Chapter 3

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


                          1.…dos…3.…4.… Get there !
                          Ride ma ma ma beat.
                          Ride ma ma ma beat.
               You reached out for your phone as you turned off your alarm. It is currently 6:20 a.m. and it was just another typical day. You slowly got up from the bed trying your best not to wake up your little sister, Hye-jin, from her sweet dreams. You stepped over her body as she slowly turns towards you and clings onto your arm. 
“Unni~” She says groggily. You move her hair and pushed it back behind her ears.
“It’s okay Hye-Jin ah just go back to sleep.”
“Hmmm.” She goes back to sleep as you head outside the room. As you exit the room you get hit by an aroma of cooked bacon and eggs. Your father is making an American styled breakfast today.  Your father wasn’t just any typical dad he was…..unique and spontaneous. He loved experimenting when it came to cooking so every meal would be different and exciting….sometimes. Although, sometimes the meal would look gross but for some odd reason it was still delicious. But today he made such a normal breakfast. Not unless they just smelt like bacon and eggs or…he didn’t want to scare his 'guest,' with a horrifying looking breakfast. You tried really hard not to get angry at Minhyuk but whenever his name appears in your mind you start to get all angry inside. You don’t know what it was about him but he was the only person who can get you that angry. Usually, you would just brush people off if they got you mad. But, this one boy allowed you to express how truly angry you were at him. You don’t know what it was but there was just something about him that you hated so much. You rubbed your eyes as you headed towards the washroom. Just as you were about to reach for the washroom door it opens. And there standing right in front of you was Lee, Minhyuk….Half ….with a towel around his waist. He grabs another towel as he tries to run it through his wet hair. He puts the now damped towel across his shoulders as he runs his fingers through his hair and gives you a quick smile. 
“Good morning.” He greets. You turn around quickly trying to cover your face; trying to forget the picture of Lee Minhyuk half . 
“What’s wrong?” He asks. He tries to brush pass by you in the narrow hallway, allowing your shoulder and his muscular chest to touch, as he finally faces in front of you. Your head is lowered down as you stare towards the ground. He slowly bends as he tries to find your face within the amount of hair that is covering it.
“Nothings wrong !” You yell as you bolted up and cover your eyes with your hand. 
“Just stop getting in my way!” You point towards him like a blind man.
He starts laughing at your idiotic reaction.
“Are you perhaps embarrassed?”
“Who said I was ?!”
“Well then why won’t you put your hand down and stare at me.”
He caught you there. You hurriedly tried to think off a very smart comeback but nothing would appear in your head. Because of this you started to boil up with anger again. 
“Can you please get changed in the washroom next time instead of going out of the washroom half ! What if Hye-Jin see’s you?! She is only 10 and her seeing this is inappropriate !” 
“Last time I checked your little sister loved me. She even told me that we were going to get married.”
“What?!” You placed your hand down by accident as you catch a glimpse of him again. He pokes your nose and smiles.
“You're really adorable when you're angry.”
“What are you two doing up there ?!” Your father yells out.
“Nothing!” You both yell.
“Stop copying me.” You barked at him.
“I didn’t. You copied me.”
“You’re such a baby.” You glare at him as you turn around and slammed the washroom door. 
“The nerve of that guy ! Who does he think he is walking around the house like that? He’s not even cute ! What a self-centered bastard ?! He doesn’t even have the decency to cover up ! He’s in a house with two girls ! He’s such a jerk! UGHHHH !!!!” 
You rage back and forth across the washroom yelling at the top of your lungs. As you finally calmed down you took off your clothes as you got into the shower and got ready for school. 
              You headed downstairs, towards the awaited breakfast just for you and to your surprise it was just an American breakfast.
“Why do we have such a normal breakfast?” 
“I wanted to make a tasty breakfast for Minhyuk.” He points towards Minhyuk who had a cup of coffee on one hand as he read the newspaper like an old man. You stared at him as you realized he was sitting in your seat.
“Why is he sitting in my seat?”
“Honey, it’s just a chair. You can sit somewhere else.” He places the newspaper down as he stares at your direction and says,
“Yeah, honey it’s just a chair you can sit there.” He points towards another chair, telling you to sit right beside him.
“Why you little -” You bring your hand up to a fist as you get ready to attack Minhyuk. He smiles as he tries to defend his face.
“MINHYUK OPPA !” Hye-Jin yells as she rushes downstairs. She has a panicked expression on her face as she looks left and right for Minhyuk.
“Hye-Jin ah whats wrong?” 
“Where’s Minhyuk oppa?!” She was almost close to tears as she kept searching for Minhyuk.
“I’m right here Hye-Jin ah.” He pokes his head to the side so that his face can reach Hye-Jins’ line of vision. 
“Oppa !” She rushes over to Minhyuk as she sits on the chair beside him. She places her hands on the chair he is sitting on and pulls the chair closer to her. Hye-Jin puts her arm into Minhyuks forcing their arms to interlock with one another. She places her head amongst his shoulder.
“Good morning oppa.” She says with such aegyo in her voice.
“Oh God. This is way too much for a morning.” You grabbed a seat across form Minhyuk and just ignored the fact that he was there. Your father comes over as he places the last few fried bacon on the plate and sits right beside you. 
“Hye-Jin ah behave.” Your father gives Hye-Jin a stern look.
“But appa ~” She whines.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind Mr.____________”
“Oppa, remember our promise okay. When you go to school today you can’t hit on other girls. You have to wait for me to grow up and then we’ll get married. I’m going to be your wife, okay?”
You place your hand upon your forehead with all the bull Hye-Jin keeps spitting out. Minhyuk pinches Hye-Jins’ nose and says,
“Just eat your breakfast or oppa won’t be able to sleep here anymore.”
“Okay, I’ll eat !” She lets go of Minhyuks arms and starts gauging down on the eggs and bacon. Out of all 10 years of Hye-Jins’ life it was so hard to force her to eat but with Minhyuks’ simple words she would start eating like a mad pig.
“____________, make sure you and Minhyuk leave at the same time. He doesn’t know how to get from here to the school using the bus. So make sure you show him how. And don’t leave him alone. Show him around the school and where his classes will be okay? Make him feel comfortable.”
“Ugh ~ Do I have to?”
“Yes, you do.” He lectures you. 
“I’m glad to be in your care Ms._________. I hope you’ll watch over me.” He smirks. You get angry every time Minhyuk teases you. It’s like he enjoyed watching you get angry. 


Hey there guise :D So i'm actually really enjoying writing this story so far. But i'm still trying to figure out how things should take off. I'm probably going to be writing all day today so let's see how many chapter I could write today :) I hope you enjoy this chapter because of reasons ;) i'm kidding but yup. Enjoy :D I shall now work on the 4th chapter. Maybe XD Thankyou so much to the people who have subscribed greatly appreciated. Would love to hear what you think of the story so far. Although, there's not much going on yet but yeah. ENJOY :D 


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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!