Chapter 17

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


               It’s been about a two weeks now since the incident. Nothings really changed…. Except now, people bullied you more, that it’s become a daily routine. And after that day Minhyuk just stopped talking to you all in all. You were confused as to why, but he just didn’t utter a word. He would avoid your gazes, and your stares. It even came to the point where he would stop bothering you. You thought that maybe your outburst might have hurt him. But you couldn’t find a reason why it would hurt him. Usually, these type of things wouldn’t bother you but…..before Minhyuk came to your life it was dull and boring… Then he came and everyday was a hassle, spontaneous and accelerating . Even if he bugged you he allowed to turn your normal, boring life into an exciting one. But, now that he doesn’t even bother to say ‘hi’ just bugs you. On the other hand you and Woohyun got closer. Every time, during lunch, you would head up to the rooftop to hang out with Woohyun. All your life you hung out there but never really noticed him. Because of your daily hangouts with Woohyun he would walk you home sometimes when he has basketball practice, while you were at the art studio. Sometimes, you would finish your art pieces earlier then expected and you would catch a glimpse of Woohyuns' basketball practice.There was a reason why he was the basketball captain. He was so passionate about the sport. You could see it in his eyes and the way he would run across that court. He deserved it. Your relationship with Woohyun was kept secret to the school. You would hangout in places where no one would be around. So, none of his fan girls knew about you two being friends. If they ever found out you would get 10 times more the anti fans then you already have with Minhyuks’ fan girls……Who were you kidding? Everything changed.
“Hey look! Doesn’t that look like a man with an extremely long moustache !” You pointed to the clouds, on this bright sunny day, hoping Woohyun will see what you were trying to point to. 
“Not even close ! That’s more like a bunny trying to catch a carrot !”
You turn to him with judging eyes. 
“Really? A carrot? Really?”
“What? It does.”
“Well your wrong.”
“Your argument is invalid.”
You reached out for your bag as you grab out your lunch.
“What you got for lunch today?”
“Why you asking?”
“You know why.”
“I know I know. Your lucky because I made two today.” You grab out two baggies that contain sandwiches. One for you and one for Woohyun. Your father didn’t have enough time to make lunches for the family so you prepared yours, Hye-Jin, and Minhyuks lunch. Including Woohyun. Ever since you ate lunch with Woohyun you realized that he never brought a lunch with him. You asked him why but he just stayed silent and never answered that question. So instead you would make sure to pack extra lunches to share with him. 
“Hey ______________.”
“mmm” you say with a stuffed face.
“What are you doing in the weekend?”
“Why you asking?’
“Wanna watch a movie with me?”
“Why? You have a particular movie you want to watch?” You grab another bite at your sandwich, happy that it actually turned out pretty good.
“No…not really. I’m kinda asking you out on a date.”
You choked on your sandwich at Woohyuns confession. You start to pound on your chest hoping that the sandwich would stop blocking your throat. 
“Oh ! Sorry. I didn’t mean to-” He helps you out by slapping your back. Hoping, that the piece of bread goes down your throat properly.
“….startle you like that.” He continues.
“Well ! What did you expect?! You kind of just asked so bluntly!”
“Really? Well…That’s how I asked out Lydia and she sounded ecstatic. I guess I didn’t get the same reaction…”
“I’m not Lydia ! Of course it’d be different ! It’s like the only person you’ve ever asked out was Lydia.”
“OH MY GOD ! IT ONLY WAS JUST LYDIA ! The Nam, Woohyun. Surrounded by tons of girls and got his heart captured by a siren ! WOW ! I didn’t see this one coming ! YOU ARE SUCH A !”
“Can you keep quiet? Someone might hear you. And you’re a too. So shutup.” He brings his finger over his mouth; asking you to be quiet.
“Make me !” You stick your tongue out. 
Woohyun places his hand on your mouth so that you would stop yelling. He brings his face in closer as he looks you in the eyes. 
“Now that you’ve shutup. Will you go out with me on Saturday, _____________?”
You stood there frozen in shock. You didn’t know how to answer him….It’s not that you didn’t like him but you didn’t like him that much to have a relationship like that.
“If you say no I’m never letting go and imma kiss your forehead.” He smirks.
You nod your head, slowly. He finally let’s go off you and stares back at the sky.
“It’s a date then.”
“mmmm.” You bring your knees closer to your body and let your head rest on top of them. You wondered what you possibly got yourself into.
“Hey, dad !” You rush downstairs as you head into the kitchen. 
“Is it alright if I can go out this weekend?”
“To the movies?”
“…..Woohyun is a ?”
“But dad!” You whine.
“I already said yes.”
“Is it a date?”
“Then no.”
“You’re going on a date with Woohyun?”
You turn around the corner to see who said that and then you see Minhyuk with the newspaper in his hand, staring at you.
“Oh.” He answers. 
“I’ll just head on upstairs Mr. __________ thank you for the coffee.” He takes one more sip of his cup and places it down on the table. He then walks off and passes right by you like nothing ever happened.
“That was weird….. DAD PLEASE CAN I GO ?!”
“Why do you want to go so badly?”
“Because I said yes already and I really really want to go out with a friend.”
“I thought it was a date?”
“it is….but I don’t really like him like that.”
“In that case fine.”
“Thanks dad.” You run on over to him and give him a kiss to show your gratitude towards him.
                 You stood outside the movie theatres, patiently waiting for Woohyun. You stared at your watch, wondering, why he was running late. You turned your head from time to time, looking if he was on his way.
You turn around abruptly and find Woohyun running towards you, waving his hand around like an enthusiastic kid.
“Sorry, to keep you waiting I had some errands to do.”
“It’s alright.”
“Woah, you’re wearing a dress.”
“Why ? Is it weird?”
He shakes his head.
“Not at all. You look really pretty.” You blush at his compliment.
“Well, let’s go on and line up.” He brings his hand around your back and gives you a slight push so that the both of you would enter in the theatres. You both line up to buy your movie tickets.
“So, what movie do you want to see?”
“I don’t know. You were the one who asked me out remember?”
“But, don’t girls usually pick the movie they want to watch. So….go on and choose.” You look around the movie posters to find what movie you guys were going to watch. 
“Minhyuk!” A girl from afar calls out, catches your attention. You look at the girl real close and see Lydia calling out Minhyuks’ name. You then look at the person that Lydia was running towards to. Then you see her closing in near you. You wondered why she was calling Minhyuk when he was at home….not unless. You looked at the person who was lining up behind you and find Minhyuk.
“What are you doing here ?!” You point to him shocked.
“What? I don’t have a right to go out?”
“Do you know him?” Woohyun asks.
“He’s just some guy from class.”
“Hi, I’m Minhyuk” Minhyuk places his hand in front of him asking for Woohyun to shake it. 
“…I’m, Woohyun. Nice to meet you.” he grabs his hand and gives it a firm shake.
 Lydia rushes over towards Minhyuks’ side and  clings onto Minhyuks arm.
“Did you wait for me long?” She asks. 
“You?!” Woohyun asks shocked.
Lydia turns around and freezes at the fact that Woohyun was there. She quickly let’s go of Minhyuks arm and places her hands by her side. 
“Do you two know each other?” Minhyuk asks. 
“No. I don’t know him at all.” She answers quickly. 
Woohyuns eyes fell to the floor with the answer Lydia gave. You could tell he was disappointed . You grab onto Woohyuns hand hoping to help the situation.
“Well, I hope you two have a lovely date. Me and my date are going to go on right ahead.”
“Wait…. Isn’t that_____________?” Lydias eyes grew bigger as she saw the sight of me with her ex-boyfriend.
“Hey, Lydia….”
“I almost didn’t recognize you. With all the make-up you’re wearing. You look way prettier.”
“Thanks I guess…..”
“Actually, she looks prettier without the makeup.” Minhyuk adds. You stare at him with angry eyes. You were grateful that he complimented you but you didn’t want him complimenting you when he was out on a date with Lydia.
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone. Me and Woohyun will go now.” You turn back around as you dragged Woohyun along with you. 

i'm so sorry! This one's a really long chapter. I'm still trying to edit it because spelling mistakes and grammar stuff. i'll do it tom or something its 3:13 am here and i dont know why im still awake :) LOL anyways thankyou to the new subscribers it realy means alot ^^ and the great comments you guys give me. It makes me really happy. Anywho this girl is pooped ~ :) 



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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!