Chapter 33

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


               He continues to drive to a very unfamiliar place. And no matter how many times you looked out the window to figure out where you were….You had no idea. But the further he drove, the further you moved away from the city. One by one buildings would disappear as the grass and the trees took its place. One thing is for certain, you were headed to the country side. Finally, the car comes to a stop. The driver walks out as he makes his way over to your side, to open the door. You say your thank you with his gesture and quickly turned towards the mansion. Your eyes couldn’t believe what they saw. It was huge……There was a gate right in front of you that covered all around the perimeter of the house.  You peeped your head through two of the bars, so that , you can get a better view of the actual house. The driver must have thought that you looked crazy.  There were rows and rows of trees and bushes, making it look like a magestical garden. There was a pathway running down the middle and to the entrance of the house. Flowers bloomed from every direction, making it seem like the house was warm and welcoming. Then by the centre of the pathway you saw a little water fountain. A mermaid as its centerpiece with a shell on its hand, spurting out water just for the fountain. The driver finally makes his way to the odd looking machine off to the side of the gate. He rings the bell as an unfamiliar voice starts to speak. You get startled by the voice and walk towards where the driver was standing. 
“Who is it?”
“Is this thingy majjigy talking to us?”
You point at the machine with a fascinated face on. The driver grabs your hands as he places it by your side.
“Please ma’am. Please keep your hands to yourself.” 
He turns back to the machine as he continues to talk.
“It’s us. Tell Mrs.Lee the girl is here.”
“Right away.”
The gates open, allowing you to finally take a full view of the place. It was like you stepped into a whole new world….I guess you could say it was kind of like wonderland, from Alice in wonderland, except not to the extreme where flowers were talking. Everything was just so breathtaking. You make your way down the pathway…for maybe 10 minutes or less. It was a pretty long way to get from the gate to the front door. You finally make your way to the door as someone opens it. 
“Where is Mrs.Lee?” The driver asks the maid. 
“In her office.”
“Follow me, please.”
The driver takes a step inside the mansion as you continue to tag along behind him. You make your way through flights and flights of stairs. From different hallways to different rooms you finally end up in an office. Well…it looked like an office. You looked at the walls and desks….It looked so expensive. You knew that if you broke or touched anything your life would probably be over. 
“Mrs. Lee, the girl is here.”
The chair slowly turns around to reveal an old lady sitting on it. 
“You may leave.” She shoos the driver away as you looked her straight in the eye. You didn’t mean to be rude but you couldn’t help but notice the similarity between Minhyuks’ eyes and the lady in front of you. You then stare at her very thin lips and her deep wrinkles. Her hair….white….as pure as the clouds on a bright day. 
“Didn’t anyone teach you not to stare so rudely at someone?”
“I’m sorry.” You bow to show your manners. 
“Take a seat.” 
You walk on over to one of the chairs in front of her desk and sit down. You held your hands together on top of your lap as you made sure that you weren’t slouching. 
“So…You’re the famous ________________. The one who seduced my grandson.”
“Excuse me?” You say slightly appalled. 
“Please, don’t talk while I’m talking. Where are your manners?”
“…I’m sorry.”
“Any who, let’s get straight to the point as why you’re here. I don’t like you.”
“I don’t want you near my grandson or near my family. So, how much money do you want so that you would leave my grandson alone?”
You were still trying to process what she was trying to say to you. It was happening so fast that you had no idea what she wanted from you… Then it hit you. She wanted you to leave Minhyuk alone in exchange for her money. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing…..Everything Minhyuk said about her was true…It was all true.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t want your money.”
“I see. You’re driving a hard bargain here. Just name your price and I’ll be able to give it to you. Just leave Minhyuk alone.”
“But…..that’s just the thing. What I want is Minhyuk and all the money in the world could never take his place.”
“Stop it. I know your dating my grandson just for money. Just like his ex-girlfriends. They all wanted the companys’ money. You know if you continue to date him he will lose all that.”
“I don’t care.”
“You sound exactly like his mother. Stupid and foolish. I offered money, jewellery, clothes, a new house. Just so that she could leave my son alone. But, of course my son loved her and I disowned him. Stupid, stupid boy. But I knew he would come crawling back to me. And he did. I told him I would only be able to help him save his wife if he worked for my company. But, in the condition that all he does is care for the company. And only the company. What a naïve boy he was. He agreed and finally fulfilled my wishes. What I longed for….was for my son to help me out. I got everything I wanted. Even when she tried to commit suicide he still worked. He knew that once he showed a slight bit of affection towards her I would disown him again and stop giving the money for her medication. Stupid women didn’t see that my son was doing this all for her.”
She started to laugh as she started to pull out a cigarette from her desk.
“She finally left and never came back. Good for her.”
She lit the cigarette and placed it in . She inhaled deeply and exhaled out the toxins in front of your face. 
“Now, not unless you want the same thing to happen to you….I suggest you take the money now before you regret it later.”
“You…..You were the one behind Minhyuks’ misery?”
“Yes, my dear. I was. That lady didn’t belong here. She didn’t have a right to hold the title, Lee. It didn’t suit her at all. And neither do you.”
“Everything Minhyuk said was right. You’re a horrible person. How could someone like you even exist?! You made Minhyuk suffer so much ! He thought this whole time that his father didn’t even care about his mother ! This whole time he believed his father has hated him and his mother ! You made his mother believe that she wasn’t loved anymore ! WHY?! Why would you ruin his life like that?!”
You started to stand up from your seat as you kept yelling at her.
“What type of mother are you ?! To do that to his own son and take away his happiness?! No, I won’t let you do that to Minhyuk ! No!”
She starts to laugh at you getting all riled up.
“Oh foolish child. Love….it’s stupid. It makes people do stupid things. It doesn’t get you far and it just gets in the way of what really matters the most. In actuality, I did, my son and his family, a favour. And I’m doing the exact same for you.”
“A favour….You think that you’re doing me favour?! You’re trying to take away the only thing that keeps me living, as a human being ! For once in my life I feel like im actually human….I have feelings I never knew existed…..and it was all thanks to Minhyuk. Just this once, I want to be selfish, I want him to be with me.”
“I guess this will had to be dealt in another way then. Look here. I have a very urgent business proposal. In order for it to move on forward I need Minhyuks’ help and I need him back here. He is still young and has a bright future ahead of him if he comes back here. If he were to live with you…he has no future. You are just one girl and there are many other girls who are way more suitable for him. And you my dear….You are just trash that could be thrown to the ground over and over again. Understand?”
You just stared at her as she continued to trash talk you. You were at lose for words and you had no idea how to respond to her. 
“Now, do you care for your little sister?”
“My little sister?…..Of course I do.”
“Either leave Minhyuk or your sister will continue to grow sick….till it comes to the point she will have to live in the hospital for the rest of her life. Or we can avoid all that.”
“What are you talking about?” Your eyes grew in confusion. 
“I’m guessing your father hasn’t told you anything. Hmmmm, he’s probably trying not to worry you. She has cancer in the stomach.”
Your eyes dropped to the floor as you heard the words cancer echo in your head.. You fell to your knees as you hid your face from crying.
“No…..this can’t be real.”
“Oh, but it is. I told you. I know everything. I can help you. I can help your sister become one of those people who have a survival story to tell. Don’t you want your sister to survive?”
“But…dad…and Hye-jin ah.”
“Your father has already been working his off to earn the money. But, he needs the money as soon as possible. So, he already went to the loan sharks. The operation needed to be quick and he needed the money fast. But, her survival is very slim if she goes through that operation. If you accept my deal I can bring her to the best doctors so that she will have a higher chance of surviving. I will even pay off the loan sharks that your father went to and, I will make sure that your sister gets yearly checkups. That’s if…you're willing to let go off Minhyuk?”
“How could my father hide this from me?”
“He just did.”
“I need to think.”
You stood up from the place you have fallen as you walk out of that place.
“Ms.____________, I’ll call you again in 3 days to hear your answer.”
You stormed out of there as you felt your heart racing faster and faster. 
How is everything falling apart so quickly?

Hey guisee ~ Did I just give Hye-Jin cancer? ....Yes I did. LOL im sorry but it really needed to be there. I know it's so random and out of the blue but it has to be there ^^ but yeah that's why she had stomach aches earlier. Anywho, I have no idea what to write LOL but yes there defs some typos, grammar mistakes, misspelling and all that jazz. I will edit it, soon. I promis. And sorry for the cheesy picture above. I needed to put some type of picture of the mansion...well a close description. anddddd yeah ^^ hope you liked it :)



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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!