Strange Pulls, Familiar Vibes.

Breaking Tradition: The Impure Woman
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♪ nice to meet you

“My omma is tired all the time. She never wants to play with me,” Minwoo complained as he crossed his arms against his chest and frowned. “So I’m always bored.”

“Why is she so tired?” Suho inquired, genuinely curious.

“She works a lot. And when she isn’t, she’s always trying to read her big, ugly books for school. I don’t even know how she doesn’t fall asleep! There are no pictures for her to look at.” He replied almost spitefully. Suho’s mind then hit the brakes. He shook his head; he figured Aejin was young but the youngest he expected her to be was twenty-five or twenty-six years old. All finished with her studies and such.

“Choi Minwoo!” Aejin heaved out. All three heads snapped to the entrance of the shop. Minwoo’s face immediately brightened up as he scrambled out of his seat to greet her. “Why didn’t you wait at school for me? A teacher was supposed to keep an eye on you.”

Minwoo looked down but held tightly onto her hand. “I don’t like waiting there with strangers.” He reasoned.

“So who are you waiting with now? A stranger.” Aejin pointed out quietly.

“Miyoung’s samchon is not a stranger,” he defended.

“To you and me he is.” She differed.

“But he’s really nice and he bought me ice cream. Look! He’s coming!” Minwoo squeaked. Aejin was about to reprimand him some more however his announcement caused her to delay her plans.

She glanced up and felt her heart stop. He was gorgeous and undeniably one of the most handsome men she had ever laid eyes on. She felt all logic and common sense fleeing her mind as Suho reached them with Miyoung by his side. “Annyonghaesayo, Kim Joonmyun-imnida. I’m Miyoung’s uncle, you must be Aejin-sshi, Minwoo’s omma, I assume?” he greeted warmly. He then extended his hand out to her. She was absolutely flabbergasted by him as she stood there nearly paralyzed.

It took Minwoo lightly nudging her side for Aejin to return back to her normal state. “Oh, neh. Annyeong, Park Aejin-imnida.” She wiped her hand on her apron, afraid to dirty Suho before she gave him a timid handshake.

“I really like your name,” Suho mindlessly complimented, still continuing on with the handshake.

“Oh? Kamsahamnida.” She bowed before she eyed their connected hands. Tingles shot up through her arm, as they traveled all throughout her body almost similar to an electric shock. Although it sounded cliché and cheesy, Aejin had to admit she felt this tiny spark erupt before her eyes. In a matter of seconds her body was infected with butterflies as his warmth spread to her. However, the chills running down her spin caused her to be a little startled as she flinched once the euphoric feeling subsided. “Your name is nice as well.” She returned helplessly, not really knowing what else she could say.

Suho’s smile seemed to grow even wider and more glorious than before as he forgot the presence of the two youngsters, who were curiously observing their interaction and assessing it with one another.

“You really think so? I’ve never had anyone tell me that before. They usually compliment me on my smile first.” He chuckled. It was silent and that’s when Suho realized how cocky and hubris he had sounded at the moment. Aejin uncomfortably pulled away with a meek smile, thinking of what a big ego a fellow like him must have had with his angelic looks. Suho held up his hands in defense and shook them with his eyes rounded, “I’m not a vain person.” He immediately interjected, sounding very sheepish and almost desperate. He didn’t want this fair-maiden to carry any negative thoughts about him.

Aejin sent him an estranged look, as though she didn’t believe him. “I didn’t say you were?” she spoke out, still maintaining her cool. Her legs were getting shaky though and she swore her heart was ready to explode. What was this feeling? Aejin hadn’t a clue since it was the first time she had experienced it.

“I-I know. But what I said about people usually complimenting my smile made me sound like I’m really into myself. I’m not though, I promise.” He assured.

“Oh don’t worry.” Aejin beamed. “You’re smile is incredible so I understand why people would compliment you on it.” When she realized what she said, she bit her bottom lip, embarrassed with herself. The words were just like slippery butter. She had no control over them and she was feeling quite foolish for saying such a thing. She didn’t want this prince charming thinking she was some shallow woman, only interested in a person’s outer-appearance.

Suho, on the other hand, couldn’t h

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working on the epilogue now :D will be posted soon!


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Chapter 16: Poor Suho.. I know he didn't mean it in wrong way but I understand Aejin too.. They are so different.. I wonder how things will work for them.. Bcz everytime they meet they end up arguing and Aejin leaving in anger..
Chapter 5: I hate such kind of people.. I am not Christian so don't know what Bible say but I know one thing that no God will ever support such thing.. What kind of people are they? They could have send the kid in another room before talking.. How can they talk such vulgar language in front of a kid? So disgusting..
Chapter 5: If her parents think they are pleasing God by behaving in such a inhumane manner in the name of 'traditions' and 'religion' then they are so wrong...
KeemNoona #4
22 streak #5
Chapter 51: This story really made me question the standards of life. How people could easily judge without knowing what’s really behind.
Everytime i reread this, still feeling that lovely feels :)))
Chapter 52: It has a very interesting story line.. I love it!
ByunDal #8
Chapter 51: I love it