And then it begins...

Hugs and Kisses

 ~ I'm sorry it took HALF a year for me to update!! Forgive me ;__; Things happen, you know? Is everyone liking their school year so far? I'm a sophomore now! Please excuse the change in writing style if there is any. 10 grade english does alot to an amateur writer.  Anyways, happy readings~



 April 22, 2011      7:15 am



 " Umma! Gomo! I'm leaving~!" You yelled into the house as you walked out the door.

 You breathed in the fresh spring air and started to stroll to school. How did the time fly by? It seemed like only yesterday that you had moved to Seoul and met everyone. Now the birds have returned, the whole country of Korea is warming back up and the flowers are reblooming. It's been raining alot ever since April swung by.

 You walked passed your neighbor's yard and you saw him hosing down his lawn. He was a short, middle aged man, and wore nothing but striped shorts, showing off his beer belly stomach. He gave you a toothless grin and waved. You nodded and waved back, " Annyeonghaseyo..!"

 ' Put a shirt on, you old, indecent man..' You thought.

 You continued walking faster until he was out of sight, then you resumed to stroll again.

 " YAH! _____!"

 You stopped and turned back to see Junhyung racing torwards you. You waited until he had caught up, and then resumed walking agian.

 " Why didn't you wake me up? I had slept through my alarm!" Jun said breathlessly.

 " Not my problem. You shouldn't have stayed up so late last night." You replied.

 " I was celebrating with the crew. It's not everyday that we all passed our final exams!" He grinned.

 " You guys passed your exams?! That's a miracle!" You teased.

 " Laugh all you want, I'm pretty proud of my C+ average. Not everyone is as smart as you, _____-ah." He retorted.

" I'm kidding oppa! It's nice to see you put effort into your school stuff now a days." You smiled.

" The only smart ones in the gang is probably Dongwoon and Yoseob, their making low A's. Being leader, it makes me proud, but it also makes me ashamed that I'm not smarter than my crew.." Jun scratched his head.

 " I'm just glad that all the exams are done with." You sighed.

 " _____, have you taken your medicine yet?" He asked.

" Oh! No... I totally forgot!" You slapped your forehead.

 Junhyung tsked and looked skeptically at you. " And you claim that you are smarter than me..." He pulled a bottle of medicine out and gave you the pills and lended you his water bottle.

 " I keep an extra bottle with me just in case something like that other time happens again. I had to search for your's but I couldn't find it in time and you were sprawled on the floor like that...," he paused, " don't do that again, okay? I lose years of my life when you do that."

  " Thanks oppa.." You chugged down the medicine with water.

  You both approached the school gates and went your separate ways.

  " I'll see you later, _____." He called.

 You went to your homeroom and sat in your seat. ' Jaejoong's not here yet..' You thought.

 Nicole and Gyuri came over and sat themselves besides you.

  " _____~ How did you do on the algebra exam yesterday? I know I passed that one, but the science one on Tuesday, I was a little iffy about..." Nicole grinned.

 " You're scared of science? I was scared of the English one! English, it's so hard." Gyuri pouted.

 " I at the World Geography exam..." You mumbled.

 " Move it queenkas. You're in my seat." Jaejoong kicked the leg of the desk to get their attention.

 " You're so mean Jaejoong." Nicole grumbled.

 " Not everyone farts rainbows and sunshine like you, Nicole." He smiled sarcastically and brushed away his bangs.

 She stuck her tongue at him and left with Gyuri back to their seats.

 Jaejoong took his seat and sighed. " _____-ah, I don't know how you are friends with that little she devil. She is unbearable."

 You made a face at him. " She's a better friend than you are!"

 He turns to look at you, " That's because I don't wanna be your friend. I'm wanna be your boyfriend."

 You blushed and Jaejoong smiled.

 " Jaejoong- one, _____-ah- zero." He joked.



 It neared the end of the day, and you were exhausted. This spring semester you had got P.E as one of your electives, so you were alot more tired this half of the year than last year.

 Your phone vibrated inside your hand. You read the message that was sent.

 Kim Jaejoong :

Want to go with us to our

studio? We want you to

hear our latest track we

have been working on. If 

you dont have anything to

do, come hang with us. ;]


 You thought it over, and decided sure, why not?

To Kim Jaejoong :

Sure thing JJ! Just as

long as I get a ride back

home! :]


 You said your usual goodbyes to your friends and walked out the main entrance. Across the parking lot you spotted Jaejoong's car and continued towards it. Jaejoong was standing outside his car talking to Yoochun.

 " Guys! I'm here, are we ready to go yet?" You asked.

 " No, not yet. Junsu and the other two haven't arrived yet." Jaejoong answered.

 " Oh, okay. So what were you guys talking about?" You inquired.

 " Oh! Wait, you want to tell her or should I?" Yoochun looked at Jaejoong.

 " Go ahead." Jaejoong motioned.

 " Okay, so we have finalized when we are going to be debuting DBSK! It's on June the 1st, and we are planning a big after party for it. And the good thing is that summer would have already started, so we can continue to work on our next single without distractions." Yoochun summarized.

 " Congratulations! You guys have been working hard. You guys deserve this, I wish for the best in your futures!" You beamed.

 Yoochun and Jaejoong gave a low bow to you, " Kamsahamnida. We will work hard so that Dongbang shinki won't disappoint our future fans."

 " Wow, so professional already." You joked.

 " Hey, we didn't make everyone wait, did we?" Junsu said as he, Yunho and Changmin jogged to the group.

 " Not at all. Let's go." Jaejoong ushered them into the car.



 You sat on a stool in the back of the quiet studio and watched as the guys sang melodiously behind the glass screen. The director and song writers stood side by side, whispering something to one another once in a while. Everyone was motionless, the atmosphere was so thick with silence you could cut it with a butter knife. Everyone had their eyes on the 5 prodigies who were singing their hearts out. Even you held your breath and watched in anticipation. Then from behind the glass screen Jaejoong caught a glimpse at you. You gazed back at him, and he winked at you and continued singing.Your heart thumped and you just had to look away or else you would have melted in you seat.

 As the five sang the last verses the room filled with cheering and clapping.

 " So good!" The director said in english and gave them a thumbs up.

 The five bowed in thanks behind the glass screen and walked out to get more compliments and pats on the back.

 " Alright! Take a break everyone! You all did good today." The director called around the entire room.

 " What do you think of the performance?" Jaejoong asked when you came up to them.

 " Not bad for a bunch of 16 and 17 year olds." You teased.

 " Whaaa?!" Junsu laughed, " We're better than not bad. We're opposite of not bad! We're.... Something good! ... Hey, what's opposite of not?"

 " Shut up, Junsu." Yoochun sighed.

 " Okay."

 " Want us to drive you home _____?" Changmin questioned.

 " If you would so kindly." You said politely and tipped your head.

 " Yeah, there's nothing to do here. We finished the main recording and now their just running through some stuff." Yunho added.

 " Yunho and Jaejoong, we have some files to discuss with you. If you would come with us.." The director popped his head into the waiting room.

 " Yoochun, you can drive _____-ah home right? I'll leave it to you three." Jaejoong said as he and Yunho walked out with the director.

 Jaejoong popped his head back in and said, " Bye _____-ah. I'll miss you when you're not with me." And winked, and left as quickly.

 You blushed, " That guy! Who does he think he's playing?"


 Yoochun drove up to your driveway and you got out the car.

 " Thanks everyone. I'll see you guys on Monday! Drive safetly." You smiled and walked up the walkway.

 Yoochun was rearing back out the driveway when he suddenly saw you buckle and then fall flat on your face, motionless.

 He screeched the car to a halt.

 " Whoa!!" Junsu and Changmin hit their faces against the back seat.

 " The ?!" Yoochun exclaimed and he ran out the car, Changmin and Junsu following quickly behind.

 " _____-ah! _____! What happened?!" Yoochun picked you up by the sholders. Your forehead was bruised red and your eyes rolled to the back of your head.

 Junsu panicking, jumped up and ran to the door, pounding and yelling, " Mr. Chu! Mrs. Chu! Emergency! Emergency! Junhyung! Anyone! _____ collapsed!"

 Changmin shook you vigorously yelling, " Wake up!"

 " Stop it! That's not helping!" Yoochun pushed him off.

 " What's going on?" The urgent gruffly voice of Mr. Chu came into the commotion.

 The men of the house rushed out and the women looked through the window but as they saw who was collapsed on the ground they too, rushed out.

 " Someone call an ambulance!" Junhyung exclaimed through the wails of gomo and umma.

 " What happened to my daughter, boy?!" Mr. Chu violently shook the terrified Junsu.

 " I-I-I don't know! One-one moment she was up! Th- then she was down!" He squeaked and stuttered.

 " What?! You're rambling, I can't understand you!" He boomed.

 " Ask Changmin!" Junsu wailed and pointed at the wide eyed maknae.

 " I don't know nothing!" Changmin dodged the huge hands that went hurdling towards his neck.

 Mr. Chu chased changmin around the yard hollering, " Whatcha people do to my daughter?!"

 Samchon leaned down to checked your breathing and his face turned to ash, " She's not breathing... HEY! IS ANY ONE LISTENING TO ME?!"

 " Oh my baby! My precious _____! Someone save her!" Umma cried and shook Gomo.

 " Calm down woman!" Gomo shook umma back.

 " The 's going on here?" Yoochun asked stunned.

 Through the chaos Junhyung screamed, " Someone ing call a goddamn AMBULANCE!!"



 ~ Hehehe, I hope you guys liked this oh so late update. No one is confused about the story because I took for ever to update right? Thank you for your patience everyone, this story is beginning to wrap up to the end and so anticipate the ending! ^^~

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rudelysweetgd #2
Chapter 52: when can u update??? it's cliffhanger!!! ahahaha
You're really smart, knowing how to juggle so many characters , kudos to you!
You have a unique way of writing and I'm loving it!!! Update soon~~~!
@xjlikewae that's why it's comedy hehe ^^
Chugyeokja #6
I understand that people are in shock and what not, but who doesn't think of an ambulance or hospital, lol.
KYAAA omona otokke what happening~!!? stop panicking people and go to hospital already~!!!
Alzina #8
OH MY GOD...u took my two whole lifetime to update! i had to re read some past chapters just to remember what was happening before the update! oh gosh....hope u can update more regularly now!

anyway, OMG OMG...what happened?!?! no no no....


Ya know when I was this at the top of my latest updated subs and it was you I was so happy. So SO happy. ^•^