Chapter 35

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)

                  Today was the day where you were going to let go off Minhyuk…..It pained you every time you thought about it. But, what could you do. It was that or Hye-Jin….dies. You and Minhyuk, talked yesterday, about finally going on a date today. So, you looked at the mirror as you scanned your outfit from head to toe. You had on a little black dress with white Peter Pan collars sticking out. You finally looked at your face; lost in thought.
“Just be happy __________. You have to be happy….This will be the last time you see him. You can’t be sad.”
You wiped away the tears that were falling from your eyes. You took a deep breath and smiled at the mirror.
“It will be alright.” 
You repeated to yourself, over and over again. You walked out of your room as you headed downstairs. Minhyuk turns around to find you grimacing your way down. 
“You look……ravishing.”
“Stop.” You slap his shoulder.
“You’re the very meaning of a ‘-up.’”
“I am not up ! I can’t help it if my girlfriend is the most beautiful creature in the world.”
“Did you just call me a creature?!”
He wraps his arms around you; just when you were about to lecture him. 
“Okay, let’s try not to get you angry on our first date.” He pecks your forehead.
“Let’s go.” He brings his hands down as he grabs yours. He firmly holds it as he leads you out of your house. 
              You walk around the busy streets of Hongdae, watching busy people pass you by and the blinding, flashing lights around you.  You held unto Minhyuks’ hand tightly in case you got lost. He finally stops in front of a store that read,
“Kanda? What are we doing here? I heard it’s expensive to eat here.”
“It’s okay. Just come on inside.”
He opens the door as he drags you inside the expensive Japanese restaurant. Right at the entrance you were greeted by a waiter. 
“Are you Mr.Lee?”
“Please, follow me.”
The waiter walks on ahead as he leads the two of you to your seats. 
“Why is there no one in this restaurant? This place is always busy.”
“My friend owns this place.”
“Yup, he owes me a favour. So, I asked him if I could have this place all to myself, for our first date.”
“….Minhyuk, you didn’t have to go that far. Just a simple food stand would do.”
“Nonsense, it’s our first date and I want it to be memorable.”
“Minhyuk-ah……” You were at a lose for words. You felt yourself about to cry but you tried your best to hold on. 
“Don’t cry.” He says with a smile. 
“It’s our first date. We are supposed to be happy.” You nod.
The waiter brings you outside to the back of their restaurant. You were astonished at the beautiful scene that was right in front of your eyes. It was a beautiful Japanese garden with lanterns, hung all over the place, lighting up the entire garden. There was a small little bridge that helped you get across from one place to the other and right under it was a little river that inhabited small, adorable koi fish. You find rows and rows of sakura trees fill the entire premise of the backyard. From left to right you find vintage looking tables and chairs but right in the middle of it all you see a bali tea house (Japanese Gazebo). It’s design was so intricate and very detailed. You walked towards the tea house and found a very traditional kotatsu (table). Lying around were the petals of the sakura flowers. Right in the middle of the table was a lit up candle. 
“This is-”
“Come on. Let’s eat.” Minhyuk leads you over to where you were going to sit. You sit down on the floor as Minhyuk makes his way over to the other side. 
“Order anything you want. Don’t worry about the money.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
              Right after your meal you and Minhyuk went out to the arcade and played a couple of games. He ended up losing most of the games and whining like a little child. 
“I can’t believe I lost to a girl.” 
“Excuse you. Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t beat your up in video games. Gender does not define my awesomnes in beating you.”
“Hey, look!” He says pointing to a church. 
“Someone’s getting married.” He says excitingly as the bride makes her way inside of the church with her holding onto her fathers’ arms. 
“Let’s sneak in.”
“Come on!” He grabs onto your hand and runs over to the church. You both crouch down behind the bushes as Minhyuk peaks his head out, to find a way inside, without getting caught. As soon as everyone enters in Minhyuk brings you up on your two feet and runs over to the church doors. He opens it slightly and finally walks on in. But, just as he was about to walk inside a bunch of people from behind open the door. Minhyuk quickly runs off to the side, with you following him right behind. He breathes heavily, as he tries to catch his breath. But, something caught his eye. He found a spiral staircase that lead to the upstairs of the church. 
“Let’s go up there.” He whispers. 
You shake your head in disagreement, thinking this was wrong. But he ignored your request and brought you up anyways. You walked up the stairs and found yourself at the 2nd floor. This was the place where people would come up to view the mass if they came to mass late. The both of you walk towards the ledge as you watched the bride and groom in front of the alter. They had guests filling up the place, probably families and friends. Then you got to thinking….Will this ever happen to you? Will there be a day where you and Minhyuk are at the alter giving each other your vows? Will your father lead you down that aisle…..Will you even be able to marry Minhyuk? As your brain continues to question about the future it finally comes to the part where the bride and groom exchange vows. You tear up as they tell each other their promises and the beautiful things they find about each other. Then the priest finally asks the big question towards the groom. 
“Do you, Jo Kwon, take Son Ga In, to be your partner in life and sharing your path; equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through good times and bad, until death do you part?” 
“I do.” 
You froze, in shock, as you heard Minhyuk whisper the words, 'I do.' You turn around to find Minhyuk gazing at you with loving and tender eyes. He holds both your hands as he gives you that smile of his. The smile you hated at first…but grew to love. His smile…. The smile that you will never be able to see again. 
“Do you, Ga In, take Jo Kwon, to be your partner in life and sharing your path; equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through good times and bad, until death do you part?” 
You stare into his eyes as you felt your heart get heavier. His expression started to change the longer he waited for your answer. You quickly turned around as you felt the rush of tears come out your eyes. You ran away from him as you made your way out the church. You choked up back there and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say the words, ‘I do.’ It was too much; knowing, that you won’t be able to spend your entire life with Minhyuk. You won’t be able to go on more dates with him, you won’t be able to have kids with him, you won’t have a family together, a place where you will both live in, you won't have your first time, you won’t be able to see his smiling face again….He won’t be there anymore. You hold onto a lamp post as you try to breathe evenly. Minhyuk catches up to you as he places his hand on your shoulder. 
“What’s wrong?”
You wipe the tears away from your eyes as you tried to toughen yourself up. You turn around to face him with an ice-cold expression. 
“Why didn’t you answer back there? Is something bugging you?”
“I think we need to break up.”
“…….You’re lying.”
“I’m not.”
He slowly starts to laugh. Acting, as if this was all a joke.
“Oh___________. You’re so funny. You almost got me there.”
“I’m not joking Minhyuk. Why do you think I never answered you back there?”
He grabs a hold of both your shoulders as he insanely looks into your eyes. He shakes you as he tries to get a hold of your senses. 
“What ever happened to not leaving each other behind?! To sticking with each other. I thought we were in this together.”
“Well you thought wrong.” You grabbed his hands and pushed them aside. 
“What happened?! I thought you loved me.”His eyes started to brim with tears and it broke your heart. You tried to control yours because if you didn’t it was all over. 
“I lied……. As soon as my father told me you were going to be disinherited I was done with you. You didn’t have anymore money and you had no use to me.”
“No….No…This is all wrong. You are not like this.”
“Are you really sure Minhyuk? I’ve lived most of my life having to experience what it was like to live a day where you almost starved because I couldn’t afford bread. I lived all my life having to run away from loan sharks. You really think I became your girlfriend because of ‘love' ? Well, think again pretty boy. This girl was just in it for the money.”
“Please, tell me this is all a dream.”
“Do you seriously believe that this is all fake? Okay, to make it clearer, just for you. I like money. Money makes me happy. You have money. I dated you. Now, you have no money. So, we break up.” 
“You used me….You played me like a fool. I thought…you really loved me… All those times, we shared …it was all a lie. How could you?!”
“You think you had it hard. Imagine, the amount of pretending I had to do just to like you. Ugh ! And kissing those disgusting lips of yours ! Well, now you have it. I’ve always hated you and always will. So please, just get out of the house and go back to your family. This relationship won’t work out if you don’t have money.”
You took off the necklace that Minhyuk gave you as you reached out for his hand. You placed it on top of his.
“I have no use of this anymore. It’s not worth a lot.”
Just when you were about to walk away he grabs a hold of your wrist and places the necklace back in your hands.
“No, you keep it….It was a gift to you anyways.”
“Get your things out of my house now. I won’t be back till 12 a.m . So, when I come back you better be out of there.”
You continued to walk as you squeezed your hands tightly around the necklace. You placed your hand over your mouth as you allowed the tears flow out of your face. All those, things you said to him made you feel weak. You had to say it….You had to let him go. 
“Goodbye, Minhyuk-ah.” You whisper.


Guise.....It's all over now TT-TT and i'm so sad to conclude it. I hope you liked it and enjoy every little bit of it because I know I enjoyed writing each and every chapter. Continue on down because just for you guys i have a little surprise.















































Omfg im such a horrible person LOL! I just wanted to joke around a little beacuse im in that mood and im such a terrible person. I'm sorry. I was actually going to post it in the next chapter that I lied but I felt like a more terrible person if I did that. LOL of course I won't end it there. I don't want no crappy ending PSSH IT MUST NOT END THERE ! So, tune in for more. Ew, I sound like those people in tv shows. BUT YEAH BAM ! DOUBLE UPDATE ACHOS ! I won't do that ever again. I promise. I'm such a fucin troll. I'm sorry T-T 




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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!