

I rushed to my calendar and counted my last day of period. Holy crap. I am late. I’m late of five days…. A sudden feeling of fear and panic took over me as I slumped on the floor. I can’t be pregnant right? I shook my head and tried to calm myself. No. I haven’t even gone to the doctor. I will go tomorrow or maybe I’ll go buy a pregnancy kit right now. Right. I can do this. I stood up and got ready to go to the store and buy a kit. I really hope I am not pregnant. I thought desperately.

=an hour later=

OH MY FREAKIN GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I screamed when I finally saw the result. It was two lines and BLUE! What the…. How…what should I do? Should I tell Jaejoong? Should I keep it? I still have one year of school. Will Jaejoong be happy or will he want me to get rid of it? what do I do? I curled up in the bathroom with my hands on my head. I seriously don’t know what to do.


I looked at my phone and I still haven’t gotten a reply from her and it’s been an hour already. Hmm… maybe she’s asleep or something. She will text me soon or I can just call her later. I sat down on one of the benches and reading our messages from before. Then a friend took my picture and I decided to upload it on my twitter so she can see it and comment on it. I have been looking for her comments ever since. It felt nice that she’s back to tweeting me again. It reminds me of the old days. Wow. It felt like years since then. I never thought I would meet her much less fall in love with her. Ah.. life is really full of surprises isn’t it?

“Ya! Hyung! Let’s go back to the hotel! I’m kind of hungry and I still feel a little bit of jet lag.” Junsu said snapping me out of my thoughts and made me look up at him. “Arasso. When will Yoochun be here again? He’s just going to go straight to the hotel right? Because if we have to meet him, don’t think we can come back alive.” I laughed playfully which made Junsu grinned. “De hyung, he’s just going straight to the hotel. He should be here tomorrow or the next day. I’ll confirm it with him.” he answered as we walked back to the hotel. She is right. Spain is a little bit chilly. Good thing she packed me some warm clothes- well actually I already packed some clothes but she insisted I bring some warm clothes and she put them in my suitcase. I miss her but I just have to put up with that for a little bit then I can go home. I thought comforting myself not knowing that something has actually happened that will change my life forever.



what will happen now?? 

i feel depressed/annoyed LOL well because i miss DBSK5 and people are making such a fuss just 'cause junsu said "JYJ fans" saying he forgot cassiopeia and everything. junsu talks before he thinks... and he probably didnt mean anything bad but it's awkward to use "cassies" right now when that name was formed when they were still together. they did sang the song W.... so that should say something right?? so like ugh.... i hate stupid fans.... T.T 

[Click me.]

lol ok enough of my blah blahs! thank you for supporting this fic! thanks to all my readers: silent and vocal. OMG one more and i will hit 100!! I LOVE YOU! <3 so in celebration----!! here's DOUBLE UPDATE DAY! is this too short though? sorry if that's the case! but i still love you! *aegyo face* =P

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 45: Such an adorable story!!! I like it ^^
miakay #2
Chapter 45: Such an adorable story you have here! I enjoyed every bit >.< Nice work authornim~

hahaha my reason when I first sign up to twitter was to follow kpop artist...kekeke
Emeraldxol #3
Chapter 18: Omona...now I'm listening Yiruma 'Kiss The Rain' why are u so good in writing this Fic..author nim...I really Love This fic...I read on wattpad.u said u transferred to AFF.I found u now....great romance fic Ever !
alwaysdreamygirl #4
Chapter 45: I love it :D
redblossom07 #5
omg!!! i love this!! the sweet side of jae waaaaahhh!!! i love it really!! waaaahhh!!!!! ^^
annz_4383 #6
makes me wonder how the real-life gf's of male celebs take their sasaeng fans??hhmmmppp..
annz_4383 #7
waaahhh..Kwangie!!<3 <3 <3 that's all i can say..hehehe..
annz_4383 #8
aaahhhh..that was just romantic..the candles and then the piano..yiruma is definitely one of the best pianist there is..
annz_4383 #9
i wanna have dinner with them,too..waaahhhh..