Quarrels Everywhere

Strawberry Love


             Seungri just nodded but really he feels upset. The next day, Seungri wanted to fetch Su Ming earlier so that she would not be upset anymore. He came earlier but to his surprise Su Ming is not there anymore. He heard the other pregnant women talking that he was picked up by a very handsome boy. Seungri immediately went home.


“Oh, Seungri, where’s Su Ming?”

“I don’t know. There was someone who picked her up and she’s not picking up her phone.” He pouted.

“Ah! I remembered, she said that she will be fetched by a friend of hers today.”


Seungri kept walking back and forth in front of their main door. He kept looking outside waiting for Su Ming. He was walking there for thirty minutes. At last, Su Ming came. He heard them giggling and laughing with each other. He tried to hide behind the door for them to not see him.


“Seungri-ya! Why are you there?” his mom asked with a loud voice. They saw him. He pretended to clean something behind the door. The guy with Su Ming was Taeyang. Su Ming looked at Seungri like inspecting him, She still looks upset.


“Oh! It’s Young Bae-ya!” Taeyang bowed.

“Annyeong auntie, Hi Seungri!” he gave them his sparkling smile. Seungri smiled back but not as wide as his normal smile.

“Eomma, I’m sorry, we’re late. Oppa, treated me ice cream.” She said while looking at Seungri’s mom with her ecstatic expressions which made Seungri more pissed.

Taeyang stayed at their house first because Seungri’s mother insisted. Seungri kept looking at Taeyang and Su Ming back and forth as they were talking. Seungri’s mom brought the strawberry cake they bought on the table. Trying to be cool, Seungri gave all the icing in his cake to Su Ming.


“Su Ming-ah, here’s icing for you. Sugar is for energy right? You need to have more energy for OUR BABY.” He emphasized the “our baby” part while looking at his hyung. Seems like he’s not himself.

“Oh!” Su Ming said.

“Seungri, Su Ming doesn’t like icing.” His hyung said who doesn’t notice Seungri’s weird action. Seungri felt frustrated.

“Hmmm… I’ll just go to the kitchen to help my mom.” He said and walked in the kitchen.


When he was there, he kept looking at both of them talking.


“What are you looking at?” his mother asked.

“Look at her eomma, when she’s talking to me she gets mad easily. She got mad at me when I fetched her but never to Young Bae hyung and they even laugh and talk peacefully but nowadays she always fights with me.” He sighed and rest his head on his palm.

“Seungri-ya, you’re obviously jealous.” His mother said.

“Wh…. What Jealous? Of course not. I don’t understand women.” Then he walked out.


In a while, Taeyang went home and said goodbye to the family. Seungri was still not in his mood. Because of frustration, Seungri became hungry. In the refrigerator, he found a slice of strawberry cake that was a left over. He munched all of it in seconds. It was already midnight that time.


“Eomma, where’s the cake I asked you to keep?” Su Ming came and asked Seungri’s mom.

“It’s there…” she saw Seungri munching everything up “in the refrigerator?...”

“Why? Your name isn’t written here.” He told her. Su Ming really really likes the strawverry cake and he told Seungri’s mom to keep it for her only. She was really mad this time and started glaring at Seungri.



Seungri was more stunned to hear that from Su Ming.


“Ya! Su Ming-ah, why are you acting like this? You were always like that these days! You’re acting so stubborn! I just ate a piece!”

“But you never asked if it’s really yours!”

“What? Look at you, when you were with Young Bae hyung you were acting girly and everything then when you are with me you’re bringing your true color. You’re over reacting!” he was mad either.

“What? True Color? I’m like that because he was nicer to me. The doctor said that I’ll be moody since I’m pregnant so I can’t control what I’m feeling but you just don’t care about me. You just care about work. You didn’t even call me when I was in my class. And when I asked you something, you always want to win and be mad at me. I HATE YOU!” she yelled and ran towards her room.

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Chapter 48: nice story
Yaaayy, like the ending~
Like it so much !! <3
good ending
Starlightshine #5
AWWWWWWWW. The updates are so sweet! :') At last, Seungri and Su Ming are reunited and never to be parted again! :DDD Seungri-ah, you better make sure you never hurt Su Ming again you hear me?! Thanks for the updates and for the wonderful ending! :)
givenidict #6
huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu such a happy ending big huge enormous clap for you such a wonderful story :')
awwwww!! nice story.. very good ending!!!! you almost made me cry! :) thank you for this!! fighting to your other fics!!! :D
Yey! Special mention XD<br />
Awww. It ended. A very awesome fanfic!!<br />
Eomma jeil jal naga! Hahaha.<br />
Sweetsailish #9
T___________T<br />
Waaaaa. This story was good.