Damsel in Distress: KaiSoo

Kai is yet again ecstatic about going to school, which used to be very rare but now that Kyungsoo is actually acknowledging his presence, he thinks he actually has a chance to win Kyungsoo's heart even if he thinks he's straight.

But on the other side of the story, Kyungsoo wasn't really like that. He's afraid of getting close to Kai, especially with him thinking that he'll dislike him once Kai finds out about his ual orientation.

Kai walk around the halls, looking for a certain wide-eyed Kyungsoo. He looks in every nook and cranny of the school and the fact that everybody are guys with black hair, Kyungsoo really wouldn't stand out in the crowd; unless you see his eyes, of course.

The mystical mystery of the gorgeousness of Kyungsoo' brown-almost-black orbs of innocence mixed with seduction; as Kai likes to describe it with.

That Kyungsoo is nowhere to be found. The bell rings and Kai is drowning in his pools of disdain. He trudges to his class but is still sort of hopeful that he's just running late.

The class finished agonizingly slow, with Kai looking back and forth and back again out the door, thinking Kyungsoo would magically appear, but he didn't. He's forced to go to his next class alone again.

Sittig at the back and looking out the window, he reminicses what Kyungsoo told him when he left his house after the private cooking lesson.

"I'll see you on Monday, Jongin." It echoes inside his head and repeats again and again.

It's breaktime and Kai is hanging on the school's rooftop all along. He's lying down the long benches and looking up in the sky with a not so amused face. "See you on Monday, he says." He imitates a girly version of Kyungsoo's voice. "Jongin, he says. Psh!"

Kai's pocket vibrates and he remembers that he gave his phone number to Kyungsoo. He's excited again so he whips out the device with a smile on his face.

'Get some milk, Jongin-ah. /kissy-face -Baek.'

The smile slowly fades away, replacing it with a scowl while angrily typing up a message.

'Get your own milk, ! -KaiKai'

A quick reply from Baekhyun comes and Kai just scowls again.

'You're such a tempermental gay . And don't use your phone in school! /nags >:( How dare you!?'

Kai doesn't bother replying because he suddenly gets a call. Thinking that it's his hyung, Baekhyun, he shouts a, "Yah! What do you want, !?"


Kai blinks for a couple of seconds. This is not Baekhyun's voice. He retracts the phone away from his ears and looks at the number; 'D_O Kyungsoo-nim'

He blinks a couple of more times and clears his throat. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you."

"Oh! Were you expecting a call? Should I hang up." Kyungsoo's voice is full of guilt.

"NO! Stay!...I mean...not really, go on." He tries to keep his cool which is kind of, more like epicly failing.

"Sorry if I called you, it's break time right?"

"Nah! It's fine."

"Anyways. This is kind of embarassing...and you're the only one I can ask..." He trails off.

"Go on."

"Promise not to laugh." A sound of embarassment comes off his voice and Kai can't help but feel giggly already from Kyungsoo's cuteness.


"...umm...I-I..I" He stutters then sighs loudly. "I'm locked inside my house."

Kai pulls away the phone and covers the speakers and tries very hard to stifle a laugh but it comes out anyways. Although he very much adores Kyungsoo, to anyone, this kind of situation is very funny.

Kai clears his throat again and pulls his composture back to being serious. "Oh, are you okay? How can I help you?"

"Umm...I called you because, most of my friends are, you know...goody goodies and you're the only one who could actually skip class. But you don't have to if you don't want to." Kyungsoo explains.

"Nah. I was getting bored anyways." Kai is tempted to add, 'cause you're not here' but decides to keep that one to himself.

"So, there's a key outside my house, it's under a flower pot of daisies." Kyungsoo explains further and Kai just agrees to all the details. Whilst talking to Kyungsoo, he is already making his way out, ignoring the teachers that saw him casually using his phone.

"I'll be there soon." He drops the phone call and flings his back out the brick wall and hoists himself up and jumps of to the other side.

Kai hauls a taxi and the driver is reluctant to give him a ride since he is supposed to be in school but Kai wafts around a good amount of money he whips out of his wallet and the driver is more than hapoy to drive him all the way to Jeju Island


Author's Corner:

Prince Kai to the rescue...To be continued!


I like stopping in mid storylines... but I still update loads.

No one comments as much anymore...TT_TT ...But I still love all of you! Harteu!

See ya tomorrow! (Hopefully)

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