Ignoring might make you go away: HunHan

Sehun is glad that he's finally out of the PE closet.

The janitors had arrived exactly at the point where it was the most awkward with Luhan and Sehun couldn't be more enough relieved.

Walking quickly away from Luhan, Sehun gets on the bus and fortunately enough, Luhan has no plans on following Sehun even longer.

Sitting at the very back, by the window, Sehun recollects his thoughts and is now trying to fix the untidy thoughts and memories he collected from and with Luhan.

'I'm straight. I'm straight. I, Oh Sehun, is ing straight.' He chanted inside his mind. 'I don't like Luhan hyung. Luhan hyung is stupid. Luhan hyung is a moron.'

"...a cute moron..." Sehun accidentally whispers out loud but good thing that no one hears him or else he would have had to jump off the bus and kill himself. 'What the hell are you thinking!?' He shouts to himself.

Sehun forgets everything for now and rests his head on the bus' window. His head is slightly vibrating and all he hears is silent whispers from the other passengers and the bumping sounds of the bus.

He returns to his thoughts of the household and breathes sharply as the bus stops.

He gets off and starts to walk small mile up hill to Kris and Suho's house. Or should he say...Kris' and Suho's and their 'others' house.

Sehun reaches the place and notices that on the drive way, rather than seeing Suho's white Smart car with Kris' 3 other vehicles, there is another one parked. And it wasn't Tao's car either which is parked next to Kris' black Audi..

Curious, Sehun speed walks to the door and knocks. (Cause he forgot his keys as well)

The door opens and a head pops out of it and asks, 'Who is it?'

"Suho-ssi." Sehun greets and Suho's eyes flushes in relief as he opens the door wider.

"You've been gone since Friday morning according to Baekhyun." Suho worriedly asks. "Are you okay?"

Sehun smiles at Suho's mother-like attitude and before he replies, Sehun notices a pair of eyes watching them. "Who's that?" Sehun whispers to Suho and he looks back to see his lover.

"That's Lay."

"Umm...your.." Suho nods and signals Lay to come near to greet Sehun.

"I'm Zhang Yixing. But you can call me 'hyung' or anything is you like." He holds his hand out and Sehun briskly shakes it.

Even thought Sehun made an effort of not thinking about Luhan since that bus ride, he magically comes up in his mind again. "Hyung..." Sehun says lightly and Lay smiles, thinking it's addressed to him.

"Kris and Tao will be back from the market buying lunch. You should stay." Suho says as Sehun makes his way up the stairs.

"Umm, I need to sleep. I'm tired." He replies and Suho understands so he just nods until another thing came up to his mind.

"Go up quietly. Baekhyun has a visitor up his room." Suho warns.

Sehun looks up to Baekhyun's door, which is slightly open and he nods to Suho, who is now busy talking to Lay.

He goes up and stops just in front of Baekhyun's room. He sees the figure of what's his name? Chan-something? And his hands are all over Baekhyun.

Sehun gasps lightly on the next event. Chanyeol pulls in and they start kissing. His eyes widen for a bit before he makes a run for it. He goes to his room and shuts his door quietly, making sure the two wouldn't hear but he guessed that they'd be too busy all up in each other's 'grill'.

Sehun crawls under his bed after dropping his bags and stripping off his yellow school blazer. He bites his lips as he thinks of the scenes with Luhan.

His smile is stuck inside Sehun's head and his sly smirks are etched.

'That's it. I'm moving schools.' He thinks as he slowly drifts to sleep ignoring the fact that it's 4:46PM.


The next day is a Sunday and it's the perfect time to tell everybody that he wants to move to Kai's all boys' school.

In breakfast, where everybody is awkward since it's the first time EVERYBODY all TOGETHER is eating at the same table, Sehun brings up the topic of Kai's school and he gets judging looks.

He gets even weirder responses when he says he want to move there ASAP.

"Are you getting bullied?" says Suho.

"Have you realized your love for me?" asks Kai.

"Have you lost interest in girls and is now comkng out of the closet?" adds Baekhyun.

"Or are you failing your grades?" Kris comments.

It's a good thing that Lay and Tao don't adk anything because the reasons he got is already making his blood boil. Well, more to Kai and Baekhyun's ones.

"None of the above." Sehun blantly replies. "But if you were to ask which is the nearest one, it'd be Suho's guess." He finalizes and stands up from his seat and leaves the room.

"He's getting bullied?" Suho frowns. "Let's move him immidiately."

"It's exam seasons. Just tell him to pass all his exams and he can go wherever school he wants to got to." says Kris.

Suho doesn't argue because he knows well that Seoul High is one of the most prestigious schools in Asia and getting good grades from it has it's great benefits.


After getting the bomb drop at Sehun, he just goes to his plan B till plan A is working. He's going to just ignore and pretend he hasn't met Luhan and he has no memories of his what-so-ever.

Sehun adjusts his tie for the nth time and picks up his backpack from the floor and heads downstairs.

Baekhyun is in the kitchen, already suited up like a fancy lawyer he is, ready for work and Kai is also dolled up for his school.

"Dude." Kai calls. "You do know that my school is going to become a co-ed school next year." He says, remembering the incident about him and Kyungsoo's younger sister in the library.

"I couldn't care less."

Kai pouts as Sehun grabs a piece of toast and head out the door. "He's so mean. He should be called 'Mean-hun' for his mean-ness."

"Mean-hun? Mean-ness. Yah Jongin! Is your head okay?" Baekhyun knocks into Kai's forehead.


Sehun arrives extra-extra early to school than usual to avoid seeing Luhan but also to avoid having to ride the fancy cars Kris has.

He heads straight to the library, the only place which isn't inside Luhan's 'map'

He sits on an empty table, secluded around walls of bookshelves and whips out his headphones from his pocket and grabs a thick book from somewhere and he lays his head on it.

Sehun presses play and by now, music overtakes reality and all he hears now is his own thoughts and the beats of the song. With eyes slowly shutting away, Sehun's last view is out the window, over looking the winter blown flowerless cherryblossom trees.


Author's Corner:

Ignoring Luhan; to be continued!


So I happen to stumble at the apparently 'all-time-favorite' book 'Of Mice and Men' and I casually started reading it (with the reccommendation from a friend) and there was a dog there called 'Lulu'...

So I ditched the book and wrote this chapter. ^^

I'll go back to it. Soon. Maybe next time.

Need to catch up on sleep!

Oh! Almost forgot:

Happy Chinese New Year! (sorry if it's super late. It's 11:36PM here)

I made some pork baozis, care for some?

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296 streak #1
Chapter 3: Hahaha Luhan teasing him for his first day in the school
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Chapter 2: Kris and tao?? And Suho?
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Chapter 1: Sehun the new guy and kris is cheating
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Chapter 60: Hahaha hunnie
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Chapter 51: Jealous hunnie is just tooooo cute
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