Chapter 18

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


          You entered into the movie theatre and grabbed seats. You pull Woohyuns arm down in anger. You crossed your arms as you furiously grabbed the popcorn out of Woohyuns hands. 
“Woah. What’s gotten into you?”
“Why is he here ?!”
You stop for a second to realize that Woohyun was asking you a question. 
“Did I say that out loud?” you say embarrassingly. 
“…..Kind off.”
“Sorry, let’s just enjoy the movie.”
“…..It hasn’t started yet.”
“Hey!” A voice calls out from a distance. Minhyuk waves at you and Woohyun, hoping, that he got your attention.
“What is he doing here?” you mutter under your breath. 
“Hey!” he yells again. This time with Lydia holding onto Minhyuks arm tighter then ever. He walks up towards where you two were sitting, while, he drags Lydia along.
“Well, I didn’t expect to see you guys here.” he says excitingly. You roll your eyes because you knew Minhyuk was planning something. You didn’t know what it was exactly but there was something wrong with this picture. 
“Yeah, right.” You say in a muffled voice.
“What?” Woohyun asks confused.
“Well, we’ll sit behind you guys. Wouldn’t want to interrupt your date ~”
He grabs Lydias hand and brings her up the stairs as they sit right behind you guys. The movie finally starts to play and you settle down into your seat. You try your best to stay focused on the movie but the fact that Minhyuk was there was getting you anxious. He hasn’t talked to you for a good two weeks and now that you’re out with your friend he acts like everything is okay. 
“What’s wrong with this guy?” you whisper to yourself.
“Hey.” Woohyun whispers into your ear.
“Are you alright? You seem a little off. If you want to go somewhere else-”
“No, no it’s okay. Let’s just watch this movie.”
Minhyuk places his head in between you and Woohyun. He then puts his hand on Woohyuns face and pushes it away.
“Sorry, I dropped something.”
“Dude !” 
“Shhhhhhhh !” The audience says in unison.
“Sorry.” Woohyun replies back.
“What are you doing?” You say frustrated.
“Found it.” He smiles back at you.
“Jerk.” you whisper.
“Nothing, just go back to your date.”
“Hey, imma just go to the washroom.” You tell Woohyun.
You stood up from your seat and bent down. You made sure that you weren’t blocking anyones view and headed for the washroom. You go into the stalls and do what you needed to do. Then you washed your hands and headed back out to the theatre. But, just when you were about to open the doors to theatre, Minhyuk, surprisingly, stood right in front of you. 
“What are you doing here?!” You immediately say when it was just you and Minhyuk, without your dates.
“I was going to buy popcorn…..” he brings the dollar bills out of his pocket to show you the proof. 
“No ! Not that ! Why are you really here ?! And with Lydia ?!”
“Do I really not have a right to go out?”
“Oh my God ! First of all, there are tons of movie theatres you can go to. But it just had to be this one !”
“I like this movie theatre.”
“Then ! You just had to watch the movie we were watching !”
“I always wanted to watch that movie.”
“You really want to know?”
“Yes !”
He grabs your wrist and drags you outside the movie theatre. You cross the streets and turn left. He continues to drag you as you try to figure out where he’s taking you.
“Where are you taking me?!”
“Be quiet. You said you wanted to know what I was planning.”
You walk a few more blocks till you finally stop by the Hangang park.
“Why are we here?”
“Because I don’t want you near Woohyun.”
“What?! Why?”
“Because what?”
“I just don’t want you near him.”
“This is absurd. You drag me all the way out here just so you could tell me that! You couldn’t possibly tell me that inside ! Now what am I supposed to do?!”
“……Hang out with me?”
“What about Lydia? Your date ? And I can’t leave Woohyun alone, you jerk !”
“They have each other.”
“They broke up you idiot. So it’s awkward. I can’t handle you sometimes ! Like, why must you make such spontaneous decisions like this ?!” 
You turn around as you try to find your way back to the movie theatre. But, because this place was a tourist attraction there were tons of people who were getting in your way. You swivelled in and out of the crowd and suddenly found yourself to be lost in the sea of people. You stood as still as a bug and anxiously turned your head. You tried to find any familiar face that surround you but people kept bumping and pushing into you, which caused you to trip and fall; giving you a few cuts and bruises. You stood back up trying to find your way out of this crazy maze. But, you were starting to get sacred with this new unfamiliar place. But then a pair of hands grab you from behind. They spun you around as you face to see Minhyuk standing right there. He pulls you in and wraps his big arms around you. You nuzzle your head into his chest as you let out a deep sigh in relief that he came to save you. 
“Don’t go running off like that.” He whispers.
“You got me worried.”
“You’re just so stupid for bringing me out here.”
“I’m sorry. It’s just….I thought….maybe this will help us to start talking again.”
“You couldn’t just talk to me at home like a normal person?”
He laughs.
“This seemed like more fun. And maybe we’ll get to know each other more if we hung out.”
Someone taps Minhyuks shoulder and he finally let’s go off you as you try to fix your hair and dress, that was now looking like a birds nest, and Cinderellas new drags.
“A rose for your girlfriend sir?” The old lady hands out a rose in front of you two, expecting Minhyuk to take it and give it to you.
“Oh, no we aren’t together.” you both say simultaneously, shocked, that you were mistaken for lovers. 
“I’m sorry. But a rose for the lovely lady anyways.” She hands it over to Minhyuk and bows as she walks away. He lowers his head in embarassment and scratches the back of his head. He brings the rose forward and hands it over to you. 
“…..hey, I heard there was an inline skate rink here ? Wanna go?”
“Not real-” He quickly grabs onto your hand and clasps it tightly with yours. He excitedly runs towards the skate rink as you follow him from behind. He stops as he waits in line for the rental skates. He stares down at both your hands and finally let’s go. 
“What’s your size?”
He goes on over to the front and asks for two different inline skates. 
“Want me to put it on for you?”
“It’s okay I can do it.” You grab onto the skates he was holding onto and put them on your feet. You sturdily buckle them up and grab onto the bench. You try to bring yourself to stand up straight, but, then you realized that you’ve never skated before. Minhyuk finishes putting on his skates and starts walking towards the skate rink. 
“Are you coming ?” He looks behind him.
“Yeah, yeah you just go on first.”
You finally stood up on your own two feet. You place your hand outwards as you try to find your centre of balance. You finally set foot onto the rink and try to move your feet one by one. You probably looked like an awkward penguin trying to glide your feet, but you just didn’t want to fall flat on your face in front of that many people. You spoke too soon and someone from behind skates right by you and causes you to fall forward. You bring your hands forward allowing the fall to stop just a little bit. 
“Aish.” You pick yourself up and wiped the ice off your dress and hands. 
“Want help?” A hand reaches out in front of you.
“You sure? I saw you fall.” You look up and find Minhyuk still holding his hand out. 
“I’m sure.” You pass by Minhyuk slowly and try your best to continue skating. He skates up to you and grabs your hand. He then grabs the other and skates backwards while he drags you along. 
“What are you doing I might fall ?! And you’re not looking at where you’re going!”
“Trust me I know what I’m doing.” He skates backwards and takes small glances from left to right, making sure he doesn’t bump into anyone. Your troubles of falling on the rink slowly start to disappear as you entrust it to Minhyuk. You felt the wind blow across your face as you felt one with the world. It felt good; with Minhyuk pulling and leading you like that.
           After a few hours of skating, and laughing you and Minhyuk decided to rest for a little bit. You walked towards the Han river and decided to sit at a bench near you. You stared at the never ending river and the breathtaking view of Seoul. You kicked your feet back and forth while you waited for Minhyuk to come back with ddukboki and Mandu for you two to eat. 
“Tsa - dan !” He puts his hands out and presents you with dduk and mandu. You start to bring your hands together and a smile slowly lit up your face. The sweet, aroma of the two snacks dance around your nose as your mouth slowly starts to water. 
“Mmmmm ~ Im hungry.” 
“Dig in !” he hands over the ddukboki and mandu to you. You clasp your hands together and bow as you yell out 
“Ittadakimasu?” he asks confused and sits down right beside you.
“It’s a Japanese thing. Before people eat they say ‘ITTADAKIMASU ~’ It means thanks for the food.” You smile brightly. 
“Oh really ? ITTADAKIMASU ~ Like that ?”
You nod. You break the chopsticks in half as you reach out for the mandu.
“Where’d you learn that from?” 
You freeze half way, just when you were about to munch down on the mandu.
“……Promise you won’t laugh?”
He nods.
“…..when I was really little till now……..I am kind of an anime nerd…. I mean, like when I was little I used to go turn on my tv all the time and watch the latest episodes of inuyasha, death note, naruto and like so on….I was kinda of a dude when I was little. I still watch them today…But in secret. You know cus I’d get made fun of even more.”
Minhyuk brings his hands to his mouth as he tries not to snicker.
“You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
He shakes his hand and clasp on his mouth even harder.
“I-I-I-I’m not !….BAHAHAHAHAHA!”
You stood up from your seat angrily, getting ready to walk away from him. Suddenly, he grabs a hold of your wrist and pulls you back a little. He then turns you back around with his might. He wipes the tears away from his eyes as he tries to calm himself down.
“I promise I won’t laugh anymore. Just sit down and help me finish these.”
You cross your arms as you plummet down on the bench.
“Ah~” He brings the ddukboki over to your mouth.
“What are you doing?!”
“Feeding you.” He pouts.
“Stop ! I can do it by myself !” You snatch away the ddukboki as you stuff it down your mouth; slightly embarrassed.
“You’re so stupid sometimes.” You huff under your breathe.
“Nothing. Just keep eating.” You grab the mandu as you stuff it into Minhyuks face.
“….. Hey…” He says softly.
“mmm.” You say while you continue to stuff your face. 
“…..Are you and Woohyun…….boyfriend and girlfriend?”
You start to choke on the food at the abrupt question Minhyuk asks you. You pound on your chest, trying your best to catch for air. Minhyuk tries to help you out as he pats your back. You finally calm down as you try to breathe evenly. 
“That’s so random. Why would you ask that?”
“…..Just curious.”
“Well, mr.imsocuriousabouteverything. No, me and Woohyun are not an item. We are just friends and that’s it.” You didn’t know why Minhyuk asked you that and you didn’t know why you just answered. Like, you didn’t have a reason to explain to him that you and Woohyun were friends. It was none of his business….but there was something inside you that just had to tell him the truth for no reason. 
“Can you do me a favour?” He asks.
“What is it?”
“Can you…..not be so close to him?”
“…….WHAT?!” You looked shocked and confused with Minhyuks request. 
“You want me and Woohyun to stop being friends?!”
“It’s not that ! I mean….Just distance yourself from him.”
“Why would I want to do that?! Lydia ditched me and now I have no one ! The only person I have close to a friend right now is Woohyun ! And you expect me to break it off with him too?! You can’t go around telling me who I can or can not be friends with !”
“I’m just looking out for you!”
You start to laugh, disgusted, as he tries to think of excuses.
“Look out for me ?! And can I please ask as how you are looking out for me?!”
“………. Well!….”
“I thought so! Just tell me the real reason why you’re asking me for this stupid favour?! Do you hate me that much that you’d want to see me lose all my friends?! Be the laughing stock of the whole school?! Well, I’m sorry!”
“Hate you ?! You think I hate you ?! I’m just protecting you!….. What if that Woohyun guys’ fan girls come chasing you down because you’re always with him ?!”
“I don’t care if they do ! He’s a good friend and I’ll know he’ll be able to protect me from people like them if they ever bully me !….Wait, I thought you didn’t know who Woohyun is? How do you know he has fan girls?”
He starts to panic as he tries to find an answer to your question.
“….Uhm…Cus you know? Word gets around and stuff so like-”
“Never mind.” You shake your head.
“Just stay out of my life and don’t tell me how to run it ! GOOD BYE LEE, MINHYUK!”
You stood up from your seat as you made your way to the road. You held your hand out, trying to call for a taxi home. You checked your phone to see multiple texts and phone calls from Woohyun. 
To: Woohyun 
Hey! I’m sorry if I worried you. My phone was on silent the whole time so I never got to answer back to you. I’m fine though. Sorry, about ditching our date. Maybe we can reschedule next time with no one bothering us. :)

Hey guise im sooo sorry for such a late update TT-TT I thought i could update these past few days but I was actually really busy this whole weekend ~ Aiggooooo. Anyways here it is :) It's a long one just for you guise I might post up the next chapter tonight, also. Maybe :) LOL but yeah :D 



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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!