Chapter 11

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


                              You listened to the beat of LC9s’ mama beat. You let the tune linger around your ears as you dance around. Then you realized that it was sound of your alarm that you were listening to. You slowly try to bring yourself to open your eyes. Struggling to get them open you finally bring them up, but you were only able to bring them half open. You felt your whole body get heavy from the amount of sleep you got. You try your best to bring yourself to stretch your arms. So you place your hands above your head, making sure you felt comfortable. You check your phone to see it read 5:50 am. It was still too early to be awake so you thought to yourself that going back to sleep would be a good idea. You grabbed the pillow that was closest to you as you turn around hugging it. Just when you lowered the pillow from your face you see someone else sleeping right beside you. Wondering if you were still sleeping you wondered who it was. You slowly rubbed your eyes as you tried to figure out whose face this possibly belongs to…….

Minhyuk got startled at your random outburst as he jolts up from his sleep and stares back at you.
“What the-?!” He slowly sits up as he backs away from you. You start to panic as you close your eyes and bring your hands up to your face; placing your hands on top of it.
You hear a loud thud from the side of the bed.
“Ouch.” You peer over to the bed to find Minhyuk rubbing his bottom. 
“Stop yelling so much.” 
“What did you do to me last night?!” You point to him as you accuse him of something suspicious. 
“I didn’t do anything !”
“Then why were we sleeping on the same bed !”
“Why were you on my bed is the real question here?”
“Yeah, I thought so.”
“But, I was sleeping on the floor! You must’ve done something to me so that I’d end up on your bed ! YOU UAL HARRASER !”
“Why would I want to do that?”
Minhyuk climbs up the bed as you slowly move back, allowing your back to hit the wall. He places his hand over your mouth as he brings his face towards you. Your face and his were about an inch apart, making you feel all nervous and panicked. You breathe heavier as you and him stay still in that position. 
“Can you shutup for just a minute? Stop screaming so damn much.”
You point toward his hand, that was covering your mouth. When he finally realizes what you were trying to say he lets go.
“YOU ERTED ANIM-” He brings his hand over to your mouth again so that you would stop screaming. 
“What is going- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! What are you two doing ?!” Your dad drops his spatula as he stares at you and Minhyuk, in that awkward position. You and Minhyuk look at each other then to your father, realizing the misunderstanding thought your dad might have of this situation. Minhyuk lets go of you as he jumps over to the other side of the bed, as you stand up from the bed and head for the door. 
“Good morning, father.” You bow to him and close his open mouth. You walk around his frozen body and head towards the washroom. 
“What happened last night ? How did I end up in Minhyuks’ bed?  I swear if he did something to me! It will be the end of that jerks life !”
                You head downstairs as you take a seat for breakfast. You look around to see if Minhyuk was around and luckily he wasn’t. You felt the tension from your arms relax as you slowly enjoy your breakfast. Your father finishes making the last piece of toast and places them on the table. Just then Minhyuk comes down as he sits right across from you, still taking the usual spot you sit on. He drinks the coffee that was placed in front of him as he avoids eye contact with you as much as possible. He brings the news paper to his face hoping the topic of this morning won’t pop up. 
“So…..” Your father says.
“______________, what were you doing in Minhyuks’ room?” You choke on your toast as your father asks the question so bluntly. Minhyuk spits out his piping hot coffee, which hit’s the newspaper. 
“Hehehe, nothing appa.” You try to do aegyo so that your father wouldn’t get so angry with you sleeping with a boy. Minhyuk giggles at the side, trying to contain his laughter, from the aegyo you were giving your dad. You turn to him as you give him scowling glares. 
“What?” He mouths.
“Stop laughing.” You mouth back.
“Why did Minhyuk have his hand over your mouth? That can’t be nothing.”
“Okay, here’s the thing appa. But you can’t be angry at me you promise?”
“APPA!” Minhyuk laughs hysterically at the conclusion your father comes up with.
“Hey, I’m a pretty good deal.”
“Just shut up. You're making it worst. Anyways, appa, the reason why I slept there was because I’ve been failing math.”
“And….What does that have to do with anything?…..WAIT YOU’RE FAILING MATH !”
“Appa do you want to hear why I was in his room or do you want to lecture me?”
“Okay, okay. Continue.”
“Anyways, our teacher told us that in order for me to be able to understand math better is to get a tutor. Minhyuk is getting the highest score in our class right now, and he’s really good in math….soooooooo, the teacher told me that Minhyuk should be my tutor. Last night, I had a ton of math homework that the teacher gave me. I didn’t understand any of them soooo I went into Minhyuks’ room hoping he would be able to help me out. He did and we stayed up pretty late. It was already 2AM when I started getting tired. I told myself I was going to take a little nap and wake up later but in the end I stayed all night in Minhyuks room.”
Your father lets out a loud sigh, in relief, that nothing happened between you and Minhyuk. 
“As long as you aren’t pregnant.” He pats your back, just like he would to a dog.
“Appa !” 
“You know I would never do that. You brought me up the right way and I promise I’ll finish school first before having a baby, and getting married, and all that jazz.”
He laughs at your remark; proud, that his daughter was kind, hardworking, and responsible.
“Alright, alright I get it. Just finish up your breakfast. Now….. About failing math.”

 Hey guise ^^ I've been too lazy to write the other chapters lately because one of my fav idol groups finally debuted :D YAY BANGTAN so I've been distracted and all oggly eyed but dw dw I will update often :) kekeke anywho the song I used for this chapter is honestly one of ym favorite bangtan songs ! i'm so proud of them TT-TT ANYWHO i will be starting on a new story. I haven't posted it up yet because I've only got one chapter so far but yeah ~ ^^



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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!