Chapter 13

The annoying, Lee Minhyuk. (in the midst of editing)


                You walk to class with your head lowered down as you feel your heart get heavier. You open the door from your classroom as you place one foot in. Just when you entered in everyone’s loud laughter, and small chatters turned into quiet whispers and eagle-like glares. You stood there in silence for a good 10 seconds, wondering why everyone was staring at you. You walk over to your desk as you slowly sat down.



“What?” You look around the classroom to see who made that remark. You shake your head as you pretend to think that it was just your imagination toying with you. You lift open your desk to reach in for your notebooks and pencils but, just when you lifted it up you see all your school supplies soiled. Not just your school supplies, but all your personal belongings, from your pillow, to your paintbrushes. You slowly grab all your books out, and close the desk back as you place them on top. 
You walk over to the back of the classroom to look into your locker for a plastic bag to place all your dirty items in. Just when you opened your locker a bunch of trash falls out and lands on your shoes. You look at the inside of your locker to find post it notes. Each one containing messages like, 
School Bully
Oppa stealer 
And the list goes on. You try your best to ignore the post it notes as you search for the plastic bag in your locker. You pull it out as you make your way to the desk and grab all the books and pencils that were ruined and place them in the plastic. You place it down beside your knapsack as you lie your head on your desk. You face to turn the window hoping you wouldn’t break down in the middle of class. 
         The bell, for break, rings and you stand up from your seat. Minhyuk heads out with a bunch of his guy friends. You make your way to exit the classroom but a bunch of girls stand in the way of the classroom door. 
“So, you were the one Minhyuk oppa was kissing.”
“Move.” you say frustrated.
“I wonder if you forced Minhyuk oppa to kiss him. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want to kiss you.” They all laugh in unison at that one girls remark. 
“Yeah, I mean look at her she’s so ugly. Minhyuk oppa would definitely not go out with her.”
“This whole time we thought that you didn’t like him.”
“Yeah ! And you aren’t so tough after all. You’re exactly like us. Instead of sharing him like the rest of us, you just want to keep him all to yourself.”
“Oppa is not allowed to date other girls not unless she gets our approval.”
“Are you done?” You place your hand on your hip as you stare them down.
“If you’re finished with all your bullcrap I’d like to straighten somethings out with you guys. 1. Me and Minhyuk didn’t kiss. I would never want to kiss a guy like him. 2. Minhyuk is a human being not some type of god you can praise. So treat him a little better because I really doubt he enjoys these type of treatments. For all you know you guys are probably suffocating him. 3. All of you don’t have the right to decide who he has to date. He doesn’t need your approval. He can date who ever he wants to date. He has that right. Now, that I’m done get out of my way before I rearrange all of your faces.”
All of them stood still, not expecting that answer to come out of your mouth. You didn't know what came over you but you just let everything out all at once. Even that answer surprised you. You reached out to grab one of the girls hands, who was blocking the way, but two girls grab your arms as they pull you to the front of the class. 
“You know at first we were going to go easy on you but now you crossed the line.”
You try to force your hands out of their grip. But, the more you struggled the tighter they held on to you. 
“Attention, everyone!”
Everyone who was in the classroom all turn their heads towards the front. 
“You are just about to witness one of the greatest humiliations of all time. You would not want to miss this.!” She winks towards the class and turns around walking towards you. Just when she announced that everyone from the hallways who heard what she said peered into your classroom to watch your great fall. 
The girl besides her holds a bucket and hands it over to her. One of them pulls your hair back and the one holding the bucket looks at you and says,
“Who’s tough now?”
She places the bucket over your head as she pours the contents from it onto your head. You see dusts of white fly around you as you look at your shoulders and your skirt. You were covered in flour. She turns around with her arms wide open, facing the audience. 
“The shows not over yet my lovelies.”
Two girls hand her eggs and she places it above your head. She brings both her hands together, allowing the eggs to break. The yolk runs down to your hair and down to your face and then she pats your head with the eggshells in her hand. 
“Finally, the finishing touches.” One of the girl kneels with her head lowered down. She puts her hands out as she showcases a crown. The main girl grabs the crown and bows back to her. She slowly places the crown on your head.
“And I dub thee, ___________________, the queen of s. You may now stand up.” Everyone who witnessed the mishap laughed, and clapped their hands like seals would. The two girls finally release you. You bring your head down looking at your soiled uniform. Trying to contain your anger you bring your hands into fist. What makes it even worst was Lydia watched the whole event, without even bothering to save you. You stood there in a daze trying to figure out your thoughts. You took small steps but you felt the whole room spinning around you. Lydia stands up, blocking your way. 
“I’m sorry.” she whispers.
“You know I couldn’t do anything.” You pushed her aside, angry that she didn’t even bother to help you. She lands on the floor as everyone rushes over to aid her. 
“Wow, that ! How dare she?!”
“You were just trying to help her and she pushes you aside like that !”
“Aww, poor Lydia.”
You try to force yourself to get out of that classroom but the more you walked the further the door was. 
Just when you finally reached the door you turn the corner to find Minhyuk standing in front of you.  He drops his books as he rushes over to you. He grabs both your arms and shakes you. 
“What happened ?! Who did this to you ?!”
You try your best to hold in the tears; you didn’t want Minhyuk to know he was the reason why this happened. 
“Let go.”
“Let go I said.”
“Just tell me who did this to you !”
“It’s none of your business ! It has nothing to do with you so leave me alone!” you push him back as you ran away. Minhyuk stood still as he watched you pass by him, in shock. All the girls crowd over him like nothing happened. 
“Oppa, just leave her alone. She only cares about herself.”
“Yeah, oppa. Let’s go on inside.”


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I've finished it T-T it's done D: and now I must edit all my grammar and spelling mistakes. Oh sill my T-T


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Chapter 39: this is sooo good. its just s0 cute :) :D
BabyAngel434 #3
Chapter 39: Hi, I just finished this story within 2 hrs, it's the best! It moved me to tears, your writing is amazing. I'm looking forward to your future stories!^^
melotics91 #4
Chapter 40: Hi! New reader here! :) i like this fanfic. Beautiful love story i ever read. Your stories really jjang jjang jjang! Good job author-nim! ^^
liekpop #5
Chapter 3:
ndrhstltfyh #6
Chapter 39: It's such a great story i've ever seen. Love minhyuk as always, now my name is Mrs. Lee ^^
Chapter 40: I really love this story!!! Good job author-nim!!! <333
heyitstrishlol #8
Chapter 40: I agree! BEST FANFIC EVER! Thank you soo much for uploading this amazing story! :)
aliahpie #9
Chapter 40: The best fanfic I had ever read in my entire life!