18. Warming beverages for cold hearts

Our Sweet Scripted Scandal

Once they had ordered and were sitting down at a table by the window. Yoochun leaned back in his chair to wait for Jiyong to relax. He knew how to read body language so from the way she fiddled with her bag to find the suitable place to put it down indicated to him that she was still on edge from the recent event.

“Relax,” he said with a laugh as she put the bag down and let out a breath.

“So,” he put his phone down on the table so he wouldn’t fiddle with it, “who was that?” She didn’t say anything. He held his breath while he waited for her to answer.

“He was my ex,” she said putting her hands in her lap.

“I see,” Yoochun smiled briefly at the waiter who gave him his coffee in a mug, “so why was he bothering you?”

“It’s because of my eomma,” Jiyong grabbed a serviette and twisted it on her lap, “she had been calling him.” Yoochun had a sip of his drink and placed it back on the cup.

“That’s funny, why would she be calling him?”

“She thinks that he owes us money.” Yoochun’s eyes widened at this.

“Money, but what is the money from?” Jiyong shifted in her chair and didn’t look him in the eye.

“He’s—an alcoholic.” Yoochun wet his bottom lip.

“I see,” he said slowly as he fumbled in his mind as to what he should say next, “I should have guessed that. From the way he carried himself back then.”

“You didn’t have to help me,” Jiyong said twisting the serviette even harder than before, “I would have been fine on my own.”

“You say that but we both know that isn’t true,” he said simply but in a gentle manner, “besides I’d been hoping I would catch you alone so we can talk about something.” Jiyong looked at him, her coffee arrived which she thanked the waitress for and then took a sip of the froth from the top.

“I was wondering—if you may have lost my phone number?” Jiyong shook her head and took her phone out from her bag. She pressed some buttons and then showed him his number under ‘Park Yoochun.’

“Oh I see then,” Yoochun sighed out in thought as he sat in his chair, Jiyong drank some of her coffee, “I was wondering—would you like to go out with me again?” Jiyong placed the cup loudly on the plate making a chime.

“Do you—not like me?” Jiyong was taken aback by that question. She said nothing and just sipped her drink.

“You do?” A small grin came along his face, “well then how about next we-?”

“I can’t,” Jiyong cut him off.

“Why not?” Yoochun frowned before he asked this.

“Umm well, it’s because… You are famous and I—well I am not,” she managed to answer before wiping with the edge of her serviette which was rather wrinkled.

“What difference does that make?”

“Your fans will not like me,” Jiyong lowered her gaze to the table, “they will want me dead. I know that happens when a celebrity is caught dating.”

“They won’t find out we can keep it secret.” Yoochun offered. Jiyong shook her head at him.

“Do you really want to lie to them?”

“I hate having too but sometimes we have no choice,” Jiyong shook her head.

“I wouldn’t feel right about it,” she said as she took out some money to pay but Yoochun leaned forward and put his hand on top of hers. A surge of something ran down Jiyong’s arm making her jump.

“It’s on the house,” Yoochun said as he took out some money which he placed on the bill. They got out of their chairs.

“Let me at least accompany you to the party.” Jiyong thought for a moment, any thought of going there had left her mind.

“Actually,” she began, “I think I might just go home.” Yoochun nodded.

“Ok let me drop you off home at least.” She opened to protest but Yoochun was holding his car key, pulling a face that was like he was saying ‘I insist.’


Jiyong stood awkwardly by the car door, glancing around almost a full revolution.

“You’re acting as if we are being watched,” Yoochun said coming to open the door for her.

“You can’t be too careful,” she insisted as she finally sat down and put the seatbelt on. Yoochun closed the door and went to the driver’s side.

“Yeah but I can tell when people are watching me,” he the ignition and indicated to pull out onto the street.

They drove down the road for a while, the only noise being that of the radio. Suddenly a familiar tune came up and Yoochun was singing away to his parts.

“Haven’t you heard Be the One?” He asked when he saw the look she was giving him.

“I didn’t think you sang in the car, that’s all.”

“I’m not the worst,” A cheeky grin came across his face, “Junsu sings along to any song he knows and not just sings it. I mean he belts it out like he’s Whitney Houston.” Jiyong laughed along with Yoochun.

“Wow I wouldn’t have guessed,” she said still smiling.

“Yeah, Jaejoong sometimes sings but otherwise he concentrates on the road.” Yoochun slowed the car at a set of lights. Jiyong was somehow touched by how he paid information to the small details.

“You seem really close with them.”

“Yeah, especially since…” He stopped and just breathed out after swallowing. Jiyong stared at the dashboard.


“Don’t be,” Yoochun said as he merged into another lane, “it can’t be avoided no matter what.” Yoochun’s forlorn face didn’t change, “but I guess sometimes it still hurts to think about it.” Jiyong nodded being able to emphasize with him after remembering Doohoo and what he had done. 

“I guess it doesn’t help when your songs come on the radio.”

“Yeah it tends to make things worse. One time Picture of You started to play and because of the place we were in at the time we had to leave before we ordered our food.” Yoochun scratched his nose as he added, “Junsu was starting to cry so we had no choice otherwise we would be spotted.”

“At least you are still able to write music,” Jiyong said helpfully, “and you have done well with all the tours and the songs you’ve released.”

“True,” Yoochun said grinning at her. They came to her place and the car engine was turned off. Jiyong took off her seatbelt before Yoochun could offer.

“Would you like me to see you to the…?” But Jiyong was already shaking her head.

“It’s better that you aren’t seen with me,” she said as she closed the door and walked to the front. She turned as the car door opened and she turned to see Yoochun standing before her.

“That’s a risk I’m willing to take,” Yoochun said making Jiyong’s heart pound for a moment.

“Well, even if we can’t go out as… You know. What about as friends? Maybe we can after we’ve finished the shooting for the movie?” Jiyong thought for a moment.

“I’ll think about it,” she said as she took out her house key. It wasn’t the answer that he wanted; however he took it gracefully.

“Ok then. I’ll see you when we start shooting.” Jiyong nodded.

“Sure, see you then.” He turned and went back to his car. Jiyong wondered why she was secretly hoping he would try to persuade her to go out with him, maybe she wasn’t feeling well.

I admit that I don't know if I'm rushing the story or dragging it a bit. I guess I will let you guys tell me if this is the case. I will make sure I will update this as much as possible but it won’t be easy with three others to finish. On a random note it seems my mum is worried about my eating habits. To be honest I’m not really a health fanatic and the food we have in our kitchen is rather healthy so I guess nothing really appeals to me. If you know of any easy meals that an amateur cook like me can make then do tell me.

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I have to ask. Do you guys want a sequel?


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AmyDick #1
Chapter 41: Sweet~~ like this fic (y)
Waaah~~~~ so touching~~~

But the Jaejoong going to the army part made me so sad. I know I can't change the fact that all of them would be in the army for two years but it's just... Sad... *cries*

Great work you had here~~~ ^^
starangel07 #3
happy mode<br />
<br />
sorry i late to comment to happy i think<br />
<br />
make squels pls <br />
<br />
im sad this ending
:D I was panicking about who she was going to e with at the end. XD
I love how it ended. Greatness!!
Awww, sooo sweeet
starangel07 #7
wow..............better time to they got together yay<br />
<br />
update soon pls
logistilla #8
new reader here. has just finished chapter 10:<br />
wah~ Yoochun is smitten! tsk tsk..<br />
starangel07 #9
aaahhh u promise that not sad stories<br />
<br />
cry<br />
<br />
yoochun na please.....<br />
<br />
jiyoung-ah give him change to explain....i need u back to his gf<br />
<br />
update please
starangel07 #10
that must not like this................<br />
<br />
jiyoung-ah listen yoochun explanation<br />
<br />
and don't sign with leon....where cjes agency<br />
<br />
go yoochun come to her and grab her....said u love her<br />
<br />
fighting<br />
<br />
no more sad story author-nim<br />
<br />
i will wait for update<br />
<br />
who the hell is ji-woon this set up....i bet former agency of jyj include with this<br />
<br />
get back to be couple soon<br />
<br />
update please