Chapter 24

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


               You and Minhyuk were now a couple, and it’s been days since you two were going out. You guess that if it weren’t for Lydias’ crazy actions you and him would’ve never ended up together…..It was what pushed you and him to be closer to one another. No one really knew about your relationship in school because Minhyuk didn’t want any of the fan girls harassing you. But every time they bullied you he would be a prince as to come and save you. Your little sister accidentally walked into the room with you two hugging each other one night and was in a shock. She started to cry at first and threw a temper tantrum in her room. You walked into her room and gave her a little apology for stealing Minhyuk away from her and she started to calm down as she realized that you and Minhyuk really did love each other. Minhyuk also walked into the room to apologize to Hye-jin and she finally forgave the both of you. She approved of the relationship between you and Minhyuk because she’d rather have you as his girlfriend then any other girl. But, of course being the little child she was she went to tell the good news to your dad. At first your father was appalled and was being a little over protective like any father would, but, in the end he was happy for the both of us…..In school things were normal except you haven’t seen Lydia for days. She never came to class after that incident and you started to worry about her. You would call her cell phone over and over again, hoping that she would answer. You wanted to finally straighten things out with her because even through whatever happened she was still your best friend. On days where you really had no one she was there to somehow brighten your day. But, now....She was no where to be found.

           You walked out of the house with Minhyuk holding onto your hand.
“Bye appa !”
“Bye Mr.___________!”
You both rushed out of the house as you both started to crack up at your fathers outburst. He then brings his hand over to your waist as he pulls you in.
“Well aren’t you just beautiful.” He places a peck on your nose. 
“I look the same.” You jab him in the chest.
“I hate it when you do that !” He rubs on the spot you hurt him in.
You start to run in front of him as you turn around. 
“YOU CAN’T CATCH ME !” You stick your tongue out.
              You finally made your way to school; Minhyuk still keeping his distance. Although, he whined like a baby every time you two had to be apart. But, he didn’t want anyone to bully you so he decided this was for the best. Just when you were about to walk into the school a bunch of kids were crowding over something. They were laughing simultaneously and howling over and over again. You made your way into the crowd, intertwining between people. You finally reached into the middle….and there standing in front of you was Lydia….and not the Lydia you knew but the real 'Lydia.' Her hair up in pigtails while she wore her big framed glasses. She wasn't wearing any make up on her face... Which got you confused because the Lydia you knew would never walk out of her house, without, at least putting on eye liner. A bunch of guys grabbed onto her knapsack as they threw it around and passed it onto one another. While, Lydia tried to grab it from them. They continued on to play monkey in the middle with her, except, you knew she wasn’t enjoying it.  You ran over to one of the guys who held onto her bag as you sacked them. You then grab the bag and walk over to Lydias' side. 
“Here.” You handed out.
She questions if she should take the bag or not.
“It’s not a trap just take it.” You tell her. She grabs the bag and flings it to her back.
“HEY LOOK IT’S THE AND THE LOSER ! THIS IS PERFECT !” Someone yells from within the crowd.
“Get a life !” You yell out. 
Just then someone comes in with a hose as they start to hose you both down with water. Your first instinct was to grab onto Lydias’ wrist as you dragged her out of there. If people got in the way you would swing your knapsack in front of you so that they would get out of your way. You finally get out of the crowd as you continue to run to the side of the school, where there was no one there. You started to pant heavily as you rest against the wall. You then bring your head up as you saw Lydia soaked in water. You both pointed at each other as you both started to laugh hysterically at one another.
And then the air started to become very still and quiet. You could feel the tension that was building up between the both of you.....Just a few weeks ago you were laughing about the stupidest things and now you were both standing in front of each other, with nothing to say. 
“Well, I’ll see you some other time.” You grabbed your backpack as you started to walk away. Then she grabs onto your arm,
You stood moitionless as you waited for what she had to say.
“I’m sorry….For everything.....I was just so jealous of you ___________. I was so blinded by the envy that I didn't see all the good memories we shared....To be honest, you were the only real person who accepted me for being myself....Everyone, only wanted to be my friend because I was this, 'materialistic girl.' I wasn't being myself. I should've just been happy that you were my friend... I'm not asking you to be my friend again because I know you wouldn't want to be my friend....I know I wouldn't, if I was in your position. What I did was stupid....Did you know ? I did alot of thinking these past few days. I was so ashamed... I didn't want you to see me...after all I did to you. For once, I wanted to be able to be like you....Just be myself. That's why I came to school like this today. At least, I'll be able to show myself to you with some dignity...That this was the real me. But, you saw what happened....This was who I really am. Well, that's all I want to say. You can go now.” You turn around to face her as you bring your hand out forward.
“Friends?” Her face started to stiffen as she looked at your hand. Then tears started to fall out of her eyes as she jumps toward you to give you a hug.
“Hey, it’s okay.” You pat her head.
“Let’s just forget everything that happened.”
She nods as she continues to sob. You give her back the paramore key chain that she threw. 
“Here.” She grabs it and places it back on her backpack. She then clings onto you as she rests her head on your shoulder.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll always be here for you, Lydia.”
“From now on…I will too. Thank you for forgiving me.” 
" To be honest, I like this Lydia better then the other one."
You both made your way to class as best friends again. 

Hey guise ^^ So I might get some hate for this because Lydia and her are friends again LOL but hey at least she smartened up a little bit. I'll just say that Lydia and the main chick are actually really close. Although, the main girl found her annoying (somtimes) her and Lydia created great memories with one another. Also, as you can tell Lydia is a little bit unstable because of all the bullying she encountered with when she was younger...that's why she takes things to a whole new standard. But, jealousy can really turn someone into a monster. Lydias' jealousy was overexaggerated but most of the time it blinds alot of us. I know alot of people don't like her character but I just wanted to help clear her name a little bit because like you know she's not all that bad because she is just like most of us, except like EXAGGERATED TO THE MAX ! :) I'll admit, i have a little bit of Lydia in me. LOL ^^ but anywho here it is chapter 24. Thank you for new subscribers, people who write such positive comments and constructive criticism. It gets me all happy when I hear from you guys, the readers, and people who subscribe because like it makes me cry that people are actually really willing to read my work. Thank you. To the bottom of my heart thankssss ~ I'm cheesy as f*** but I really do luh you all :) 


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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!