Chapter 20

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


                 “LYDIA?!” You yell out in shock. No, there is no way in the world that your best friend would do this to you….your ex-best friend….No. You just couldn’t accept the reality that she would do this. Someone finally walks over and takes off the bag from your head. You try to adjust your eyes from seeing the light. You look around your surroundings to find yourself in a rundown piano factory.
“Who are you?!” You yell at the man who takes off the bag from your head. Then, from the corner of your eye, you see Lydia walking out of the shadows as she starts to approach you.
“Good job boys. Expect your pay later.” All 4 guys walk to her side as they all stand side by side each other. 
“It is you. Why?!” You felt your whole body stiffen up at seeing Lydias face. You just wished that this was all a dream; you just wanted this to go away. This can’t possibly be real. 
“Why ____________? Didn’t think something like this would happen?” She comes closer to you finally revealing her whole face in the light. 
“….but why though? You of all people.” Tears slowly start to fill your eyes. You didn’t want them to fall and you were trying your best to fight them back. 
“Why are you so surprised that it would be me __________________? Did you ever ask yourself why I hung out with you? Huh?! Did you know how much I hated you?!”
“What?” You asked with your mouth open in shocked. 
“Y-y-y-ou hated me?” You stuttered.
“I thought….that we were best friends. I considered you my closest friend. You were the only one I really cared for, Lydia” 
You felt it coming, the water works were coming.
“Cut it with the bull! You honestly thought I liked you?! HA ! You’re funny!”
“Then all those times that…. We were hanging out meant nothing to you? Even if I hated doing half the stuff we did, I still enjoyed it !…..because I was hanging out with you….”
“You honestly make me laugh. You want to know why you’re here right now, tied up in that chair. It’s simple. You always stole my spotlight.”
“What? How did I? Since when?! If anything you were the one I was jealous of. Everyone liked you and wasn't afraid to approach you !”
“You are so oblivious ____________. You really don’t hear the things people say about you. When you first entered in the school everyone had their eyes on you because you were so cool looking. They all wanted to be your friend but were so afraid to approach you….but they still called you things like chic, and the ice queen. That’s why I became friends with you. So that more people will also like me. Of course it worked because I was hanging out with you. Remember all those random rumours about you? Well I spread them. I thought it would lessen down your popularity but I was wrong. It boosted you up even more then before. No matter what I did it always backfired! What makes it even worst is that you just had to be the best painter there has to be! They praised you even more because you were so talented ! Because of that many guys started to confess to you. Of course you being a saint, declined each and every one of them. All the guys that were praising me all went to you....all the girls who admiried my beauty, admiried yours instead. I had to work hard to get at where I was and you were taking all of that away! YOU DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO CHANGE AND YOU STOLE THAT ALL AWAY FROM ME BY JUST BEING YOURSELF! Losing weight, changing the way I looked, getting contacts, getting plastic surgery…. You took all of that away from me when you came to my school. IT WAS MY SCHOOL! Then when I thought maybe I should just be friends with you and accept that you were a kind person YOU BACKSTAB ME! I finally became true to myself and told you I liked a guy. The picture of you and Minhyuk kissing? It was me. I saw you two in the library that day. Originally, I was going to go over there and get angry at you but I found a better plan. I wanted the whole school to hate you as much as I did, including Minhyuk. I wanted Minhyuk to hate you. That’s why I sent that photo to everyone, especially his fan girls. And it worked the whole school had their back against you. But, when I thought Minhyuk is finally mine he went to go search for you ! I just don’t understand! But then Minhyuk finally went to ask me out. I was soooo happy that he finally asked me out on a date…..But when I arrived I realized what his motives were. It was to get you jealous. He wanted you to get jealous that he had another girl.” Her eyes started to brim up with tears.
“He likes you that much that he would go and use another girl just to get you jealous and notice him. Do you know how that makes me feel?! The queen of the school! Finally, falls for someone just to get used ! What makes it even worse is when I arrived you were with Woohyun ! The guy I USED TO DATE ! Even you stole him from me…. He was head over heels over me…. He fell for the fake me….but then you ! You just acted like yourself and you stole him away ! I HATE YOU ! AND YOU STILL CALL YOURSELF MY BESTFRIEND ! I HATE YOU !” She fell to the ground as she kept beating on the floor. You felt your whole world fall apart as you watch your best friend breakdown. You didn’t know that this was how she truly felt. And that’s when it came in…..tears…….they were streaming out of your eyes and they wouldn’t stop. No matter how much you tried there was no point in stopping them. You felt your voice starting to shake.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry?! You think sorry is going to fix all of this ! I HAD TO CHANGE EVERYTHING ABOUT ME TO GET EVERYONE TO ADORE ME ! AND YOU SAY SORRY ! The way I dressed, the way I looked, I had to lose weight ! I EVEN GOT SURGERY! I didn’t want to get bullied anymore ! I DIDN’T WANT TO ! I SWITCHED SCHOOLS JUST SO I COULD START A NEW ! And then you came ! You took it all away when you came!”
She stood up from her spot and wiped the tears away as she puts on a devious smile. She walks up to you and brings your chin up to her face.
“I’ll slowly make you suffer.” she spits on the ground and pushes your face away from hers. 
“Get her cell phone.” She commands one of the guys that were with her. A buff, toned man runs over to you and searches for your pockets; to find your cell phone. He finally finds it, takes it out and throws it to one of his other ‘buds.’ The guy gives it to Lydia and Lydia dials a number.
“What are you going to do with that?”
“I’m going to call Minhyuk.”
“What?! Don’t let him get involved Lydia! This is between you and me ! He won’t even come here ! He hates me….”
“Do you honestly think that ?! You really keep coming out with the jokes ______________.” She presses the call button and waits for Minhyuk to answer the other line. 
“Hello? Minhyuk?” You try to yell and scream his name but Lydia stares at one of her minions and they tape your mouth
“Yeah, she’s kind of tied up right now. Well, I have a small request for you. If you want _____________ back in one piece, come to this address.”
Your mind slowly starts to blank as she continues to talk to Minhyuk.
“Okay, be here in 2 hours. If not she’s definitely going to die. Remember, you can’t call the police or else she’ll die way sooner then you think. Bye, love ~” She hangs up and swings the phone back and forth in front of your face. 
“Let’s see your prince charming come save you.”
She rips the tape out of your mouth. 
“Why would you do that?! He doesn’t like me like that Lydia! What you saw was a misunderstanding?! He won’t come here ! He doesn’t care for me….”
“We’ll see if you’re right. If he doesn’t then that means I’ll let you go….if he does it just proves how right I am.” She walks away and throws your phone on the ground.
“Tape up again.”


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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!