Chapter 5

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


           You sat down on the bus as your phone vibrates. You put your hand in your pocket as you reach out for your cell phone. You check the screen as it reads ‘1 new msg’
Fr: Paboidiotwholivesinmyhouse
Why didn’t you help me earlier ?! (ㅠㅁㅠ) (ㅇㅅㅇ)ㅗ
You try to think of a good excuse to answer back to him. But in reality you just didn’t want the world to know that you and Minhyuk knew each other.
Because we aren’t supposed to know each other remember ?! Do you really want the whole school to start rumours about us ? Ur such an idiot sometimes.
Your phone vibrates again as you receive another message.
I don’t mind if the school knows about me living in your house. It’s not like we are doing anything wrong. Why are you so against it anyways ? Btw where should I meet you once we get down to our stop?
Well I do. I’d rather not be the centre of attention. So remember no one is supposed to know we live together. NO ONE OR ILL HAVE MY FOOT UP YOUR GOT IT ?! Just meet me at the side of the school. Make sure to keep your distance !
              The bus comes to a stop as you see the school from the distance. You get off the bus and wait at the side of the school for Minhyuk. You see him and a bunch of girls surround him as he gets off the bus. It’s like they won’t leave him alone.
“Alright, girls I’ll talk with all of you later. I have somewhere to go to first.” He tries to get all of them to go to class. All of them sigh and whine that they have to leave him alone. It’s only been 15 minutes and he already has fan girls in the school. He walks towards you and waves. You give him a stern frown showing your disapproval of him trying to acknowledge that you knew each other. He puts his hand back down as his face turns into a frown. You walk first as Minhyuk follows right behind you, keeping his distance. 
            You came to a stop as you turn around to Minhyuk. You point toward the principals' office and mouth to him saying ‘this is the main office, bye,’ and turned back around to continue your way to your classroom. You open the door to class as you find your desk. You place your knapsack at the side of your table as you lay your head among the desk. 
“Why so glum chum?”
You bolt up from the sudden remark and see Lydias’ head placed on top of your desk.
“Oh, it’s just you. Nothing I’m just tired.”
She grabs your cheeks and squeezes them. 
“Poor baby.” She says. You push her hands away as you rub your cheeks from the sudden feeling of pain she inflicts on them.
“Anyways….Guess what?!” She says excitingly. 
“What?” You place your hand upon your chin as you stare outside the window.
“I’m finally dating that annoying jock.”
“I thought you didn’t like him.”
“I told you ! It was so people could see us as the perfect couple.”
“Hey Lydia !” Two girls run over to Lydia and starts a conversation with her.
“Congratulations ! I heard you were dating Nam, Woohyun !”  The girl with pigtails says ecstatically.
“You are so lucky ! He is so hot !” The other says with infatuated eyes.
“I can’t believe you are dating the captain of the basketball team !”
“You guys make like the perfect couple! If he was dating any other girl all his fan girls would get so angry. But, because it’s you everyone thinks you two look cute together!”
“Awww, you guys are so sweet. Thankyou.” Lydia says.
You turn around to face the two girls who were talking to Lydia. The girl with the pigtails tugs on the other girls’ blazer trying to tell her that they should probably get out of there. They start to shake from the thought of you possibly beating them up. Which was wrong because you would never beat anyone up.....except Minhyuk. 
“A-a-anyways Lydia. Congratulations again.” They both turn towards you as they greet you with a scared tone in their voice and run back to their seats.
“Ugh, they are so annoying.” Lydia lays her head back on your desk.
“Why don’t you just, stop talking to them, then?”
“I can’t do that. My image is very important to me. I have to be nice, popular, and likeable.”
You push Lydias’ arms and head as you try to make some space for your head to rest upon. You fold your arms on top of your desk and placed your head on top of them. You slowly start to close your eyes.
“I feel bad for Woohyun.”
“Why?!” she yells.
“Because he’s dating someone like you.”
Lydia gets interrupted by a bunch of other girls just as she was about to lecture you.  
            Just when you were about to fall into deep sleep you hear a bunch of whispers coming from your classmates. Usually they wouldn’t catch your attention but these certain ones did.
“Hey did you hear about the new transfer student?”
“Yeah ! He’s so hot. He even beats Nam, Woohyun when it comes to looks.”
“I heard he was really nice !”
“Oh my God ! He looks so built too !”
“I wonder who’s class he’s going to be in?”
“What’s his name ?!”
“Lee, Minhyuk !”
You couldn’t believe how fast the rumours has spread around school already. Well, if they were good looking, or talented rumours would definitely spread even if you didn’t want them too. That was high school for you. Sick and twisted.
“I wonder who’s class he’ll be in?”
“I hope it’s in ours.”
“Did you hear? They’re already making an Lee Minhyuk fan club. I am soooo joining.”
“Count me in ! All the Nam, Woohyun fan girls are going to get angry that a new rival has set foot in this school.”
“That’s why we have to support Lee Minhyuk !”
Yup, sick and twisted. Highschool was sick and twisted.
The class door opens as the teacher enters the classroom.
“Okay class settle down please !”
Everyone rushes to their seat and you raise your head up from your desk as you face towards the class. You rub your eyes trying to keep yourself awake. 
“Alright class before we begin I’d like to introduce you to a new student.”
You felt your whole body go into a panic as you heard the words ‘new student.’ You pray to the gods hoping it wasn’t Lee, Minhyuk. You prayed and wished for a miracle. You just did not want this man to be in your class. He was already annoying enough at home and now you might have to deal with him in class. What if he got angry at you during the bus ride and wants revenge ? What if he embarrasses you in front of the class? What if….? Your whole body starts to panic as the thoughts start to flood in. You keep your eyes towards your desk, trying your best not to look up. 
“Hello everyone. My name is Lee, Minhyuk. Please take care of me.”
You raise your head up and see Minhyuk standing right there. The boy you just saw this morning is standing right there and is now going to be your classmate for the rest of the year. It seems you will never get a break from this boy. The girls from your entire class start to squeal and whisper as they saw Minhyuk enter the classroom. This boy has already turned into a celebrity in your school and it was getting to your nerves.  
“Please, settle down.” The teacher states. She points towards the empty seat behind you and says, 
“You may seat behind ___________. Right at that empty seat over there.” As your eyes and his met you turn around to look outside the window. He walks towards you and sits right behind you.
“Hey, BFF” He whispers. Making sure only you heard it and no one else. Oh how you wished you could punch this boy right now. He really does love teasing you. You could feel him smirking and laughing at you. Lydia turns around and peeps over to Minhyuk giving him a bright smile. Then she turns to face towards you and mouths out,
“He’s so ing hot.”
You roll her eyes at her comment.
“What about Woohyun ?” You mouth back.
“Who cares? I want him.” She whispers.
“Lydia-ssi please pay attention to the lecture.” She turns around and faces the board.

Heyyy guise. So it's me yes yes. Here is another chapter for you. Really thankful to all my new subscribers YEYEYEYEYE! So I was getting to excited to post this chapter up and its currently 1:18 a.m and I am a 100% sure there are tons of mistakes. I know I'll regret it later that i posted this chapter. LOL for now it may look good in my eyes but later when i read it over i'll be like Y?! anywho i'll probably edit it tom or something. But to anyone who reads it now. Please bare with it TT-TT but yes enjoy and OooOoOo Woohyun just entered into the picture. But just look at that Minhyuk gif he is just one fine piece of meat and he makes me cry TT-TT 



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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!