
Will you ever be mine?

I woke up and found myself under the embrace of Hakyeon. He was hugging me so tightly until I couldn't move away. I wanted to move his hands away but at the same time I don't want to wake him up. I'm stuck. He then pulled me closer and kissed my forehead.

"Morning." He whispered.

"Uhh? Morning. Can you let go of me? Its suffocating." I said.

"Oh sorry." He said as he let go of me.

Today is going to be the last day we have fun before going back tomorrow. We all decided to play at the beach. I love the beach. We all got ready and headed to the beach.

"Let's go to the beach, each. Let's go get away. They say, what they gonna say. Have drink, clink found the Bud Light~" I sang as we walked to the destination.

Everyone laughed and sang along with me. People were staring at us, but we don't give a about them. Let them stare all they want, its not like we owe them. _____________________________________________________________________

The day ended so fast and it was already dark. We decided to have dinner at the villa restaurant and ate quietly. After finish eating, we went back to our villa and packed our stuff as we are going back tomorrow. Its so fast isn't it. Why does the fun moments ends so fast? We all bath and got ready to sleep. The next morning, we went to have our breakfast before we leave the place. The breakfast is seriously daebak. We finished our breakfast and got our luggages to be brought to Leo's car again. We then went in the car and soo we left the villa.

*Im going to miss this place*

"Don't worry, we can always come back." Leo said.

"We can? Asa!" I shouted.

We soon reach after a long ride. Hakyeon helped me in pulling my luggage. No matter how many times I told him that I could handle my things all by myself, be choose not to be bothered about it. He ignored me and continued pulling my luggage for me till the doorstep of my house. I knocked his head and glared at him for pulling my luggage.

"Yah! Shouldn't you be saying thank you instead of hitting me?" He said.

"You deserve it! I clearly told you that I coukd handle it. You ignored what I told you!" I said.

"You are really something, girls will probably be dying to be in your shoes." He said.

"You! Aish I don't kn-" He kissed my lips and let go of me.

He smirked and walked away. I gritted my teeth and ran to him, I knocked his head again and ran away. He the chased after me. I quickly tried to open the door but it doesn't want to open. Hakyeon turned me around and stared at me. I tried to move back but too bad, it was a dead end. He went even closer and kissed me again. But this time it was deeper, just like how we used to kiss last time. I stood there, not moving my lips. While he was kissing me, I could feel that something wasn't right. I actually never realized about this during the times when I was in a relationship with him.

"No, Hakyeon. This doesn't seem right." I said as I pushed him.

"I know. But I really miss your lips. Can you at least make it seem that there is nothing wrong?" He asked.

Before I could reply, he pulled me to him and crashed his lips on mine. it, it really didn't felt right. But it will be a lie if I were to say I didn't miss his kiss and kiss him back. I put my arms around him and deepen the kiss. He smiled in between the kiss and slowly intertwined our tongues. We soon broke the kiss and I blushed.

"This is going to be the last time we kiss." I said.

I quickly went in and closed the door. How am I going to face Hakyeon? I think I just hurt him by saying that this is the last time we kiss. But I don't want to give him high hopes. I don't want to hurt him later on. I really don't. Yes, he may be the one who hurt me but I don't have the guts to hurt him because he is fragile and sensitive. The reason why I wanted to take revenge on Hoya is because if what he done to me in the past and present. He did make me suffered even more than what Hakyeon has given to me. The pain that Hoya gave me is twice the pain Hakyeon gave me. Yes, they say that first love hurts the most but apparently my second love hurts the most. But no matter what, Hakyeon's love, I am not able to accept it. My heart has already closed. It has been frozen. I can't take anymore scars to my heart. There is too much scars already. The scars that can't be erased. It has already engraved in my heart. _____________________________________________________________________

Luckily my friendship with Hakyeon stayed constant. VIXX and I got into WoolimEnt University and tomorrow is already our first day of school. The holidays seem so fast. Tomorrow is going to the day when I show myself up after a long time. I'm really nervous. Will oppa be shock looking at me, changed? Will oppa hate me for leaving him? Will Woohyun oppa hate me too? Will the both of them ignore me? I feel insecure.

"What are you thinking about?" Ken asked.

"About tomorrow. I don't know whether I'm ready to show myself to them." I replied.

"You can do it! We'll be there for you. Don't worry." He said as he slung his arms around me.

"But will they be able to accept me?" I asked.

"Of course, what kind of a brother will not accept his own sister. I'm sure he misses you and will be happy to see you again." He replied.

"I hope you are right." I said.

He gave me a assuring smiled and hug me. I really hope that everything will be just fine. Hakyeon came to me and hugged me. We then went back and before I went in my apartment, he assured me that its going to be fine. I weakly smiled and went in. I got ready for bed and prayed that tomorrow will be a good day.

The day has come. I'll be finally meeting oppa and Woohyun oppa. But, will they be okay with me being friends with VIXX? Plus, my ex-boyfriend is in the group. Will they be able to accpet the fact that he's my friend? I went to get ready for school and wore my clothes and put on makeup.

I went out and saw Hakyeon waiting for me. He smiled and we went to school together by his car that he rarely use. When we reached the school, I stepped out from the car and told Hakyeon that I'll be finding oppa. He nodded and went to VIXX. While I was walking, people were whistling at me which made me annoyed. Then, I heard oppa's laughter. I'm positive that, that the laugh belongs to oppa's. I followed the laughter and saw him. I quickly ran to him and hugged him.

"Oppa, I missed you." I said.

"Min Jung?" He asked.

"Yes?" I said.

"Y-y-you changed." He said.

"Heh.." I said.

"Where have you been? I miss you so much." He said.

"I needed time alone oppa. And I think I'm ready to face the cold reality." I said.

His friends looked at me with their jaw hanging. I laughed and oppa made them to close their mouth. I took oppa's hand and interlocked my arms with his. Ahh, I really miss oppa. While walking, I saw Infinite. They were all fooling around. My eyes landed on Hoya. He became even more handsome and charming. YAH KANG MIN JUNG! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? Get hold of yourself Min Jung. He's the guy that you're going to seek revenge to. Oppa called Woohyun oppa and he ran to us. He pulled Woohyun oppa to the side and I hugged him.

"You're?" Woohyun oppa asked.

"Aigoo... you already saw me without glasses a lot of times and you can't recognized me?" I pouted.

"K-K-KANG MIN JUNG!?" He shouted.

"Yes this is me." I said.

He bear hug me and kissed my cheeks. I gladly hugged him back and laughed.


"I needed some time alone. So, I decided to stay away from you guys." I said.

"Ah, I don't care about the details. I'm just happy that you're back! Come on, Infinite will also be happy to see you." He said as he pulled my hand.

"WAIT! What if Hoya recognize me? I was about to seek revenge." I said.

"Seek revenge?" Oppa and Woohyun oppa said in unison.

"Yeah, he needs to get some pain too. I heard that he's a big playboy." I said.

"You don't say." Woohyun oppa said.

We decided that it would be better if Woohyun oppa don't tell the guys. I also told them about my friendship with Hakyeon. At first oppa really hated the fact that I'm friends with him, but I told him that he and VIXX were the one who took care of really well during the times when I'm away from them. 

"Since you are back to me in one piece, maybe you can be friends with him. Remember, FRIENDS only." Oppa warned.

"Yes, oppa. I, myself think that it would be far better if we are just friends." I replied.

We also decided that I would only stick with VIXX and will act as if I don't know Infinite. Eventhough, I want to go to them hug them, but for this revenge. I'm afraid that has to wait. I quickly went to VIXX and went to see our schedule. Looks like I'm in the same class as Hakyeon and Leo. Luckily I still have them. As we were walking towards our lockers, that Kim SunMi is clinging with Hoya. Aww... I pity Hoya. VIXX and I laughed when we saw his reaction when SunMi kissed his cheeks. She looked at us and glared. I glared at her back and walked away with VIXX.

"Guys, did you see that? HAHAHAHA, if only I tapped that part. His face is so ugly. HAHAHAHAAH." I laughed.

"Yeah! HAHAHA, how the hell did he do that? I wanna learn too! HAHAAHAH!" Ken laughed.

While we were laughing a bunch of guys were looking at my direction. I ignored them and continue talking to VIXX. They came towards me and suddenly Hakyeon pushed him.

"Don't you dare try to touch her." He warned.

The guys ran away leaving me in a state of confuse. What just happen? Hakyeon told me to forget about it and we went to our classes. Aish, now I have to find my seat. I looked at the seating plan and found my seat at the back of the class. I wonder who is my partner. Too bad for me that Hakyeon and Leo has to seat so far from me. I just hope my partner will not be a creep. Then, I saw a shadow walking towards my table, I looked up and Hoya sitting beside me. He gave me a cold smile and looked in front. I guess he couldn't recognize me. 

Soon, the teacher came and told us to introduce ourselves. Leo was the first to introduce himself he stood and said, " Hi, my name is Jung Taekwoon but call me Leo."

Then it was Hakyeon's turn; "Hey, Hakyeon here, but never call me that. Call me N will do."

After that it was Hoya's turn; " Call me Hoya."

Lastly it was my turn, all the boys turned around and looked at me. I smiled and said, "Kang Min Jung here!"


KANG MIN JUNG?! That can't be her right? Maybe is someone who shares the same name as her. But to be honest, I feel lucky to have the chance to seat with this beautiful girl. Myungsoo and Sungyeol looked at me and gave me the THAT-CAN'T-BE-MIN JUNG-RIGHT look. I shrugged my shoulders and they asked me to ask her.

I tapped her shoulder and asked, "Which school did you attend during High School?"

"CubeEnt High School." She smiled.

Oh my, that smile is so pretty. Reminds me of her. I shook my head and smiled at her back. I looked at the both of them and told them its not the Min Jung that we know. They pouted and I stared at them.


Hahaha, so you still remember me? Just you wait, Lee Howon... you're going down.


HIIIII!!!!! A new update! I'll try my best to update every single day!


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typo, I meant the description. i changed it,a little bit.


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kang dong hoon is his real name?
Chapter 45: Awww I'm so Happy for them
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 44: sweet, hehe, anyways done reading this one! :)
PerfectlyImperfectxX #4
Chapter 44: Wah! This has been quite a journey! ;u; I'm anticipating for the sequal~~ <3<3 Author-nim, fighting!
Chapter 44: oh god!!! thank you! but i want to know more about Hakyeon and Eunyoung!!!! khcldkwscbecbklj
music2479 #6
Chapter 42: Can you do a sequel please,author