Chapter 39

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


                As soon as you were done saying your introduction you walked around the place as you thanked everyone for being able to make it. People would pull you to the side as they told you their favourite art piece and why they liked it. They’d ask questions like,
“Oh what inspired you to paint this?”
“What caused you to paint this way?”
“How did you get it to turn out like that?”
“The expressions were so realistic. How did you do that?”
And so on and so forth. You were glad that you were getting such positive feed back from the audience and that they appreciated entering your world for a little while…too experience the love, and pain you went through. The only thing keeping your mood down was that he wasn’t here to see it. He wasn’t there to be able to witness your accomplishments and it bummed you out. You decided to head on over to where your favourite painting was hung. 
            As you made your way over there you saw one guy who was staring deeply at the painting. From the back he kinda looked like he really admired this specific painting of yours. So, you decided to keep him a little company as he got in by one of your pieces. You stared at the painting, right by his side, and remembered the memories between you and Minhyuk. 
“Isn’t it beautiful?”  You asked.
“Y-y-yes………I feel like this painting was just for me.” As you heard his answer it made you a little happy inside. That the painting you were most proud of, and the one you loved the most, was able to touch someone else’s heart. You enjoyed hearing people say compliments like these.
“I’m sure the artist would be very happy to hear that.” You didn’t want to expose yourself to him. So, you continued to play on that you weren’t the artist of the painting. You wanted him to get into the painting more instead of distracting him, by telling him you were the creator of this painting. 
“Did you know? This is her most favourite piece.”
“…... It‘s also one of my favourites…..” 
Your heart leaped for joy when he responded back with that answer. You were sure if Minhyuk saw this too….it would also be his favourite.
“Want to hear a little story? Just between you and me. Since, you like this painting so much.” 
“…..sure.” he says.
“This painting was to her lover…..a guy she loved abundantly. She wanted to be able to show this piece to him… one day. That’s why she struggles so hard to become one of the greatest artist out there. Maybe, one day she’ll be able to show this painting to him…So, that her message would reach out to him and tell him that everything will be alright….that he may be able to find happiness in the littlest of things. And that he shouldn’t be sad anymore because in spirit she is still cheering him on…that even though they are apart…. And that they can’t be together….she still loves him. With all her heart.”
You meant every word as you explained the meaning, behind the painting, to the stranger. You wanted him to know a little bit of the story behind the painting and why you decided to create such a piece. You left a little piece of yourself to the stranger and felt relieved that at least one person will be able to know about the real meaning behind it. 
“I hope this painting will be able to touch your heart tonight….and make you feel a little at ease. May happiness find you….That’s what the artist would have definitely said. Anyways, enjoy the rest of the show.”
You turned around the other way, not showing your identity to the stranger.  You then walked into the crowd as you tried to find some place to breathe. As you spilled your little story to the stranger…your heart felt heavier. That painting always made you think of Minhyuk and it made your heart ache just a little bit more. So, you walked out of the room as you climbed up the stairs and headed for the 3rd floor. You grabbed onto your necklace as you aimlessly walked around the room. You gripped on the charms tighter as the face of Minhyuk flashes before your eyes and you didn’t understand exactly what was happening. You headed towards the direction of the dove painting and just stared at it. You felt a large lump forming in your throat, making it harder for you to breathe. You felt your eyes get watery as you continued to stare at the painting. 
“…..I hope you’re okay…. I hope that you’re free from the sadness and that you’re happier now…I hope that you’re happier then me and smiling brighter day by day…..Please, be happy…I didn’t mean all those mean words…I didn’t mean them at all.”
You felt your knees get weaker as you remember what happened 6 years ago. You were sorry about everything…You regret it. But, it had to be done. And now you want to explain everything to Minhyuk. You want the misunderstanding to end and you want him by your side again….but, you can’t. You made a deal. You placed your hand over your mouth as you began to shake. You dropped the wine glass you had in your hand as you felt yourself going a little bit insane. It took you so long to bury these feelings deep within you. And now they’re surfacing back up again. They were right about you…the more you entertained the thought of committing suicide the more you wanted to do it. People said you were crazy…. They thought you would actually kill yourself. Back then you told them they were just thoughts, that led to curiosity. But, now….Now, that you had a reason to actually kill yourself you were more then willing to do it. You bring your hands to cover your face as you try to figure out what’s going on with you.
“What’s wrong with me?…..I’m definitely crazy.”
You froze at the persons’ voice…It sounded like the strangers voice from earlier.
“Please….stay away. I’m a mess.”
“____________? Don’t you recognize me?”
“Excuse me?” You asked questioningly.
All of a sudden a pair of arms were wrapped around you from behind. You felt his body against yours…warm and inviting. He nuzzles his head in between your head and shoulder as he slowly weeps. 
“I’ve missed you.” He whispers. 
You felt your body stiffen up even more as you start to recognize the persons voice. 
“M-m-minhyuk-ah?” you stutter.
You went into a panic as you pull away from his hug. You turn around to find him standing right in front of you. 
“What are you doing here?” You bring your hands out to a defensive mode so that he will be able to stay away from you.
“I wanted to see you.”
“Why did you randomly hug me?”
“Because…I love you.”
“No…No, you’re not supposed to love me!”
You felt the tears roll out harder then before and this time you had no control over them.
“____________, just calm down.”
“How…How did you know I was here? I hid for 6 years…away from you. 6 years, Minhyuk…and in one night you managed to come back into my life and destroy everything again….I was doing fine…” You were lying. And then you fell to the floor as you felt defeated.
“Why are you acting this way? Aren’t you glad to see me?”
“You’re not suppose to be here…She’ll get angry…I told her I would stay away from you. She told me I wasn’t supposed to be near you….”
“Your grandmother!”
He walks closer to you as he finally sits by your side. He then places his hands around you and brings you into his embrace. 
“I know everything.”
“I know about the deal you and my grandmother made…about Hye-Jin…about your suffering…I know.”
You finally let it all out as he said the words, ‘I know.’ You screamed into his chest as you finally let out all the pains you kept inside. All the guilt you bottled up…all the hurt…They were slowly starting to disappear. He continues to pet your head so that you would be able to calm down. 
“Minhyuk-ah….I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Shh. You don’t need to be sorry. I should be the one that’s sorry. I should’ve known about it. I knew that my grandmother was that type of person but I was so oblivious and got taken away by my feelings. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to recognize sooner…I’m sorry it took me 6 years to recognize it.”
You shake your head in disagreement.
“It’s my fault. I should have told you about the deal your grandmother  proposed to me… We should’ve faced our problems together, like we promised. But, I broke our promise. I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying your sorry. It’s not your fault.”
“But it is-” 
He quickly grabs your face as he places his lips on top of yours. He forces his lips upon you and continues to kiss you roughly and violently. You felt the pain and suffering he went through as he holds onto you…for those 6 years he held on…he let it all out in that one kiss. You let him…You let him kissed you like that, for abandoning him and leaving him in the dark…. But, then he slowly transitions to a softer kiss, in the feeling of being relieved…he felt his weight being lifted off. Now, he was finally with you. He slowly caresses your face as you continue to interlock lips with him. His lips would dance along yours as you answered back with the same dance. His soft, thin lips….caressing your own….the ones you’ve craved for…..for so long, was finally yours. His lips were yours.
The two of you finally pull out of the kiss and look into each others eyes. He wipes away your tears as he places his forehead against yours.
“Let me protect you…. Let me be your shield against the world.”
“Mmmm.” You say snuggily in his arms.
“But, Minhyuk…What about your grandmother?”
“It’s okay…. I own the company now and through the 6 years me and grandma got closer. I know that if I persuade her and explain to her how much you mean to me I know she will understand. Don’t worry…Just believe in me.”
“……..I love you.”
“I love you too.” He leans in to kiss your forehead and rests his head on top of yours. 
8 years later
“Honey?! Do you know where my stripe socks are?”
“Lee, Minhyuk ! Use your God damn eyes!”
“But, I can’t find them!”
“It’s in the drawers!”
You continue to flip the pancakes so that there will be breakfast on the table.  You scurry  back and forth between the kitchen and the laundry room, regretting not doing chores the night before. 
“Annyoeong yeobo ~” Minhyuk puts his arm around your waist as he slowly kisses your cheek. 
“It’s too early in the morning to be doing this Minhyuk.”
“No, it’s not” He kisses your cheek again and this time around you blush at your husband not listening to your request.
“You’re so annoying.”
“Am not.”
“Yup, you’re definitely annoying.”
“EW!” You heard a voice from behind you, screaming. 
“What do you mean ew, little man?” Minhyuk walks on over to the little boy.
“You and mommy are so gross!”
“Lee, Jimin ! What are you talking about ?!” 
Minhyuk rushes over to the little boy and starts to chase him down. 
“Eomma ! Eomma ! Appa is being mean to me!”
You turn off the stove as you hurriedly save Jimin. 
“Come on Jimin ! Into eommas arms!”
“Eomma!” The little 5 year old boy runs into his mothers arms and you carry him up away from his father. Minhyuk pinches the little boys nose and kisses his forehead.
“You’re lucky you got saved by your mom.”
“Come on. It’s time to eat breakfast.”
You let him down and walk into the kitchen to get the pancakes. You walk on over to the dining table and place the pancakes in front of the two guys in your life. 
“One, for daddy and one for little Jimin.”
“Thank you mommy.”
“Thanks yeobo.”
“Jimin, remember to visit your aunt and grandfater later, okay? Mommy will come later.”
“Yeobo, will you come into the studio later to paint with me?”
“Of course I will. I just have to go to the company first. Which reminds me I’m late. I’ll see you two later.”
Minhyuk stands up from the table and gives you and Jimin good bye kisses.
“And you mister. You’re late for school. Come on go with your father.”
Jimin runs up to you as he kisses you on the cheek. They both rush to the door as they put their shoes and bags on. They walk on out, into the street and bid you farewell. You lean against the door as you wave them goodbyes.
“Bye eomma!”
And he was just the same. Loud and obnoxious. He was annoying as always but he was mine. He was the annoying, Lee Minhyuk.






O3O Srsly this time lol ^^ O3O

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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!