Chapter 9

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)

                It’s been about a good week since Minhyuk has lived in your house now. Everything was just fine and okay. You wouldn’t really consider it normal because he would still act like his usual self. He would annoy you and you would get angry. Then, Hye-Jin would come in to protect Minhyuk. This slowly started becoming a part of your daily routine and it was slowly starting to scare you. Minhyuk knew how much you wanted to keep the distance between you and him in school so he respected that and you appreciated him for doing so. 
              You lay your head on your desk as you stare out into the window. Looking at the tree leaves that were finally dancing as they reached the ground. The leaves painted the sky with shades of orange, red, and brown. Which allowed you to feel inspired with your upcoming art project. As you zone out with nature your teacher talks about the mathematical theories of a triangle. The sound of her voice, like a lullaby, slowly putting you to sleep. 
“______________-sii? Do you have the answer?” You jump up from your seat and yell out 
“3!” Closing your eyes at the embarrassment ,hoping, that the answer was right. Everyone laughs in unison as you slowly sink in back to your seat hoping you would disappear, at that very moment. Your teacher shakes her head in disappointment, sighing heavily.
“______________-sii please see me after this class.”
The bell rings as everyone runs outside for gym, while, you walk up to the front of the class to talk to your teacher. 
“Yes, seongsangnim?”
“Ah, _____________-ssi. I’ll just get straight to it. How are you finding math so far? Hard?”
“ummmm…. It’s alright. I guess.” You say, wondering where this conversation is leading to. 
“Well, from the past tests ,we just had, you’ve been failing all of them and im starting to worry. This is the only class that you are failing. You’re a very studious student but I’m guessing math was your weakness.” She was spot on with that remark. Math was your weakness. 
“Is there any particular part that you have trouble with?” You think deeply in thought trying to figure out what part you had troubles in math with. But you knew you didn’t understand math at all. Whenever your teacher started talking about numbers and theories you started to fall asleep. It was the one thing that knew how to knock you out cold. Your teacher sighs heavily as you still stare at her with a blank expression.
“The best option right now is for you to find a tutor that could help you out in math. Do you know anyone who could possibly teach you ?”
You shake your head, showing her that you knew no one who could tutor you. Well, the only person you knew, who you were close with, was Lydia, and she wasn’t the best at math either. Your father was also out of the question and Hye-Jin was too young to understand what you guys were even learning about. Just then the door flew open as Minhyuk appeared. 
“Minhyuk-sii? What are you doing here ?” The teacher asks.
“I just left my gym clothes in here. I came to get it.” He points towards his desk. 
“Okay, then.” He walks over to his desk as he searches for his gym clothes. 
“Well, I’ll give you these extra questions for homework to try and help you out a little more.” She grabs a bunch of papers as she hands them over to you. You look at the pile she gives to you, astonished, and upset. Thinking, how you could possibly finish all of these. Your teacher places her hand upon her chin as she starts to think. Then her eyes lightened up, like a great idea has just struck her. 
“Minhyuk-ssi !” She yells out. Minhyuk turns around startled by the random outburst your teacher makes. 
“Y-y-y-yes?” He puts his hand on his heart, as he tries to calm himself down. 
“You’ve got the highest mark in our math class, right ?!”
“….um yeah.”
“That’s perfect ! Minhyuk-ssi could you possibly tutor _____________-sii in math?” Your jaw drops at the thought of Minhyuk tutoring you in math.
“NO !”
“Sure." Minhyuks’ face brightens up with joy .
“No, no, no, no, no. I disagree completely.” 
“Why not ? I think it’s perfect. Minhyuk is the smartest kid in our class and I’m sure he can connect with you compared to if I was the one teaching you.” 
“Yeah, _______________-ssi. I’d be honoured to help you out with math.” He bows like how a prince would bow in front of a lady. 
“It’s all up to you _________________-ssi. I think it’s a great idea. If I were you, I wouldn’t pass up this opportunity.”
You try to figure out all the pros and the cons in your head and there seems to be more pros then there was cons. The only con was that Minhyuk was probably going to get on your nerves while he taught you math. 
“Fine.” You say sounding defeated. 
“Great.” The teacher claps, getting all giddy.
“Alright, the both of you go head to gym class now. Talk about when you two will meet and when you guys should start the tutoring sessions. I’ll see you in our next class.” She stands up as she heads back to her office. You go back to your desk to find your gym clothes and place the stack of papers in your bag. 
“So…..You have troubles in math, huh ?”
“Shutup. I’ll never hear the end of this.” You walk away as fast as you could to ignore Minhyuk.
“Hey ! Wait up !”
“We’re still in school.” You glare at him. 
“But, we need to talk about when I could teach you !”
“We’ll do it at home !” You run off as you try to make it to gym class. 
                You sit on your table as you try to figure out the questions laid in front of you. You scratch your head constantly as you look at what looks like the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Getting frustrated you start to pull on your hair as you yell out, upset. You pace back and forth with the hand in your paper and the pencil up to your lip. You’d tap it as you tried to reach to a conclusion. But no matter how much you tried you never seemed to get it right. Then it hit you. Minhyuk was supposed to be your tutor and should help you out with most of these questions. You look over to the clock to see it read 11:45 PM. You wondered if he was sleeping right now…but you really needed help on all the extra homework and you haven’t even completed any of the questions. You decided it didn’t matter if he was sleeping. You needed his help and pronto. You got up from your desk as you made your way to his room; you knock softly as you call out his name. 
“Minhyuk-ah ~” No response. You knock again hoping you would get an answer.
“Minhyuk-ah~” The door opens slightly and you see Minhyuk half asleep. His hair all ruffled up and messy, his eyes half open, and his mouth slightly agape.
“Hmmmm.” he says in a low husky voice. 
“Are you sleeping?”
“No, I was just acting how to sleep. What do you want?” He scratches the back off his head in annoyance. 
“No, seriously what is it ? You already woke me up.”
“Can you help me?” You held your papers up to Minhyuk, slowly covering your face.
“Fine, fine.” He opens the door fully welcoming you into his room. He walks over to his bed as he lies down. You stand by the door as you awkwardly wait for him to allow you to sit down. He lifts his head up, to see you, still standing.
“Uhmm…You know this used to be your room right? So just go ahead and sit.” He lays his head back down on the pillow. You walk over to his desk as you sit down, all proper, and uptight.
“So, what do you need help with?”
“The first question.” You say embarrassingly. 
He walks over to you as he places one arm on the desk and the other on his waist. He casts a shadow over your paper and picks up the pencil you brought with you. He thinks for a little bit and writes down the answer on your paper. You fold your hands on your lap nervously because his body was so close to yours that you could feel his breath down your neck. 
“Okay, now try to figure out how I got this answer.” He leaves the pencil on the desk as he walks back to his bed.  You stare hardly at the answer he came up with. Puzzled and confused with how he got the answer, you bring your hand to the back of your neck hoping this will help you out somehow. You try formulating different types of formulas and processes anticipating the same answer he had. But, every time you tried it never seemed to come out right. He got frustrated with waiting so he sits up as he scratches his head in frustration. He walks back to the desk as he grabs the pencil and paper out of your hand. He writes the full process out and hands it back to you.
“I didn’t know you were this bad at math.”
You punch him in the stomach with his remark. He wraps his arms around his stomach as he falls unto the floor. You sit right beside him as you try to pick him back up. 
“Sorry… force of habit. He he ~”
“It’s fine. It’s fine.” He coughs. 
“Just try with this next question.” He takes the paper again and tries to come up with the answer. In a matter of seconds he writes it down and hands it over to you. 
“Okay, try this one.”
You try really hard to come up with the same conclusion as Minhyuk but at this point you felt hopeless. You buried your face in your hand as you felt defeated. 
“I’ll never understand what this is saying to me.” You cry out. 
“Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll get it. Here give it to me. I’ll show you the first two steps and you do the rest.”
You hand him over the paper as he starts getting to work. He hands it back to you as you try to figure out what the next step was. It took you about a good 10 minutes to finally come up with the same answer as his. You jump in joy as you finally got the answer, and so did Minhyuk. He grabbed your hands as you grabbed his and started dancing around, like South Korea just scored a soccer goal. Realizing what you both just did he hid his hands behind his back and so did you. 
“Here, I’ll do the next question.” Minhyuk grabs onto the paper and continues to answer.
              For the rest of the night Minhyuk would write down the answers as you figured out the process. By the time it reached 2AM you were almost done the first half of the extra homework. You look over to see if Minhyuk could help you out. But, he was knocked out cold. You went over by his bedside hoping not to disturb him. You sat down on the floor as you lay your head to where his head was placed. You admired his face as you dragged your finger across it allowing it to touch every single detail of it. 
“You know with you sleeping like this you aren’t such a bad guy after all.” You whisper. You bring your finger up to his eyelashes as you brush your finger over to his very thin eyebrows. You slowly start to play with his auburn like hair. He lifts up his hand as he scratches his nose causing you to freeze up; hoping he doesn’t wake up. You wipe the sweat coming from your brow bone as you continue to admire his face. 
“I don’t know what it is about you but you make me do things I usually wouldn’t do. You get me all riled up over the most smallest things, I get all flustered inside whenever you do things to embarrass me. I yell more now whenever you get me angry. I just don’t understand. Why is it I could act this way in front of you and no one else? How is it that I could express myself so easily in front of you?” You yawn as you felt your eyes slowly getting heavy. You close your eyes as you thought.
“I’ll just nap for a little bit. I’ll wake up….later.”



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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!