Chapter 7

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


                 Throughout the entire day you completely ignored Minhyuk and Lydia. Finally, the final bell rings and you grab your backpack as you bolt to leave the classroom. As you head to the bus stop a hand was placed on your shoulder which ordered you to stop and turn around. To your surprise you see Woohyun.
“Hey….” You say awkwardly.
“Sorry… let me just…. catch my breathe for a second.”
You wait there awkwardly till he finally starts breathing evenly. 
“You’re close to Lydia right?”
“…..sure.” You say with an unsure tone in your voice. 
“Well, she’s not answering to my text. If you can reach her can you just tell her that I’ll wait for her at the ice cream shop tomorrow?”
“Can you just text me back if she answers you?” He hands over a folded piece of paper containing his number.
“By the way, is she alright? She’s been ignoring me lately and I just…..I hope she’s okay.” His eyes travel all the way to the ground with his shoulders slouched down.  You try to figure out what you could say to him without possibly hurting his feelings. 
“….uhmm don’t worry about her so much. She’s just having some girl issues.” You smile brightly. 
“I’m sure by tomorrow she’ll be fine and ready to meet you.” You pat him on the shoulder hoping it will help lift up his spirits. 
“Well, I gotta go now. I have to go catch my bus. I’ll see you around.” You bowed to him as you rushed to the bus stop. As you were waiting you hear a bunch of squeals and screams from a distance. You were for certain that it was Minhyuk and his fan girls. You were trying to figure out how to confront him later when you ride the 2nd bus. He went out of line with placing his arm around your shoulder and just thinking about it got you all boiled up. The bus finally arrives and you rush in first hoping that you would get good seats. At first it was a really good seat till Minhyuk sat right in front of you. The bus slowly starts to fill up and a bunch of girls tried to sit beside him but there were just not enough seats in the bus.This caused his fan girls to disperse inside the bus. You steal glances of Minhyuk once in a while; curious of what he will do next. There was something about this boy that made you all antsy. Maybe because he does things so unexpectedly that it destroys the balance of your daily life. You feel your phone vibrate and reach in your pocket to grab it.
Fr: Paboidiotwholivesinmyhouse
So I see you keep staring at me. ^^ Have you finally fallen for my beauty?
You start feeling all queasy with the absurd text message he just sent you. You look up to give him the middle finger as he flips his hair with his hand, like a sassy queen, and mouths ‘I’m a beautiful boy.’
(Credits to CrystalMelody for helping me out with this bit. LOL she so smart I didn't know where i wanted to use this gif ^^)
You stick your tongue out hoping it offended him but instead he laughs. 
I still hate you. What you did during lunch was unacceptable ! Get ready for my foot up your once we get home. 
You send the text message as you patiently wait for his reply.
Fr: Paboidiotwholivesinmyhouse
Not just yet my little princess. You still need to help me get the public transportation card thingie. 
You sigh heavily at the text message and realize that you still have to get his majesty the card. Just when you thought you could finally go home and just relax. 
            You finally arrive at your stop and get off with, Minhyuk still keeping your distance. You wait till the bus leaves and till everyone has left to go home. You turn to face Minhyuk as you tell him to come closer. 
“Alright, let’s go get your public transportation card and go home” You sigh as he nods like a happy little puppy. You walk side by side, still annoyed at the incident that happend during lunch.
“I told you not to do stupid things like that.” You muttered.
“What do you mean?” He asked confused.
“The thing during lunch. You really pissed me off.”
“Oh… It was for what you did to me this morning.” He smiles.
“Well don’t. I wouldn’t have mind if you took your revenge at home. I’d rather not be involved with you. I’m trying my best to survive high school right now, and the last thing I want is to have rumours spread. Because of you I’m already 10 times more hated then I usually was. No one would pay attention to me before and I didn’t mind being the wallpaper. But you !” You turn to him with an angry expression in your face
“Being all prissy and prince like come into my life and now you have the whole schools attention on me !” You start stomping away angrily. Minhyuk pauses and looks at your back profile, upset, because he didn’t mean to hurt you like that. He only took it as a joke and nothing more. 
                 You arrive at the convenience store with Minhyuk waiting for you outside. Throughout the whole walk here you notice Minhyuk sad and disappointed so you decided to make it up to him by buying some ice cream. Although, he irritated you, you wanted to make amends and you didn't want to stay mad at him forever. You’ll be seeing his face for quite a while so you might as well make up now. You went over to the frozen section of the convenience store and grabbed two strawberry popsicles. You walked around a little bit more finding anything you may want to take home. You take a few snacks here and there and finally go to the cash register to pay. 
“Hi, can I also buy a T-money card ?”
“Sure, that’ll be 2,500 won for the t-money and … total that comes to 10,000 won for everything.” Just as you were about to hand over the cash someone grabs your wrist allowing you to drop the money. The person pulls your wrist up allowing your body to face towards him. He was tall and buff but with a very delinquent look to him. He pulls you forward making you trip and fall into his chest. His ’buds’ around him start laughing as they start giving each other hi5s. 
“Hey there.” He winks.
“Can this oppa possibly buy you a drink ? Or a night out?” He asks with such a greasy tone in his voice.
“Uhmm could you possibly let go.” You try to wriggle your wrist loose hoping it would work. But his grip was much stronger then you expected. It pained you the more you tried to escape because he held on tighter almost not allowing the blood flow through your hand. 
“Aren’t you just adorable?” He leans in closer grabbing onto your other wrist. You slowly back up as you come to a dead end; your back hitting the cash register. 
“Hey you thugs ! Get out of here !” the owner of the store yells out. 
“Can it old man !” He looks up facing the owner and growls.  He turns back to you and starts leaning in to kiss you. 
“Just give this oppa a chance.” Just when you turn your face the other way you see Minhyuk storm into the store holding a bunch of chocolate bars. He drops them on the floor, enraged, with his hand forming into a fist. He punches the thug out with all his might and the delinquent falls unto his , while he screams in pain. His friends rush over to him asking if he was alright. He stands up as he brushes the discomforting feeling coming from his cheek. Then, he starts to crack his knuckles getting ready to hit Minhyuk across the face.
“And who do you think you are? Interrupting our little conversation like that.” Minhyuk places his hand around your waist as he brings you in closer to him.
“Her boyfriend.” Your jaw drops at Minhyuks random outburst.
“M-m-m-my b-b-b-boyfriend ?” You stutter trying to form your words. You felt the blood rush all they way to your face allowing you to burn up. You place your hand over your cheeks trying to calm yourself down. His body was so close to yours and you look down to find his hand around you. You tense up trying your best to keep a composed face. The thug gets ready to launch a punch at Minhyuk as Minhyuk turns his body around allowing his back to face him. This allowed for yours and his face to meet. You stare him in the eyes questioning why he was protecting you. But thankfully before the man could land a punch the owner comes in between them.
“Get out of my store now before I call the cops !” He points towards the exit.  The leader of the group brings his thumb against his lips and brushes it off. He spits on the floor, leaving his mark behind. 
“This is not over, yet.” He smirks as he leaves the store. You and Minhyuk stay in that position for a few seconds. He stares into your eyes as you stare into his. Your eyes wander off into his wondering what his eyes could possibly be telling you.
“Uhm….” The store owner says with an unsure tone in his voice. You both get startled by his voice and Minhyuk backs off. He puts his hand in the back of his neck as he grabs the chocolate bars he dropped on the floor. He points to the door and says, 
“I’ll wait for you outside.” You turn around embarrassed by the situation as you pay for the things you bought.
“You’re boyfriend is really something.” He hands over the plastic bag containing all your junk food and hands over the public transportation card and bows. You laugh embarrassed at the boyfriend comment and leave the convenience store. As you exit out of the convience store Minhyuk held his hand out with a chocolate bar from earlier.
“What’s this?” You ask. 
“A peace offering.” He gestures.
“I got it earlier while you were paying. Then, I came back and saw a bunch of guys at you.”
He grabs your hand and places the chocolate bar as he walks ahead to the bus stop. You catch up to him as you grab onto his shoulder. 
“What?” He asks.
You reach into the plastic bag to find the strawberry popsicle you got for him and you. You place it in front of him.
“A peace offering.” You smile brightly as you hand it to him.
“Thanks.” He rubs his neck as he grabs the popsicle. And for the rest of the night you walked in silence as you and him ate the popsicles and chocolate.

hey guys sorry for such the long chapter :) But how do you guys like it so far would totally love to hear what you think about it :) I'm actually supposed to be doing hmwk right now but instead im working on chapter 9 of this story LOL ! I have just so much planned for it that i get excited. :) Anyways enjoy ^^ 


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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!