Chapter 21

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


             You felt nervous as the two guys guard you. Lydia was no where in sight and so were her other two minions. You didn’t know what to do or what to expect right after. You just….never expected this to happen. It only happened in movies, and shows but never would you think that it would happen in real life, especially, to you. You knew one thing for sure. Minhyuk was not coming to save you….. After what happened he wasn’t coming. You both ended off at a bad note……he doesn’t think of you like that either. He clearly likes Lydia more then you.
Why would he like someone like me?
He won’t come to save me….He won’t right?
He can’t……I’m not worth it. 
“________________!” A voice from a distance yells out. Your eyes grew bigger by hearing Minhyuks’ voice. 
No, it can’t be him. 
You grew into a panic as you heard Minhyuk. He wasn’t supposed to be here. You didn’t want him here….he could get hurt. No, this was not happening. 
“Perfect. He’s here. What did I tell you?” Lydia comes out with the other two by her side.
“Bring him in.”
Two of the guys that were guarding you go out and grab Minhyuk by the arms. He tries to fight them off but one of them punches his stomach which causes him to feel immense pain. They drag him in the run down building and throw his body in front of Lydia.
He holds onto his stomach, and coughs at the same time. You felt yourself going insane at the sight of Minhyuk hurt, so, tears started falling from your eyes. You tried to scream out to him but the tape was covering your mouth. He notices your soft muffels and crawls over to you. He then brings himself up and walks on over to you. He takes off the tape from your mouth and slowly caresses your face. 
“What are you doing here ?!” You cry out. 
“Pull them apart.” Lydia says. 
“No! Stop!” The two guys pull Minhyuk back down and away from you. Lydia steps over Minhyuks body and walks on over to you. She pulls your hair back as she looks at you with crazed filled eyes. Then she quickly turns back to Minhyuk.
“So, every time I was with you, you always kept looking at her. Well, look at her now !”
“Lydia, please. Don’t get him involved..”
“Stay out of this!” She barks. She let’s go of your hair and walks over to Minhyuk and pulls his face up towards her. 
“Why don’t you love me too?”
“Love you?” he smirks. “Why should I love someone as ugly as you?”
“What?!” she slaps his face, hoping, it would wipe off the smile he had on. She brings her hands to her face as she starts to shake her head.
“I-I-I’m sorry….. I-I d-d-didn’t m-mean to. You just… you! Why would you say that ?!” She hugs him as tightly as she could and starts to cry.
“I love you.” 
He shakes his head in disagreement. 
“No, you don’t. You only love me for my appearance…”
“NO! I DON’T!”
He nods his head.
“Minhyuk…..don’t make it any worse.”
“YOU STAY OUT OF THIS !” She yells at you.
“You love her that much, that you would come all the way here. What if I was the one on that chair huh?!” She pulls him away from the hug and grabs his face.
“I wouldn’t even budge to come and save you.” She lets go off him and puts her hands into a fist. She then grabs a piece of brick and walks over to me. 
“Do you love her now?!” She raises the brick she has on her hand getting ready to hit you. You close your eyes getting ready for the brick to hit your face. But, to your surprise nothing hurt you. You lift your eyes open to find Minhyuk using his body, to defend you from getting hit. Instead his back comes in contact with it. His every being felt the sting of the pounding brick. His head falls down on your lap from the exhaustion he caught from that blow.
“Minhyuk your so stupid!…… BAHAHAHA ! But this is so enjoyable. Seeing _____________ suffer so much because Minhyuk is suffering. What if we have our little fun and hurt him a little bit?” Lydia turns around and calls the guys over. They pull Minhyuks body again and flip him over. Then two guys hold onto his arms as they bring him up to face Lydia. Minhyuk looked lifeless, like his very soul left his body. He had no more strength in him….he was tired.
“I’m sorry Minhyuk. But if I can’t have you…..Then no one can have you. This will all be over soon.” She leans in over to him as she whispers in his ear. 
“I’ll join you after this is all over. I promise my love.” She backs away from the four guys as she folds her arms. 
“I hope you enjoy this ____________. This show is just for you. Too bad you’ll have to live all your life to witness Minhyuk die.”
“Please, Lydia! I’m begging you! It doesn’t have to come to this!” you cry out even louder. Tears kept pouring down your face as you saw how much Minhyuk has went through.
“Go for it Boys. Watch carefully _____________. The cause of his death was because of you.”
The two guys start taking turns as they throw and land punches at his face, stomach and anywhere visible. Minhyuk flinches and screams out in pain every time they land a punch on him. 
“PLEASE!” You felt so useless as you saw Minhyuk plummet to his death. The two guys who were holding onto him finally let him go and throw him to the ground. Now, all 4 of them were beating him up. Your mind started to go blank and you had no idea what to do. Then it hit you. You stood up from your chair, your feet still tied together, you ran backwards as you crashed against the wall allowing the chair to clash against the wall. The rope from your hands and feet finally broke you loose. Blood stareted to drip from your forehead and down to your face. The back of your left arm started to go numb. You grabbed an object that was near you, and finally held onto one of the broken chair legs. You didn’t care how much you were in pain but you felt your whole body kick into an adrenaline rush as you ran over to Minhyuk. You see him crouched over and hunched from all the punches he just took. You swing the chair leg at the 4 guys, hoping, you hit one of them. You jumped for Minhyuks body as you tried to protect him.  You lifted him up as you hugged him closer to you. You swing again. 
“Don’t come near me ! Minhyuk-ah….” You shake him a little bit. 
“Please be alright Minhyuk-ah.” You’re voice starts to shake as you let out small sobs. 
“Please.” You bring his arm over to your neck as you try to lift him up. You kept swinging the chair leg every time they came closer to you.
“Where do you think you’re going ?!” Lydia shouts out.
You finally exit out of the factory as you head for the main road, finding, any cars or taxis that would stop by. You finally find a car that was passing by as you lay Minhyuk down on the floor and you throw your body out to the main road to stop the car. You closed your eyes as you hoped not to get run over. Thankfully, the car stops. You run over to the car as the man rolls down his window.
“Please, help! Please!”
“Oh my God ! Are you alright?!”
“Please help!” You start to shake from fright. 
“Pleaseee!” The man opens his car door as he walks out of his car. You run over to Minhyuk as you pick him up and the man helps you pick him up and into the car. You enter into the car as you start to bite into your nails and look out the window.
“Hurry ! They’re coming !” You cry out. The man floors it and starts to drive fast. 
“Miss should I take you to the hospital?”
“No ! Just take me home !” You bring your knees up the seat as you hug them.
“But Miss….You and that man are badly injured.” 
“No! TAKE ME HOME !” You didn’t want to go to hospital. If you go the hospital they’ll ask you questions and who did this to you and Minhyuk…..
They’ll put Lydia to jail. No, no. I can’t let that happen….not Lydia. 
You start to bring Minhyuk to your arms as you saw him so still and lifeless. He was still breathing but so very faintly. 
“Okay, where is it?”You tell the man your address as you hug Minhyuk tighter. You rest your head upon his as you cried into his hair. Allowing, his hair to get damp and wet. 
“Why did you come pabo?”

OoooOo some cray stuff be happening ! Anywho I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Yes, yes just like the usual i will be editing it because grammar mistakes and stuff but i will post it because its da way i work? Iunno. Anywho guise i've been loving bangtan every minute, every second that i'm in half my mind of thinking to write a new fan fic with them in it LOL i'll think about it anywho yeah ! BUT THAT SONG WAITING BY ANDAMIRO FT. DOUBLE K HAS BEEN STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS THAT I JUST HAD TO PUT IT ! I JUST HAD TO ! 



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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!