Chapter 37

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)

*Brace yourself this is a long chapter*


Minhyuks' Perspective:

                     It’s been 6, long, years…..6 years…..I haven’t seen her face, since then. Everyday became a struggle. Waking up, eating…It wasn’t the same. Ever since that day I’ve been living my life like I was dead. As cheesy as it may sound, I really did feel like I had no soul. I had no purpose in life anymore. The one thing, that I thought was real, that made the world seem like it was worth living, was a fake. It was all just a delusion….and I let her get the best of me. She wanted me gone, so I left the house with a heavy heart. I returned back to the place I call, hell on earth. It was empty, as always…of course the old hag wasn’t there. She just left me a message telling me to meet up with the girl; her name was Ji Hyun. Of course, I wasn’t ready. I shut myself off from the world, and that caused my grandmother to boil in anger.  Weeks and weeks I buried myself under my depression, acting like I was the one who was suffering from oppression. No one got me out of that hole. They just kept me there to die…..But, one day the old hag had enough and came busting into my room. When she first laid eyes on me, when I was at my weakest state, she actually cried. Tears actually came out of her eyes. I was confused and I didn’t understand what was going on. She finally gave me a hug and told me to let go of her; that, she wasn’t worth all the tears. It was the first time that she has ever shown love for me. Because of that day I learnt to pick myself up again. My grandmother told me that this was for the best and the benefit of my future. And that she couldn’t bare to see me suffering anymore. I guess deep down in her heart she cares for me in her own twisted way. So to pay her back I did what she wanted me to do. I followed her orders and her rules knowing it was for my greater good. I finally went out to see Ji Hyun; she kept forcing it down my neck, and honestly…she wasn’t half bad. I decided I was going to move on…Well, I tried. The first time I met her, I didn’t really feel anything. I felt bad towards her because she was actually such a nice girl. She kept trying to keep my spirits up and I half-heartedly smiled at her efforts. Although, I wasn’t attracted to her in any way I was glad that her motives were sincere. I know that she was in the exact same position I was…so the thoughts of money was definitely not an issue. After, the first meeting I was surprised that she grew a liking to me. She immediately told her father that she wanted to get to know me more…she wasn’t ready for marriage but she was definitely interested. We continued to meet up with one another, and surprisingly I got better, emotionally speaking. She helped me get on the right track of getting better….Although, I wasn’t completely healed I was better then before. We started hanging out more and went out to dates often. Till, her father and my grandmother finally took the opportunity by proposing that we finally get married. Then it hit me…I wasn’t ready at all.. I didn’t want to get married with her. She was more of a friend then she was a lover. I could never hurt her by being in a loveless marriage. I told her right away that I couldn’t pull through with it. She understood my decision and knew why I was like that. I completely poured my heart out to ________________ that it was so hard for me to love another person. She told her father that she didn’t want to get married with me and I told my grandmother that I didn’t want to get married with her. They were both disappointed with our decisions but they respected it. The agreement with the two companies coming together still happened and my grandmother was satisfied. Years passed and all I did was study about our business, and only about the business. I stopped learning about art…..I stopped painting, and drawing….Only, because every time I did it reminded me of her. I didn’t want to be an artist anymore.. So, I gave up on it and just pursued being the CEO of the company. Of course, that made my grandmother very proud of me. The more I aged the more I lost my emotions….Like an empty box with no presents inside of it. But it really felt like I had no heart. I toyed around with many, different, types of girls. I was trying to find that same feeling again. But, they were all the same. Even if I have “settled” down on one girl I would be cheating on her with another. This kept going on and on and it just never stopped. What has my life turned to? I guess the only woman in my life, I never bothered to hurt was Ji Hyun. She was the only person in the world who knew how I truly felt, and she was the last person I want to hurt on this planet. She saved me from my death, and for that I’m thankful. Throughout these 6 years she was the only person I could trust and I guess you could say we were now best friends. Her father and my grandmother still wished that we would get married. But, I told Ji Hyun it was never going to happen. I felt apologetic towards her but she understood. Well, now I finally achieved the head CEO position. Grandmother retired and left the job for me because she knew that I was ready. Because of this I became a hot topic because at such a young age I was already the CEO of one of the biggest companies in Seoul. My life revolved around the paparazzi, girls, work, and parties. I’m now living the elite social life…. The one thing I didn’t want happening to me, happened. I want to go back to that simple life… A life, where it was normal for kids to go to school and enjoy it with the company of their friends. A life, where I didn’t have to worry about getting bombared with people wondering about my every move. I want to have a simple life…..with ____________. I wonder where she is, or how she’s doing. I hope she’s living a better life than I am. I miss her. 
             Today, was just another typical day. Go to work first, go back home and rest a little bit and then attend a party later. This is what my life consisted of, and it was my daily routine. How sad…. Anyways, I was just freshening up and heading to my friends place because he was throwing a party for his 21st birthday. So, it was definitely going to be a big party. There were many celebrities and A-list guest that were invited. As soon as I parked my car right in front of the house there was already loud music being played, that could be heard from the outside. Luckily, we were far off to the country that no neighbour of his could call on the police. So, it was just as expected that the music was being played loudly. I gave my car keys to the valet as I entered the house and as soon as I got in the first person who greeted me was none other then a drunk  Se-Kyung; one of the girl’s I used to play around with. 
“Oh, Minhyuk. If it isn’t you.”
She starts to lean towards me as she acts like she’s falling. I grab onto her arm so that I could help her find her balance. 
“Se-Kyung ah, you’re drunk. I think it’s best if you go home now.”
“It’s too early Minhyuk-ah. The party just started !”
She then pokes my nose jokingly.
“I missed you Minhyuk-ah. Where have you been? Why’d we have to break up?”
Oh gosh… This particular ex was the clingy type and I was not in the mood to deal with her. 
“Hey, Se-Kyung ah want to meet a new friend?”
“Too bad.”
I then grab a random stranger by the wrist as I introduced the two to each other and threw her off to him and left the two of them alone. I walked through the crowd and found my way to the bar as I asked for a glass of dirty martini. I patiently wait for the bar tender to make my drink as I turned my head to the right, to find a very familiar looking face. I stare at the guys face, hard, trying to figure out where I’ve seen him before. 
“Woohyun? Is that you?” I call out. 
The mysterious looking guy get’s startled at my question and quickly hangs up the phone call he was having earlier. 
“Umm….Yes, it is me. May I know who you are?”
“It’s me.” 
I walk closer to him so that he may be able to recognize my face. 
“By any chance are you one of my fans? If you want an autograph I wouldn’t mind giving it to you.”
What is this guy on?
“It’s me.. Lee, Minhyuk. The guy who used to go to your high school.”
“Oh ! It’s you ! Your ____________ friend right?”
I tried to swallow hard as I heard her name come out of his mouth. I nod to his question. 
“What a coincidence meeting you here!”
He gives me a hug as if we were friends who haven’t seen each other for years. Which was true. Except, we weren’t friends.
“So, what are you doing here? I thought this party was for A-listers only?”
He laughs hysterically at my sudden curiosity.
“I don’t think you’re much of a sports fan, are you?”
I tilt my head at him, looking confused, to where this conversation was leading to. And the fact that he wasn’t answering my question properly. 
“Actually, right after high school a bunch of guys scouted me to play for the NBA. I trained a lot though before I got to play. So, now I’m currently playing for the LA, Lakers. I’ve been living in L.A. for quite some time now and I wanted to take a little vacation back in Seoul before playoffs started. And when Ji Young noticed that I was coming back to Seoul he invited me to his birthday party. Andddd that’s why I’m here.”
“Wow….You made the big team then huh?”
“How about you? Why you here?”
“I guess you haven’t paid much attention to the Seoul news then. Well, I’m currently the head CEO for Samsung.”
“Woah…..That’s way bigger then what I achieved.”
I laugh at his comment and shake my head in disagreement. 
“No, not at all. So how are you doing my friend? How has life treated you?” You ask.
“It’s been a bliss. Me and ________________ are still keeping in contact. And that makes me happy that we are still close friends.”
I started to perspire as I heard the name _____________. I haven’t heard that name in so long. Out of curiosity, I wanted to know how she was doing.
“Sooooo, how’s ___________ doing?’
“Oh, ____________? She’s been doing great actually.”
“Really? She probably got married to some rich old man and finally got what she wanted. Or better yet, she’s probably engaged to you. Now, she definitely has all the money in the world.”
“What are you talking about?…..” Woohyun asks looking confused. 
“Am I wrong? All she does care about is money. Right?”
“I think you’re talking about a different person. ________________, is nothing like that.”
“That’s what I thought so too….when all she wanted from me was my money.....”
“Are you okay? Or is your head screwed on tight?”
“Yes, I am fine. I’m just stating facts.”
“Well, you better get your facts straight because _________________ is nothing like that. I’ve been friends with her ever since high school and she was never selfish about money. Although, there is one thing I don’t know…. During the time we were dating she broke it off with me because she was dating someone else during that time. I never questioned her who it was. But, one day she broke it off with him and was totally heart broken. After, that she never dated anyone again.”
“…..She was heart broken? The ________________, was heart broken?”
“Hey, you were friends with her before right? Maybe you knew who she was going out with back then.”
I lied.
“No…I don’t. But, why would she be heartbroken?”
“Actually, as soon as you left school that’s when her depression started.”
“Her depression?”
More questions started to circle my head. This wasn’t making any sense…why would she be depressed when she clearly didn’t want me anymore. She was after the money….right?
“Yeah, she didn’t smile anymore, and always had on a bitter expression. Everyday, she would walk with a heavy heart because she broke it off with that guy. I tried so hard to help her out but she just wouldn’t let anyone into her world. Even her father was having a hard time. Every time she would paint it would always be so gloomy, and she would constantly hold onto her necklace.”
“…..A necklace?”
“Yeah, it had on two charms. A letter with her first name and the other letter, M….It was so hard to see her suffering like that. It even came to the point where she started cutting herself.”
“She cut herself…..”
“Yeah. She would cover up her scars from everybody and it would scare the out of me and Lydia. One time, I caught her in the middle of cutting herself while I was visiting her house. It was the scariest and most depressing thing I’ve ever seen. Lydia, also saw her and we both tried so hard to help her out.”
I felt my world falling apart when I was listening to Woohyuns’ story. She was supposed to be happy….she wasn’t supposed to be living this way.
“Why was she depressed over the break up?”
“Wow, you really haven’t kept in touch with her have you?”
“I went to Paris for a little bit…So, I couldn’t keep in touch with her.”
I lied….
“Well, from what I know she was forced to break up with the guy.”
“Yeah, she told me that her little sister has cancer in the stomach.”
My mouth flew open at the thought of baby, Hye-Jin having cancer.
“N-n-o….Hye-Jin…” I whisper.
“So, her father went to the loan sharks for money and never told her. But, she figured it out. The grandma of the guy she was dating asked her to leave the guy alone. If she left him alone she was going to help her out with Hye-Jins’ surgery and made sure that she would survive the cancer. _____________, was suffering but she needed to save her little sister so she agreed. It was one of the hardest things she had to do because she clearly loved the guy. You could tell…. How I wish I could’ve helped replaced him in her heart…but, she loved him too much.”
My vision started to blur with all this new information….
“She lied to him about not loving him anymore or something and left him. But, she’s okay now. She slowly recovered from it all but, you could still tell how much she misses him. Till, this day she’s still wearing the necklace. I wonder if she’ll ever get married to be honest. But, whatever.”
“………Where is she now?”
“Oh, you know in Seoul. Enjoying life. She cut off ties with the grandma. The grandmother kept offering her money but she declined it. She didn’t want it or have any use for it especially since Hye-Jin is fine now. She actually works two jobs now. She works as a barista in her dad’s coffee shop and as an artist. She’s not that famous of an artist, yet. But, she is trying to get her name out there. You should come by to see her work during one of her art shows or something.”
He takes out a piece of paper and grabs a pen from one of his colleagues. He writes down something and finally hands it over to me.
“Here. She will have an art show at this place. I think she’s having it in two days. The art show starts at around 6 or 7. If you arrive a little earlier maybe you’ll be able to catch her painting in one of the studios. I’m pretty sure she’ll be ecstatic to see an old friend of hers.”
“Woohyun!” A voice calls out from the crowd.
“Anyways, it was nice catching up to you. Someone is calling for me. I’ll see you around. Bye,”
How stupid of me…I must’ve been soo stupid. I should’ve known all along that the reason why she left me was because of that. I knew she was not that type of person…I knew it. Why did I let my emotions take over me? I let her suffer so much. And here I was thinking that I was the victim when I was actually the antagonist in her life…. __________________, forgive me?




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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!