Chapter 8

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


                You toss and turn trying to go back to sleep but you just can’t seem to find the right position. You decided it was best to just get up and grab a snack instead of waking Hye-Jin up with all the noise you were making.  You tip toe out of the room as you head downstairs making sure you don’t create a ruckus. As you head into the kitchen to make a quick little snack you see Minhyuk already fussing around and cooking something. 
“…..Hey.” you call out. 
Minhyuk gets startled and drops the spoon he was holding onto.
“Shhhhh. We can’t make too much noise.” You put your finger on your lip telling him to be careful. You walk towards him as you see a bunch of pots and pans on the stove.
“What are you doing up?” he asks. He rushes over to the sink to wash the dropped spoon. 
“I couldn’t go to sleep….so I was going to make a quick snack. But I can see that you‘re doing that already. How about you?”  You pick up the plate that was placed on the counter as you observe it. 
“Same reason.” He walks around you as he goes over to the fridge.
“So….. What are you making?” You look over to the pots that were on the stove.
“Shrimp tempura and pasta…..Do you want some?” Your eyes sparkled as he offered you to eat with him. 
“Yes.” You smiled.
“Do you need any help?”
“Uhmm…. You can fry the shrimp while I get the sauce for the pasta ready. Just be careful the frying pan is behind the pot with the boiling water.”
“Alright.” You head over towards the stove as you grab the tray with the battered up shrimp. You grab the drawers as you searched for the chopsticks. You place the shrimp in the frying pan one by one, carefully, making sure you don’t hit the pot in front of you. As you reached for the last shrimp you accidentally knock down the boiling pot. The pot falls over with the noodles and scolding hot water, hitting your foot. The burning water seeped through your sock, and into your skin as you screamed in pain. Minhyuk rushes over to your side, with panic filled eyes, as he picks you up and carries you to the sofa. He brings out a towel as he asks you to bite on it so that it would stop you from screaming. 
“I’ll be back.” He rushes towards the laundry room as he leaves you there in silence. You pull your sock down to see how bad the burn was. You take a look at your foot that was as pink and red as the sky just when it was about to set. You slowly put your hand out to touch the burn and you flinched at the excruciating pain it caused. Minhyuk rushes in holding a bucket filled with water. He kneels beside you as he grabs your foot and places it on top of the bucket. He then slowly pours the ice cold water on top of your foot as he cools it down. You start to admire his side profile while, he was tending to your burn. In that position he stood as still as a statue; his jaw chiselled, and his lips as thin and fragile. While his eyes filled with worried expressions, you were tempted to touch his face but you held back and sat on top of your hand before you did anything stupid. 
“Thankyou.” You whispered. 
“What?” He looks at you.
“I said thanks.” You pouted.
“For earlier and for this.”
He smiles as he continues to look at your foot. 
“Does it still hurt?” He touches the burn as you flinch; you punch him in the arm.
“Well clearly.” 
“ I told you to be careful.” He stares at you like how a parent would stare at their misbehaving child. 
“ I did.” You whine. 
“Well, you didn’t do it right because now look.” He raises your foot up in the air to show you the evidence. 
“I know. I know.” You cross your arms annoyed at Minhyuk lecturing you. 
“At least you’re not hurt.” He says softly.
“Nothing.” he says. “Just put your foot in the bucket. I’ll just go make us some ramen.”
“Okay.” He slowly places your foot in the bucket while he heads back in the kitchen  and starts making the both of you some ramen. He walks to the dinner table with two bowls in his hand as he places them down. He grabs chopsticks and spoons and arranges them on the table.  Minhyuk takes a peep from the living room and calls out your name so that you two could start eating. You take your foot out of the bucket as you try to pick yourself up. You slowly start to walk but you accidentally put pressure on your burnt foot which caused you to trip and fall. 
“What happened?!” Minhyuk asks worriedly.
“It’s nothing. I just put too much pressure in one foot.” You try to pick yourself up again but struggle as you do it. Minhyuk saw the amount of struggle you were in and caused your entire being to burn up from embarassment. Just when you were about to stand up with your own two feet you felt someone grab you and lift you up from the floor. You get startled from Minhyuk sweeping you off your feet. And literally sweeping you off your feet. You kick and scream telling him to put you down.
“Shhhh~ you don’t want to wake them up.” He whispers.
“Then put me down.” You say angrily. 
“Nope. You can’t walk and its easier this way.” He slowly adjusts himself by throwing you in the air allowing you to place your arms around his neck. As you slowly land back in his arms your face and his meet. You stared at his forehead as you made your way down to his chin. From his red, auburn hair, to his warm chocolate eyes. To his slightly tinted lip and his highly raised cheekbones. You finally saw why all the girls fell for him. You felt your face burning up because you stared at him for too long. You turn the other way, embarrassed, hoping he didn’t notice. Minhyuk scoffs at how close you two were and walks towards the dining table. He puts you down at your seat as he walks over to his. 
“Thanks.” You say again quietly.
“This must be my lucky day. The ___________ is thanking me 3 times in a row.” He smiles. You grab your chopsticks angry and flustered as you start stuffing your face with the ramen he made. He laughs at you as you gauged down on the ramen. 
“Jerk.” You whisper. Hoping he doesn’t hear you. 
“Is that what you call your saviour? And slow down with the eating you might choke.”  Just as soon as he said that the noodles got stuck in your throat. You cough, trying your best to catch for air. You bring your hand to your chest as you start beating it hoping that the food will go down to your stomach.
“What did I tell you?” He smiles. 
“Shutup!” You continue to eat fast ignoring Minhyuks’ advice. And in that moment Minhyuk was slowly starting to warm up to you. 

Another little update. It is currently 12:51 am LOL it's like everytime i do these things i must tell you what time it is to show you that i probably will have grammar mistakes up there, so I will fix them probably by tom or something. So if you cannot handle please do not read till i fix them. I mean like the upcoming chapters because it would be pointless if you didn't read this one because if you're reading this that means that you read the whole thing and ended up to this little blurby thing LOL I'll shutup now. But srsly ye ~ bear with me. Mian for being such a crappy authour but thankyou for sticking out with me. ANYWAYS INSIGHT I WANT YOUR INSIGHT! LOL I'd love to hear of what you think of the story :) Good? Bad? Terrible? Could use some work? Needs a little bit more fabulous sprinkles? I'm sorry guise i'm all over the place atm. But yes comment down below on what you think :)


(I'm probably going to say that everytime i end an authours note thingie ^^)


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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!