Listen to your heart, it speaks the truth. [Part 1]

Hugs and Kisses

~ Helloo readers! It's time for another update. ... Please ignore the fact that the whole school was watching and nobody tried to stop it.. I had no way to try and go around the situation without messing up the story.. Sorry! >_< Happy readings ^-^~




 The scene seems to have been frozen in time as you appeared breathless in front of the on going battle of the 2 groups. They stood there frozen in their actions, while looking at you, waiting..

 Then the scene melted from it's frozen grey world, as Junhyung broke out of the "spell" of time..

 " Why did you stop us? Don't interfere ____.. We are getting payback for you." He said determinedly.

 " I don't want payback Jun! I never asked you to help me! Why are you even doing this?! Did I ask you to do all this for me?!" You yelled desperately.

 " ... But this motherer cheated on you so many times! And you are my sister, I can't let a man walk all over you like that. This boy needs to learn a lesson that he will never forget." Jun then glares down menicingly at  Jaejoong.

 Your hands were sweating and you were a nervous wreck, but you bravely said," I- I forbid you to lay a finger on my friends! Es- especially Jaejoong- ah!" Every word you spoke seem to need some effort to be pushed out of your throat.

 Everyone was starting to look baffled and confused by your words and were looking at you like, ' What are you doing ____-ah? Do you know what you are even talking about?'

 Then Junhyung scoffed and laughed. He looked at you with a " Oh really?" look and said, " You forbid me?? Ha ha ha ha, did you just say you forbid me?!" He continues to laugh, causing the rest of the Beast gang to laugh with him.

 " Ha Ha ha! Oh ____- ah.. ____-ah, ____-ah, ____-ah..." He repeated your name while shaking his head.

 " ... ____, why would I take any kind of orders from my 15 year old baby sister, who can't even take care of herself; when I'm the leader of ruthless outlawed criminals??" He said as he raised his tattooed eyebrow at you mockingly.

 You pouted angrily and responded with your own comeback. " Don't push my buttons Chu Junhyung! You forget that I grew up with you! No one, I repeat know one, on earth knows every one of  your deepest, darkest secrets and weaknesses as I do! So unless you want to be exposed of who you really are, you BETTER do as I say.... Big brother."

 Jun was appalled and surprised by your blackmail. He was caught off guard and his expression changed from smug and confident to unsure and retreating. But it was only for a short time before his smugness and a hint of anger came back.

 " You wouldn't dare.." He whispered as he slowly knitted his eyebrows together.

 You squinted your eyes daringly and said, " Won't I Jun? You really think I won't?"

 Jun, still not believing you continued to provoke, " Prove it..." And crossed his arms together.

 The DBSK guys were just standing there confused and not knowing if they were still involved in this weird mess or not. And the other Beast yakuzas were waiting around and whispering, " What the hell is going on?"

 You your lips because they seemed a bit dry and hesitated. " Okay Jun.. You asked for it!!"

  You then cleared your throat and loudly declared, " The bad yakuza gang leader, Chu Junhyung, likes to dance in the rain when he gets the chance!!"

 Then you eyed him, " Is that deepest, darkest secret enough?"

 Junhyung's eyes grew wide with shock, he was speechless.

 There was a moment of silence, but then suddenly there was an eruption of uncontrolable laughter coming from both DBSK and Beast. No one tried to control their laughters, they were all just laughing and holding onto their aching stomachs.

 " Hahahahaha! Oh damn Jun! What the man?! You really do that?!" Kikwang slapped Junhyung on the back.

 " I- I just can't look at you the same way EVER again dude! Hahahaha!!" Doojoon laughed breathless.

 " Haha! Hey hyung, what are you? Four?!" Seunghyun teased with laughter.

 Jun was red faced and it seems that he was slightly trembling with embarassment... Or was that anger?? ...

 " Alright that's enough! SHUT THE UP ALL OF YOU! NOW!!" He yelled and threw his hands up.

 And everyone went quiet in the blink of an eye.

 Jun turns to look at you with disbelief. " How could you ing do that ____?? You swore never to tell ANYONE about that!! Have you forgotten our promises when we were little?! WHY?!" He yelled in anger and fustration, and a hint of disappointment.

 You heard the disapointment in his voice and saw the sadness in his eyes. " I'm sorry oppa, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And you told me to prove to you that I wasn't kidding." You gulped, feeling the slightest of guilt.

 He looked up into the skies, covers his face with his right hand and sighed. " I don't get you anymore ____- ah.. Why would you let this kid-" Jun shoves Jaejoong away by his shoulders, "- get in between family? Why are you doing this? I'm just trying to help and protect you from this bastard, I mean for god's sake, he was cheating on you!"

 You hesitated, not knowing what to say. Your mind was completely blank. Then you caught Jaejoong looking at you with this meaningful expression as if saying, " Yes ____- ah, why are you helping me when I have hurted you so much. Please tell me, I really want to know, too..."

 You remained quiet, not wanting to look at your friends, or your brother. So you stared at the ground.

 " Answer me ____! Give me one good, damn reason why I shouldn't break his neck?!" Jun yelled as he suddenly grabs Jaejoong by his shirt and raises a fist over his face.

 " Hey! Watch it!" Jaejoong said pissed, but he didn't fight back, for he wanted to hear your answer once and for all.

 You started to fidget, but stayed quiet, for you knew that Jun was only testing you with his threat.

 " I really am going to do it ____!! Tell me one ing good reason now!" Jun demanded and clenched his fist tighter.

 Everybody could feel and see that the atmosphere and mood was starting to get hostile and personal.

 You bit your lips to bite back the tears that were starting to rise. Your throat once again feels like it was closing up.

 " No Jun..." You whined softly.

 " Tell me ____!" He repeated.

 You shook your head.

 " Tell me damit!" He yelled.


 Junhyung suddenly punched Jaejoong in the face and sent him rolling to the ground.

 " JAEJOONG!!" You gasped, bewildered as tears rained down your face. 

 Jaejoong slowly hoisted himself up on his arm while holding his jaw and seething with pain. Yunho and the others were about to help him, when Jun gave them his flaming glare and they backed off. Jun went over and pulled Jaejoong up by his shirt opening and showed you that he was going to strike again.

 " Tell me one reason why he doesn't deserve this. NOW." Junhyung said in slow rage.

 Tears were flowing none stop from you, and your heart pounded vigorously. Your mind was clouded in mist. No matter how much you searched for a reasonable answer, there just wasn't any.. Your heart continued to beat rapidly, as if trying to tell you something that has been lodged and locked away, deep down in it's chambers.

 Jun's mouth twitched with anger as again he got no reply. He raised his fist once again, ready to inflict pain on Jaejoong.

 Jaejoong didn't flinch or retaliate. He knew he could fight back any moment, but he chose not to. He knew that this was his deservable punishment and that in doing this, he might finally get you to forgive him so he can rid of the heavy burden from his concious and move on.

 Jaejoong closed his eyes as the fist came soaring down upon him..

 " BECAUSE I STILL LOVE HIM!!" You cried desperately.

 Junhyung jolted his punch to a stop in mid- air..




~ :O What's going to happen next? Even I wonder myself. ^_^ Thanks for reading, I will update tomorrow! It's a promise~

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rudelysweetgd #2
Chapter 52: when can u update??? it's cliffhanger!!! ahahaha
You're really smart, knowing how to juggle so many characters , kudos to you!
You have a unique way of writing and I'm loving it!!! Update soon~~~!
@xjlikewae that's why it's comedy hehe ^^
Chugyeokja #6
I understand that people are in shock and what not, but who doesn't think of an ambulance or hospital, lol.
KYAAA omona otokke what happening~!!? stop panicking people and go to hospital already~!!!
Alzina #8
OH MY GOD...u took my two whole lifetime to update! i had to re read some past chapters just to remember what was happening before the update! oh gosh....hope u can update more regularly now!

anyway, OMG OMG...what happened?!?! no no no....


Ya know when I was this at the top of my latest updated subs and it was you I was so happy. So SO happy. ^•^