Chapter 6

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


            Throughout the whole class everyone was amazed that Minhyuk wasn’t only good looking but he was also smart. The more he stuck around you the more you learnt about him. But because of this it just made you feel bad about yourself. It was like he was good at everything. What else was he good at? Everytime the teacher had a hard question to ask the class she always targets Minhyuk and him being his usual self would answer right and precisely. Which caused all the girls to fall for him even more. What made it even worst is that as soon as the teacher picked at Minhyuk she would pick you right after. And you being not the smartest student in the class stood there with a blank expression on your face. Causing the whole class to laugh and make snarky remarks. Now, you weren’t just the ‘class bully’ but you were now the ‘stupid class bully.’ You brush off the laughter of your classmates as the bell rings for lunch break. Usually you would eat your lunch at the rooftop or somewhere else but for today you decided to eat your lunch in the classroom. You didn’t get much sleep the night before so you were extra tired today. You quickly ate your lunch and tried to take a quick little nap. But of course that was a really stupid idea of yours. You completely forgot about Lydia the princess. She pokes your nose as you close your eyes. 
“____________. You can’t sleep just yet.” She whines.
“mmmm why ?” You say tiredly.
“ I need your help ~” She pinches your nose causing your whole body to bolt up.
“Ugh, fine. What is it?”
“How do I get that?” She points to Minhyuk who was surrounded by a bunch of girls. Which was not surprising. You roll your eyes at Lydias’ remark.
“What about Woohyun ?”
“ I’ll figure it out….. I can’t just break up with him, we just started going out. Plus, that would totally destroy my image so I need to figure out how he’ll break up with me. Hmmmm any ideas?”
“I’m not taking part of this Lydia. I feel bad for Woohyun for falling for someone like you.”
“Eh ~ Come on help me out.” She grabs onto your arm as she looks at you with sparkling eyes hoping you would cave in.
“Lydia….I’m not your oppa so stop giving me your bull called aegyo.”
“Fine !” She says huffing under her breath as she crosses her arms. 
“Ugh, they’re so annoying! If they keep acting that way they’ll scare him away.” She furrows her eyebrows as she stares at the girls crowding over Minhyuk. 
“I agree with you on that one.” You muster up the courage to turn your body around as you look at Minhyuk then to the other girls.
“You guys are really starting to get on my nerves with all this squealing and ing. So do me a favour and scatter.”
All his fan girls whine and pout to Minhyuk hoping he would take some sort of action to stop her. He looks at you as a devious smile flew across his face. He was getting ready to take his revenge on you for this morning. Minhyuk walks over to your seat as he pulls a chair right beside yours and puts his arm around you. He squeezes your shoulder as he whispers in your ear; loud enough so that the girls and Lydia can hear.
“Are you jealous perhaps?” His fan girls have on distorted faces as they just witnessed what Minhyuk has just done. You turn to him with displeasing eyes as you try to communicate with him using eye contact.
What do you think you're doing?!
He responds back with 
“Oppa, what are you doing?!” One of the girl crys out.
“Yeah, oppa !”
“Why’d you grab her like that oppa?!”
You grab his arm in shock and push it to the side, angrily.
“Who do you think you are that you can just place your arm over my shoulder?!” you yell out.
“I was just returning the favour.” He winks.
“What?” You asked looking confused.
“I thought you were jealous of all these girls having their attention on me.”
“Excuse me ?!”
“It’s okay. You’re not my type.” Your blood started to boil at the ignorant remark he makes.
You slammed your fists on your desk as you stood up and headed towards the rooftop. You paced back and forth as you yelled at the top of your lungs. 
“Who does he think is ?! Just because a bunch of girls were crowding him ! WHAT A JERK ! Why must he always tease me like that?! I clearly told him to keep his distance from me ! And what does he do ?! HE COMPLETELY IGNORES THAT REQUEST !”
“Uhm….excuse me. Could you just tone down your voice a little bit I’m trying to nap.”
You turn around, startled by the voice coming out of nowhere. You thought that you were alone because at first glance the rooftop looked like a barren wasteland. But, in the end you were wrong. You turn around to see Woohyun lying against the wall. You bow in great embarrassment as you reply back with a soft ‘I’m sorry.’ You pace back and forth in panic trying to figure out what to do next. He notices your awkward movements realizing that he was the reason to make you feel flustered like that. He laughs at you, actually finding it quite adorable. 
“It’s okay you stay here. I’ll just find another place to sleep in.” He stands up from his position and walks out.
“Why does he even like Lydia? He’s so nice and she’s so….fake. I feel bad for him.”
“_____________!” Someone yells from behind you. You get startled and turn around to see Lydia. She runs up to you as she places her hand on your shoulder. She tries to catch her breath from the amount of ‘running’ she has done to look for you. 
“What?” you say annoyed.
“Why’d you disappear like that?”
“He pissed me off.” You say angrily.
“Woah. Are you actually getting angry at someone?”
“Ugh, Lydia can we please not talk about this right now.”
“Fine, fine. But how did it feel like?”
“Like what?”
“Having Minhyuks’ arm wrapped around you?” She brings her hands up to a ball as she places them under her chin looking cutely at you.
“Uhmm it felt annoying and irritating. Kind of like a mosquito bite.”
She punches you at the arm.
“Don’t say that ! He’s just so perfect. His biceps and his hair. And the way he holds himself. Who knew the boy would be smart too ?! I wonder what type of girls he’s into. I know he’s definitely not your type. Hmm…. I just need to know how I can get near him. I wonder….Ugh, but that can’t happen with Woohyun as my boyfriend.” She pulls her hair out with frustration as she yells and stomps around. 
“Speaking of Woohyun….Did you meet him the way up here?”
“Yeah. He’s so clingy. I had to think of a really good excuse to avoid talking to him any further.”
“….and that was?”
“I was on my period and I couldn’t talk to him because I was moody.”
You roll your eyes with the stupidity behind her statement.
“What?” she says.
“Don't you feel bad for him?”
“No.” She says bluntly.
“Do you know in some weird way he actually really fell for you? I mean not fall for ‘you’ but for your fake self. And you breaking up with him that quick will just break his heart. Why’d you lead him on anyway? A guy like him doesn’t deserve to be treated like that.” you lecture Lydia.
“Why does it concern you?” She asks with one of her eyebrows raised at you.
“Not unless….you have a crush on him!”
“What?! What type of conclusion is that. I’m just saying I’ve known Woohyun ever since elementary school and he was just a really nice kid to begin with till this day. So I’m just saying that he doesn’t deserve such treatment.”
“Oh _________. You naïve little girl.” She taps your nose three times. 
“Woohyun is a big boy. So once I crush his tiny little heart he will be okay. And, don’t worry I won’t break it too much. I still need to come out as the, ‘good guy’ in this relationship. So just play along and tell no one about it okay?”
“But Lydia Woohyun deserves to know the truth.”
“Whose best friend are you anyways ?! Why do you keep siding with him?! I’m the one you should be supporting!”
“Ugh, whatever just do what you want to do ! Just don’t get me involved. Can you leave now? I want to be alone.” You sat down at the spot Woohyun left for you. Your body faced to the world and your back against the wall. You placed your earphones on ignoring whatever Lydia had left to say. She storms out as she realizes you weren’t going to talk her.



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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!