Studying: KaiSoo

[A/N: Haha, you know how I roll. When something good happens, I leave it there and tease you more. Sorry. Force of Habit but KaiSoo needs love too, ya know! POV chapter!]

Kim Jongin's PoV

"Hey, Kyung. What did you get for question 3?" I asked, poking his cheeks with my pen lightly.

I watch him finish up what sentence he was on before he slowly detatches his eyes from his work. "Um, I got 48." He mumbles, giving Me the shortest look ever and he buries his head back down his book.

I pout. When he said 'go study in the library' I really thought he meant spend some quality time in the library.

Kyungsoo hadn't even bothered to talk to me unless it's about the work we were doing.

Is it possible to have withdrawal symptoms when I haven't heard enough of Kyungsoo's voice today. Cause I think I'm being deprived with his company.

I scoot much closer to him so I feel his arm leaning on to mine. Kyungsoo doesn't shuffle away but he also acts as if I'm not hinting on anything.

"Kyungsoo-ah." I whine as I wrap on of my arms around his.

"Hmm?" He gives me a questioning look, but his eyes still quickly turn to the pages of his work book.

"Yaah~" I continue to whine as I shake his arm back and forth. Finally, he let's out a sigh and places a bookmark on the page and he closes it before looking at me firmly.


"Why do you keep ignoring me?"

"...I'm not, though." Kyungsoo smiles reassuringly but I don't think he really understood. "Look, let's study for 10 more minutes and we'll leave, okay? 10."

Nodding my head, I open my book which I hadn't really used since we came in to the library since I got too immersed in staring at Kyungsoo.

The time ticks as if it's the slowest thing in the world. I looked at the notes I scruffily jotted down back in the class and it's barely legible. Then I sneaked at Kyungsoo's neat and presentable notes.

I've asked myself a million time; how did I get so lucky with Kyungsoo? He's nice, quiet, innocent, smart while here I am, the complete opposite of him.

I lazily traced the tip of my pencil on his arm, going up to his shoulders and then I lightly press on his collarbone, making Kyungsoo twitch a little but not enough for me to get his attention.

He waves me off a little, making a grunting noise before I retracted my hand and pencil back.

Finally the 10 minutes I had been impatiently waiting for arrived and at last, Kyungsoo packs away his belongings.

I look at the wall clock and it's already 11 in the evening. Sehun would be at home now, probably sleeping and here I am, still in the library since 8.

Honestly, this is the longest time I had spent inside a library. Eventhough the only reason I did so is because of Kyungsoo.

"Come on, Jongin." He taps me on my shoulders, breaking me away from my thoughts and I smile at him and I follow.

The library is empty and so are the halls.

I take this chance to hold Kyungsoo's hand tightly and I grin at him when he looks at me quizically.

I didn't like the fact that Kyungsoo wanted our relationship to be a secret, not even Sehun knows. I'd always have to be careful about my actions and words around him which is quite difficult since I usually can't keep my hands to myself.

"Let's go home." I whisper, stealing a kiss from his right cheek and we both go down the stairs, taking identical steps.

We reach the ground floor, all too quickly and fortunately it's still empty, meaning I still can hold on to Kyungsoo.

"H-hey, Jongin?"


"Do you want to sleep around my house tonight?" Kyungsoo hesitates to ask but he does anyways. I blink for a couple of seconds before a lop sided grin visits my face, tugging my lips upwards.

"Sure." I answered too quickly, but instead of feeling weird, Kyungsoo laughs with me.

"It's a long walk though. And I don't think the buses are running anymore." He informs but I smile anyways.

We both walk, still hand in hand. Although the whether is still a bit chilly, I feel warm enough from just being next to Kyungsoo. His hands are warm and soft, in comparison to my cold and caloused ones.

Kyungsoo yawns a couple of times, and I can't help but giggle at how tired he looks. "Hey." I stop my tracks and so does he. "I'll piggyback you." I tug at his shirt, pulling him jar my back to climb on as I crouch down the floor.

"No ne--aahww!." He yawns as he speak and I smirk at him. "Alright."

Kyungsoo hesitantly hops on my back, wrapping his arms tightly around my neck and he snuggled his head by my nape, where he lightly kisses before he closes his eyes.

"Jongin, am I heavy?" He says sleepily.


"Jongin, are you tired?"



"Hmm?" I smile at the amount of time he's said my name.



"Jongin...I like you." Kyungsoo says, too breathlessly but still coherent.

I feel my heart beat racing from my chest, wanting to pump out of it. I can barely keep my grin from appearing and soon my cheeks will hurt like hell.

"I like you too, Kyungsoo." I feel him tighten his embrace around my neck, as I feel his warm breaths down my neck.

It's a good thing that I know where Kyungsoo lives where we arrive to after a few more minutes of walking in silence.

I shake a little, waking up Kyungsoo, guiltily and he hops off my back and curls down by a white hyacinth flower pot where his spare keys are placed.

The lights are shut off, probably because Kyungsoo's parents are out. And like my prediction, his parents are in a business trip and won't be back till the following week.

Kyungsoo opens the door, sleepily and once we've entered, we both take off our shoes and go to the living room after setting down our bags.

"You should sleep." I tell him and he nods, his eyes half closed. =>

Kyungsoo grasps on to my hand and pulls me along with him as we both go upstairs, to where his room is probably in. He opens a door labeled, 'D.O' and I was greeted by the smell of more flowers and freshly printed out books.

His room is pristine and at a corner there's a really large bookshelf, completely full and he had a double bed right in the middle of the room. Everything is neat and it looks as if all his belongings were arranged chronologically and by size.

He's still leading me.

"Aren't you going to change?" I ask Kyungsoo but all he does is sit me down his bed and he stands in between my legs. "K-Kyungsoo?"

He pushes me further down the bed, now one of his knesset are in the space beween my legs.

Kyungsoo continues to do this until the back of my head finally hits the head board and most of Kyungsoo's lower torso is in between my legs.

His hands go either side of my waist and he leans his forehead to mine.

"Sleep with me tonight?" He asks and I gulp.

I slightly nod at him a d Kyungsoo smiles. Although this Kyungsoo looks and acts weird, he's still able to melt me and weaken my knees.

I feel completely taken over seeing Kyungsoo on top of me. His eyes looks sleepy and his breathing is calm but noisy as it came out consistently out his mouth.

He dips down his head to kiss me on the lips and I feel one of his hand ing my blazer, so I do the same for him.

Once we've stripped out of our blue blazer, I slowly untuck his neat shirt and I start undoing from the bottom button.

On the other hand, my shirt is always untuck and instead of unclasping the buttons on my shirt, Kyungsoo snakes his hand up my shirt, feeling my stomach and slowly traveling up to my chest, where he lingers and traces circles.

"Kyungsoo..." I whimper out as he detracts his lips from mine.

I've completely taken off his shirt and Kyungsoo pulls of mine without undoing the buttons. He throws it God knows where.

Kyungsoo presses his warm chest against mine and he nears his lips to my ears. "You can change to my pajamas." He whispers, the nibble on my earlobe then Kyungsoo abruptly gets off of me, opening his closet and throwing me a pair of his pajamas.

I blink at him multiple times. "Are you teasing me, Do Kyungsoo?"

He grins back at me, almost too innocently.


Author's Corner:

Okay, I'm seriously sleepy that's why this chapter kind of exploded out of nowhere.

Haha, Kyungsoo is such a tease!

Or is it a preview.../wink wink!

Haha, why do I like bottoming the dominant guys and topping Kyungsoo?

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Maybe I'll give somebody here the 'D'


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