Chapter 26

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


“What do you mean?”
“……..My mother left me……She left me with a father who was never there.”
You place your arm around Minhyks’ shoulder as he starts to shudder. He brings his head to your shoulder as you continue to hug him.
“Don’t get me wrong…..They loved each other….They were madly in love with one another. They met during college.....they had a class together. She sat down across from him and he just couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. He was entrapped by her beauty and wanted to get to know her more. I guess, you can call it love at first sight. My father wanted to get to know my mother so he tried everything just to get close to her…Of course with the amount of work my father did she finally gave in and gave him a chance. They started to go out…..and they were happy. They were together for 3 years and finally my father pulled the big question, ‘will you marry?’ …..And my mother was ecstatic… overfilled with joy....happy. When my grandmother heard about their marriage she was against it. She didn’t want them to get married at all because my mother came from the lower class. But, my father disagreed…He was willing to do anything for my mother….Isn’t that sweet?”
“You’re dad must’ve really loved your mother…..”
“Hmmm…But everything that was good must always come to an end…. My grandmother disowned my father because of going against her…. He left her and started his own family, a.k.a bringing me into the world. We were all okay…. We were really happy to be honest, but then out of the blue my mother got really sick. It got so bad that we had to rush her to the hospital. I remembered everything….My father was going insane because he couldn’t find money to help pay for my mothers’ medication. There was nothing we could do….We were helpless… She was dying and we were useless. But then one day I came back home from school and saw my mother back at home. She was well and fine….I didn’t know what happened. But it was a miracle…She was alive. She told me that we were going to move to a bigger and better house. I didn’t know why…I didn’t question her but I went along with it. From a small, shabby, rundown shack we moved to a bigger mansion. My grandmother wasn’t living with us….She didn’t want to associate with people like us. When I entered that house I was greeted by maids, butlers, and servants galore. Everything was decorated from top to bottom. Expensive picture frames, vintage vases, crystal chandeliers….we had it all. I even had my own room. But, it was such a lonely place. The longer I lived there…The lonelier it got. I saw less and less of my father. He would come home late from work, or sometimes he just never came home. It came to the point where he would miss my birthdays…His own sons' birthday.”
He started to shake in anger as he spoke of his father.
“How does a father do that ?! Leave his own wife and child at home…We missed him. At least in the older house, he would come home with a smiling face on and give us hugs and kisses….We were happy before…..Throughout this whole process my mother smiled.... She kept smiling. She didn’t let anything bother her…. Even if her husband was never home. She would always tell me the story of how they first met and that true love existed. She always made me laugh at the days where my father never kept his promise…..She was always by my side."
Then he grew quiet. 
"But then one night…. She committed suicide.”
He started to cry in your arms. The strong, tough Lee, Minhyuk….was crying in your arms. 
“She tried to kill herself. I saw it all ___________. I saw her do it. She was going crazy. She kept crying….. And screaming…..She wanted someone to hear her out….but no one came to her side. And yet again, he wasn’t there to be near her. What happened to the guy who would do anything for her ?! WHY WASN’T HE THERE TO HELP HER ?!  I thought he loved her….. Why did he let her suffer like that? She took the medication pills in her cabinet…..and shoved them all down ….She was having seizures as I watched her plummet to her death. I finally realized what was happening and called for a maid to come and help us out. We quickly rushed to the hospital…… 3 hours….She was in the emergency room for 3 hours….where was her husband? He wasn’t there….he was working that night. That was more important to him…After that night, my mother turned into a different person. She was quiet…..she stopped smiling…her laughs were no more…. And she hated on the world. She finally came back home….I shouldn’t even be calling it a home.  It was hell. This went on for weeks..... My mother didn't exist anymore. She was a new person....and then…She disappeared. She ran away…..She ran away from hell and left me there to die. She didn’t take me with her.”
He cried harder as he kept thinking about the mother that abandoned him. He held you tighter as he felt his past still haunting him. 
“I didn’t understand…I thought she loved me. I grew up without a mom and a father.. She never came back to get me and my father never noticed me. I tried my best in everything….Getting good grades, excelling in sports….being at the top of my class but…he didn’t notice. I even got in trouble in all my schools. I broke things, I vandalized…I even fought in school but he never came once to get me.. He always sent his secretary…..Then, I found painting…..I found the way it would entrap my very feeling onto the canvas and it helped me out a little bit, with the insanity of being in the house. But, it wasn’t enough…I wanted more…I wanted to be loved. I went out with every girl I could get my hands on…Of course they all fell for me.. But it wasn’t real love…They all just liked me because I was the son of Lee, Jihoon…..but, then…I met you. I guess you could say im grateful towards my old man. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have been able to meet you.”
He then wipes his tears from his eyes and grabs onto your face. 
“Please, don’t leave me. I wouldn’t know what to do if you left my life. Everyone I’ve ever loved left me……please.”
He puts his forehead against yours as he closes his eyes.
“I’ll never leave you.” You whisper. You place your hands on his cheeks as you put your lips on top of his. You then kiss his cheek and look him in the eyes.
“I promise.”
He brushes your hair behind your ear as he entangles his fingers in with yours. 
“Thank you for everything….For being there for me when I needed you most.”
“Hey ! I should be the one telling you that.” You lie on his shoulder as you both stare up at the starry sky.
“Hey, mom….Thank you…For bringing Minhyuk to my life. May you also watch over him.”
“Mrs._____________. I may have never met you but thank you for being such a loving mother to ____________. She turned out well ~ and she’s doing better then ever. I promise I’ll protect her.”
“You better keep that promise.” You say jokingly. 
“What? You don’t think I’ll be able to do it.”
“Whattttt ?!” He pulls you in closer to him as he starts to tickle you. 
“Stopppppp! Bahahaaha pleaseeee ~ Aigoo Minhyuk -ah!”



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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!