It was a roller coaster ride (Part 6)


Final Chapter [A/N: ;-; ]

It Was A Roller Coaster Ride: Ending (Part 6): HunHan 


Sehun's PoV


We were still in Jeju island and it's our last day in paradise. By tonight, Luhan would be back to his house, Xiumin and Chen will be non-existent to me again and I'll be back in the house, surrounded by idiots, whom I've happen to gotten quite attached with in such a short time. 

It didn't feel that long from when Kris and Suho-hyung found me wandering around the streets, still in my crumpled navy blue uniform, lugging my belongings, like a lost little puppy. Puppy would have been the last thing I would compare myself as, but during that time, I was one.

I'm glad they found me. I wouldn't have enjoyed crawling back to my parents home and they would both mock with an 'I told you so,' I wasn't going to have any of that rubbed all over my face. But sometimes I do wonder, if they think about me or looks for me, although I know they wouldn't. If they did, I would be with them right now.

I'd rather be part of the Wu-Huang/Zhang-Kim family any day despite the ridiculous name they've concluded with, than suffer being a child of a divorced couple, always having to be in the middle of every argument and being forced to take sides. Especially that my parents both have different families now. They didn't argue about who can keep me but they argued about who'll get rid of me. Thanks guys. Thanks. Nice to know I'm appriciated.

My life wasn't only that bad but I was rejected to get a scholarship in the only university I wanted to go to, despite my high grades. But in the end, it was all my parent's fault. They didn't bother financing for my future. Again, I love that you guys loved me too, really. Thanks.

Being found by Kris and Suho was probably one of the best things that happened in my whole life. 

Then there's Luhan. He's one of the best too. Probably the best.

Honestly, I didn't used to be this...corny. It was all the doing of Luhan. Blame him, that the cold, poised and cool-tempered guy is gone. He flipped me in a good 180 degree turn. But there's still some stubborn trait left. Now I guess I kinda fit better in the household, sad thing is that I can't gag at all the disgusting, not so disgutstin anymore, they blabber about during dinner time.

Luhan's in the bathroom, readying for our last day in Jeju. We planned on going shopping, eating out and to stroll aimlessly and take in the beauty of the island, one last time before we leave.

Short minutes pass and Luhan pops out of the bathroom, already dolled up for out 'first date'. He's wearing white skinny jeans that hugged his slender legs, a graphic printed shirt and a striped designed cardigan. I, on the other hand, wore black skinny jeans, a white tee, topped with a casual blazer.

He looks at me from top to bottom before nodding. "You look good."

"Just good?" I raise my eye brows. Since when did I care about what people thought of the way I dressed. 

Luhan laughs, amused at the tone of my voice. "Fine. You look absolutely amazing, Mr. perfect." He rolls his eyes as he spoke with a hint of sarcasm. I ignore him and I place one of my hands on my hips, signalling for him to link his arms around mine. Since when did I take initiative on PDA?

Dear, god, I've changed a lot. I need to stop.

More happy to oblige, Luhan strides to my side and  we both exit our hotel room, remembering to grap that golden card that Chen lent us yesterday, after interrupting...

"Should we tell them we're leaving?"

I shake my head. "No, they called when you were taking a shower. They said they're going straight to work."

Luhan replies with an 'ah' whilst nodding, "Let's go then." That smile, appear on his face again, the one that usually gave me small butterlies in my stomach and when he laughs, they suddenly start bursting out, leaving me a bit air headed, over the rainbows, away with the faries, whatever they say.

The feeling that I used to think was me being sick and dizzy, I have gotten to love, knowing that it wasn't that. That feeling left me so confused for so many weeks, probably months. I actually thought that every time I was next to Luhan, I was going to vomit. That's how much  I wanted to pry off the probablility of me falling for such a person.

But looks at me now, I'm hoplessly in love with him. Despite how much cheesy it sounds. I wasn't going to tell him that though. That would just be feeding his ego.

Both of us exit the hotel and we hauled a cab, and the driver was nice enough to tall us different places where we could go to, seeing that the both of us were alienated in this place. The vehicle stops at one of the busiest and also one of the most famous shopping district in here. It's nothing like Gangnam, but it is something.

Rather than selling vintage and modern clothing, the stores sold bits and bobs sich as accessories made of wood, shell, name it. Every item screamed souvenir.

Luhan seemd to like it though as his eyes sparkle with interest and he would gleam at every interesting item his eyes would land on. He basically dragged me around from stall to stall, telling me how good this or that looked or how cute it would be to have this or that to be a couple item, but he didn't really get anything. He just looked.

Which all left me confused. I was planning on surprising him by getting something that looked like he really wanted, but with this kind of attitude and pointing at everything, I'm not going to be anywhere at the end of the day.

Maybe I should get that bracelet with the tiny sea shells. But it looked like he liked the necklace more. Ugh. Shopping is hard. Especially with Luhan.

I almost laughed at how fast we were zooming around the market. We've practially visited all the stalls in a span of 15 minutes. And I still haven't decided what to get him. 

"Oh, let's stop for ice cream." He finally says and I finally get to breath. "I'll buy it. Do you think that man takes cards?" 

"I doubt it. Which is why I'm smart and I deposited some cash, beforehand." I hand him a few notes and off he went after a cute thanks.

This gave me the time to browse around by myself and I could finally but him something in this god forsaken place. A certain gleam in the ocrner of my eye caught my attention. This was perfect. 

I picked up the small accessory and paid the nice looking lady, who offered to wrap the item.


Luhan returns with two ice cream cones that seemed like he was both taking a at. 

"Did you get me one?"

"Of course! I was just tasting which one is better, and I think the vanilla does, so you can have it." Luhan looks down on his feet shyly. "I wanted you to have the best one."

I blush at what he said and looked away. "Let's go." I start walking away from his but he just runs to catch up and link his arm around mine again. We took an aimless stroll, just as planned around random streets and for some reason we end up by a pier.

The sun is almost setting, making the sky all orange with a tint of blood red. 

I feel Luhan's fingers interlocking with mine and those butterlies make a come back in my stomach. We reach the end of the pier, where there's railings all around, obviously preventing people from falling, or jumping of the cliff and fall to the ocean. That's a weird thing to be in my head right now.

He sways our arms in a silly way, causing me to spurt out laughter. He laughs as well. That angelic sound that spills off his lips always catches me off, making me feel light hearted.

"This is nice." I comment, not knowing what else to say.

"Hmm, it is." He lets go of my hand and it immidiately feels empty. I want Luhan to hold my hand again. Call me needy.

He walks towards the railing and stretches his arms over them. He spins to face me and gives me a look, as if saying to come over. Which I do so. I automatically wrap my arms around his waist, slipping them in between his arms and I rest my head comfortably on his shoulders.

Luhan plants a small kiss on my temple. "This is perfect." He whispers against my skin, before leaving another kiss.

I let go of him and dig for something in my blazer pockets. "I need to tell you something, hyung."

"Wait, you're not going to propose me right?" He laughs awkwardly and playfully hits my shoulders.

"What if I am."

That shuts up Luhan and now he gulps nervously. "Y-you're kidding right?" 

I don't say anything.

"C-cause I thought I'd be the one doing all those things." Luhan jokes.

I loved that small moment of teasing Luhan. Usually it was the other way round. This guy loved making me all frustrated and confused about my feelings. Always having his way with penetrating through my thoughts and changing my mind with a bat of his lashes.

"No, I'm not proposing, you idiot." I feel the small bag in my pocket and finally I get the courage to show it. "This didn't cause a lot but I immidiately thought of you when I saw it."

Luhan's eyes sparkle with interest as it lands on the tiny bag in my hand. I dig for the silver accessory and reveal it to him. "Give me your hand."

Fastening the bracelet around his wrist and turn it so that he can see the small star that hung in one corner. As Luhan was admiring the sparkling trinket, I roll up my sleeves slightly to show him a matching one, only with a moon on it.

"Let me guess. I have the star because I'm a bright lovable being and you have the moon because you're cold."

I laugh at his little guess. "No. I just thought it was cute and it looked good on you. The moon just happened to be next to it." I shrug. i didn't think gifts needed some kind of sentimental meaning behind it. Sheesh, I'm new to this. In my whole life I've only been in three relationship. This one with Luhan and the other two...I'd like to shut up about.

Luhan laughs but pulls a staight face. "I love it. It's cute."

"Of course you love it. I gave it too you." I say, a bit too smugly.

Luhan suddenly cups my cheeks and pulls me down to his height. "This is why I like you. You're honest. Unlike me." For a brief second, there's sadness in his eyes. "I lie to please people. I don't have a voice of my own."

"You didn't. You do now." I whisper and finally diminish the distance between our faces and I kiss him on his lips.

I feel his hands clasping around my neck as I stand up straight , bringing him up to his toes. I lay my hand by his waist, supporting him, until he steps on my toes, using it to lift himself up. Hugging him closer to me, I kiss him deeper, slipping my tongue inside his mouth, letting our tongues play around.

"Sehun-ah. Promise me something." He retracts from our kiss. "Promise me you won't lie to please me."

I laugh at how silly that is. Why would I need to lie to him. "Promise." He links our pinkies together and leans in again for yet another kiss, not stepping off my feet nor letting go of my tiny finger around his.

This was perfect.

I close my eyes, the last thing I see is the sun setting and I induldge myself in pleasure of being surrounded by nothing else than Luhan.

This is perfect and I want it to last.

 I want to be in Luhan's arms and I want him to be in mine. I want him and I want him to want me back. I want him to say that. I want him hear that he wants me. And that's a lot of wanting.

Smiling during the kiss, Luhan ends up chuckling and he rests his head on my chest as he steps off of my feet. Still, he hasn't let go of my pinkie.

All I hear now is the waves crashing by the cliffs around the pier, birds squawking and the even breaths that Luhan let out, slightly out of oxygen from the breath-taking kiss we had just shared.

We didn't even had the time to eat, nor buy anything else, instead for another stop for ice cream, this time, I got the chocolate and Luhan took the vanilla.

The two of us had walked down and found an empty park and we both sat on the park bench, eating away our ice creams.

"You're gonna get fat, hyung." I laugh as I see him eating the ice cream like a child.

"Ha! No I won't!"


"Of course!" He wolfs down his cone.

"Do you want to take a of my one as well?" Luhan nods at the subtly suggestive question that I gave him. Instead of giving him some though, I ate the rest of the ice cream, slightly getting a brain freeze and regretting for doing such reckless action. I stick my tongue out in a playful manner. "Sorry, all gone."

"Psh. I actually wanted to have some." He pouts cutely. He'll everything he does is cute, it's illegal.

"You still want some?"

He nods, still pouting.

"Have some, then."

Without even thinking of what I'm about to do, I cup his tiny face and plunge in for a deep kiss, complete with tongues and all.

I taste some of the vanilla ice cream he had, making our kiss taste extra sweet than it already is.

Luhan pulls me closer by grabbing on to the back if my neck and leans me closer and closer to him. Our tongues are twisted together and lips are sealed in the sweetness.

My thumbs rubs over his cheeks, intimately as our kiss went on. While his fingers run through and grip firmly on my hair.

Luhan retracts again, heaving for air. "This is the best tasting ice cream I've ever had." He grins, a bit too brightly.

"Do you want some more then, hyung?" I smirk playfully. Since when do I smirk. Damn it Luhan.

"Of course."

With that finalized, I delve into another sweet yet not quite the most innocent kiss one would share.

This is right. This is perfect.



Author's Corner:

Umm, This is it. The end.






The ending's a bit loose but, you'll see them again in the sequel so I didn't think a proper ending was appropriate. 

I'll be putting a link to the story in the next chapter. 

I can't believe I finished a 60+ chapter long story in less than 4 months. That's crazy!

I would say that I'll miss you guys, but I'll see you soon, right?

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