Chapter 2

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


                    You took out the keys from your bag as you reached to unlock the door. As you opened the door you see your father standing right in front of you.  He was wearing an apron with a spatula in one hand. His hair all ruffled up. His face covered with flour and peanut butter.
“What are you doing standing there dad? And are you making cookies or something.”
You placed your finger on the peanut butter stain and swiped it off his face. You placed it among your tongue and let the peanut butter travel among your taste buds.
“Mmmm, peanut butter. Are you making peanut butter cookies?”
“Yeah I am. So how was school?”
You walked to the right trying to make your way to your room. But, just as your body shifted your father does too, blocking you from going upstairs. 
“ It was okay.”
You shifted your way to the left trying the 2nd time to surpass your father. But of course he blocks your way again.
“Oh, that’s good. So anything interesting happened today?” 
You tiptoed to your right as you peered your head over your dads shoulders. But just as you were about to look he blocks your vision with his arms.
“uh, well I did meet this one guy in the art studio.”
You shifted your weight to the left as you tried to look over his shoulder again. And to no surprise he blocks your view.
“Well he was annoying and kept bugging me so I yelled at him.” You put your hands on your hips as you gave him a stern look. 
“and you are doing the exact same thing?”
“What are you talking about?” He says smiling foolishly.
“Are you trying to hide something from me?”
“Hahahahaha. You’re so funny _____________.”
“So you are hiding something from me.” You placed your hand upon your chin as you try to figure out how you are going to conquer your father. You moved to the right and so did he then you quickly shifted your weight to the left and then the right and twirled around him as you finally surpassed him. You pretended to throw a basketball in the air as you aimed for the imaginary hoop. 
“She shoots she scores!” Then your eyes slowly started to make its way down and find a bunch of moving boxes right in front of you. 
“What is this?” You turn towards your father as you asked him what these moving boxes were doing at your house. 
“Uh…well… I can explain.”
“Are we moving ?!”  You started to boil at the random decision your father has made.
“_________ calm down. Let me explain.” He moves in forward as he places his hands on your shoulders trying to calm you down. You flinched, allowing his hands to fall down, and backed away from your father. 
“Explain to me what ?! You always do stupid things like this ! Why must we always move ?! You promised me that you wouldn’t gamble anymore ! You said no one was going to be bothering us anymore ! Why must we move again?!” You were almost close to tears but you tried your best to hold them in.
“Honey, you’ve got the wrong idea.”
“Then what are these boxes doing here ?!”
“Hey there.” You heard a sudden voice come from the stairs. You turn around to see whose voice that belonged to. As you turn around to see the source of the voice you see the boy who annoyed you earlier at the art studio. You turned back to your father furious.
“What is he doing here ?!”
“Honey, calm down and let me explain.”
You crossed your arms as you waited for your fathers great explanation. 
“Well, you see….Minhyuk is my boss’s son.”
“My boss has been really helpful with our family issues and debts. He helped pay it all. But, recently someone from his company was a spy who was working for another company. He stole all our companys’ ideas which caused the company to go bankrupt. So in order for him to save it he had to go travel and fix this problem. He had no one to leave his son to so he entrusted me to take care of his son. So can you please just be a good girl and cooperate? You may have to go sleep in your sisters room for a while.”
“He’s taking my room !”
“Please. Only till this problem is fixed.” He begged with his pleading eyes which made you cave in. 
“Fine.” You murmured.
“Then what about your job?! If the company is down in the gutters what job do you have ?!”
“He was kind enough to offer me another job in another place. He was close with the president of one of the competing companies which allowed me to get a job.”
“As long as you still have a job.”
“I moved all your things to Hye-jins’ room already.”
You turn around as you headed towards the stairs. Minhyuk stood in your way as you tried to get to your sisters room.
“Move.” You barked towards him. 
“Well, isn’t it such a coincidence meeting you here. I’m sure we will definitely get along,” he grins.
“Look here pretty boy. You may be my fathers bosss son but in this house you are nothing but a nuisance to me. I already hate the fact that you are sleeping in my room. All you need to do is not get in my way and we will get along just fine. So now move.” you pushed him to the side as you walked up the stairs and into your sisters’ room. 
“Feisty, I like her already.”


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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!