23. Hey handsome ;-)

Our Sweet Scripted Scandal

Jiyoung had gotten changed out of her costume and her face was now not so ghastly to look at. It had been four hours of tough filming but the reason she was worn out was probably because she had barely eaten since she had gotten sick.

“Hey Jiyoung-sshi,” it was one of the other cast members. She went over to where he was standing.

“Some of the other cast and me were going to go into town and grab dinner. Want to come?” Jiyoung glanced at what she was wearing. An oversized jersey and a pair of leggings as well as some sneakers; she had left her hair in a high ponytail.

“Sure,” she smiled. It would be a good opportunity to get to know some of the other cast.

“Ok, we’ll be waiting at the cark park.” Jiyoung nodded and went to grab her bag from her caravan.  She went down the steps, nearly stepping into someone closely passing by.

“Whoa you need to be…” He stopped, “Jiyoung-sshi are you coming for dinner too?” She nodded.

“Cool we can walk together.”

“Um ok,” they walked off down to where the others were. Soon they got in the bus and they drove into town. It was a small area, it was a small mall but the stores were widely spaced apart.

“Why don’t we split up and take a look around?” One of the guys suggested.

“Good idea,” the others agreed and they went off in groups of three, Yoochun ended up going with two other men while Jiyoung was just with a rookie actress and the actor who was playing the mayor of the town.

“I don’t like the looks of this place,” the actress whimpered, some of the lights had been broken leaving patches of black.

“Relax from what I’ve heard the locals are relatively safe,” Jiyoung had wandered off not noticing that the other two had stopped ages back.

“Hey, what about we eat here?” She stopped, “hello?” She had no idea how she ended up near a bar with a restaurant on the opposite side. A strange smell whiffed in the air near the bar, curiosity got the better of her common sense and she got closer. The smell grew stronger as she came to the back door of the bar, a small group of men were sitting or standing clustered together. Some of them held a large wrapped bong in their hand or took a puff.

“Hey look here boys, what do we have here?” They all began to make animal noises, Jiyoung’s stomach ached. They were acting weird.

“Do you want to have a try?” One of them lifted their bong up, “here. Have a puff or two.” Jiyoung backed away, shaking her head.

“Oh look at her boys! She’s scared.” One of them went closer, “don’t be shy. We don’t hurt.” Jiyoungs’ instincts told her to run. So she did.


She ran back down the way she came bumping into someone and hitting the ground hard. She got up, prepared to apologise to whoever it was she’d hit.

“Jiyoung-sshi why are you by yourself!?”  

“Park Yoochun-sshi,” she sighed in relief as she saw he and two of the other actors were there.

“Yes that’s me,” Yoochun nodded, “oh have you met them? This is Yoon Sang Hyun. He’s the mayor’s son.”

“Nice to meet you Jiyoung-sshi,” he bowed to her.

“I liked you in Secret Garden,” Jiyoung told him.

“Thank you,” he said flattered.

“And this is Choi Sung Joon,” Yoochun turned to the other handsome man beside him. Jiyoung’s heart took a somersault.

“H-hi,” she said unable to say anything else.

“Hello nice to meet you,” Sung Joon said smiling while Jiyoung stood there flustered.

“Did you get that Jiyoung-sshi?” Yoochun looked at them both confused.

“Oh sorry,” Jiyoung apologized, “I don’t know what—“

“We’ve found a place to eat,” Sang Hyun began, “we told the people you were with where it was and we went to find you to tell you.”

“Oh thank you,” Jiyoung said relieved, “I guess we should go.”

“Agreed,” Sung Joon winked causing Jiyoung to blush.

“Let’s go,” Yoochun suddenly yanked Jiyoung on the arm.

“What was that hoobae?” Sang Hyun asked Yoochun. Yoochun seemed to pretend he didn’t do anything.

“Nothing,” he muttered. Sung Joon appeared to not have been bothered by this.

“Come on,” he said to Jiyoung, “you must be hungry.” She nodded hoping the pounding in her heart would stop.


“So Jiyoung, you’re in that new drama with Han Byul-sshi is that right?” Jiyoung nodded walking closer to him.

“Yes, she’s been a great mentor as well as a friend.”

“I see,” Sung Joon smiled, “did you watch Goong?” Jiyoung shyly nodded.

“You were great in it,” she said with bashfulness. She didn’t even see Yoochun turn his head back to check on them.

“There you are,” one of the extras said as the four of them arrived with the rest of the small group. “Shall we eat?”

“Sounds like a plan,” the sunbae of the group said and they all went in. The waiter showed them to a table and they all sat, Yoochun and Jiyoung’s party were nearest the exit. Yoochun sat opposite Jiyoung on the end while Sung Joon sat on Jiyoung’s side.

“Let’s get drinks,” they all looked at the menu and chose their beverages.

“So Jiyoung what do you like?” Jiyoung gave a smile.

“Already using informalities?” Sang Hyun raised his eyebrows, Yoochun scrunched up his napkin in his hand.

“Sorry is that ok?” Sung Joon quickly asked.

“Its fine,” she assured him.

“Can I use them too?” Yoochun had got her off guard, Jiyoung froze. The other parties down the opposite end were now interested in the conversation.

“Umm sure you can…O-oppa.”

“That’s the most awkward oppa I’ve heard,” the sunbae commented making the people laugh. It was a blow to Jiyoung’s self esteem so she lowered her head.

“Don’t worry, they will forget it soon,” Sung Joon assured her patting her on the shoulder. The physical contact made by the handsome actor caused her to tingle. Yoochun took a large swig of his water.
OO what do we have here? A possible love triangle? We will have to wait and see and trust me there may be more than one ;)

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I have to ask. Do you guys want a sequel?


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AmyDick #1
Chapter 41: Sweet~~ like this fic (y)
Waaah~~~~ so touching~~~

But the Jaejoong going to the army part made me so sad. I know I can't change the fact that all of them would be in the army for two years but it's just... Sad... *cries*

Great work you had here~~~ ^^
starangel07 #3
happy mode<br />
<br />
sorry i late to comment to happy i think<br />
<br />
make squels pls <br />
<br />
im sad this ending
:D I was panicking about who she was going to e with at the end. XD
I love how it ended. Greatness!!
Awww, sooo sweeet
starangel07 #7
wow..............better time to they got together yay<br />
<br />
update soon pls
logistilla #8
new reader here. has just finished chapter 10:<br />
wah~ Yoochun is smitten! tsk tsk..<br />
starangel07 #9
aaahhh u promise that not sad stories<br />
<br />
cry<br />
<br />
yoochun na please.....<br />
<br />
jiyoung-ah give him change to explain....i need u back to his gf<br />
<br />
update please
starangel07 #10
that must not like this................<br />
<br />
jiyoung-ah listen yoochun explanation<br />
<br />
and don't sign with leon....where cjes agency<br />
<br />
go yoochun come to her and grab her....said u love her<br />
<br />
fighting<br />
<br />
no more sad story author-nim<br />
<br />
i will wait for update<br />
<br />
who the hell is ji-woon this set up....i bet former agency of jyj include with this<br />
<br />
get back to be couple soon<br />
<br />
update please