(IM)Possible Plan


Baekhyun is frozen on the spot.

Chnayeol slowly retracts his body and looks at him, eyes full of lust and longing for a short millisecond before he pulls a weird face.

"Can you be quick? It's so cold." Chanyeol says, slightly shivering and rubbing his hands on his arms.

"Oh..Y-yeah! W-wait!" stutters Baekhyun. He runs out of the room and shuts the door behind his back, leaning on the wall, Baekhyun places his hand on his rapidly rising chest and breathes.

And on the other side of the door, Chanyeol pathetically crouches, hiding his now extremely crimson red face and frustratingly grabs unto his hair.

After recollecting himself, Baekhyun enters his room again and tosses one of Kris' never-gonna-miss shirts. Chanyeol quickly puts the garment on, so much for Baekhyun's thoughts.

"Thanks, dude."

There's an awkward silence and it's quickly ruined when they both hear the door downstairs bursting open.

This shocks the two and Baekhyun rushes to see what's going on and Chanyeol tails behind him, also worried.

"What the !? Were you ever going to tell me!?" screams Suho. It's the first time Baekhyun hears Suho cursing. Of course, apart from when they overhear Kris and Suho's 'sessions' And this is obviously not one of them.

"Oh! Don't scream at me you bastard! Don't pretend it's all on me!" Kris shouts back.

Baekhyun and his guest are completely invisible to the two and Sehun and Kai appears from behind the arguing duo.

"Wu Fan! Didn't you ever think that I may want to know whether you're tired of me or not at some point?" Suho sounds slightly giving up.

"I did! I did think about it!" He admits. "It's not just me. You also ed behind my back! Did you think about me!?" Kris goes on.

Suho gives a harsh slap across Kris' face. The sound if the skin hitting each other echoes. And the Kris' left cheek is now red in pain.

Baekhyun slowly goes down the steps, confused and Chanyeol gives him a look whether he should go or not, seeming like this is really a bad time to be here. But Baekhyun shakes his head, indicating it's okay.

The argument continues with Suho and Kris cursing and screaming their heads off at each other and this is when Sehun suddenly bursts.

"Sorry. But you two need to shut the up! You both ed behind each other's back." Everyone's eyes turns to the normally quiet and reserved Sehun. "Even if you thought about each other, did you think about us?" He says.

"S-sehun." Kai whispers, wanting him to stop but he's already got Kris and Suho's attention.

"You both go adopting ed up kids out the streets when you've got problems of yourselves. Did you expect us to clean your up and magically live happily ever after?" Sehun growls. "Or are you now just gonna throw us back out the streets and live your ed up lives?" His voice dies down.

Kai places his hands on Sehun's shoulders. "Yah...let's go. Let them handle this." He whispers but everyone hears anyway.

"Wait. One more thing." He pulls Kai's hands away. "You know, I was just starting to like being with you guys." he finalizes.

Both Kris and Suho are appalled.

That was probably the longest thing Sehun had said in one go. But they never expected it to sound so angry and sad.

Sehun storms to his room, with Kai tailing behind him. And on the way upstairs, Kai grabs Baekhyun's wrist who grabs Chanyeol's and they all follow Sehun to his room, leaving Kris and Suho in silence.

"Don't follow me!" Sehun hisses but Kai's too strong, prying the door open before Sehun could lock it. He gives up and plops himself down his bed.

Kai sits on the bed's edge while Baekhyun sits on the computer chair and Chanyeol stands idly in the background.

"What was that all about?" Baekhyun asks.

"...The two got busted." Kai explains. "Kris and Suho found each other, both with their 'guy friends' and that happened."

"How long has it been going for?"

"Well, me and Sehun-ah were near where they started fighting and we found them so we had to pry them from killing each other right in the middle of the streets.I drove us back after their guy friends decided to leave, cause Kris said so." He adds and Baekhyun just nods. "Who's he by he way?"

Pointing at Chanyeol, Baekhyun turns to his and smiles apologetically. "It's my work buddy, Park Chanyeol."

"Are you...you know...with him?" Kai blurts.

Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun got what Kai meant and they both blush. "W-what!? N-nothing like that."

"Really cause he looks like th--"Kai starts but Baekhyun dives to Sehun's bed and covers Kai's mouth.

There us a small groan in the back. "Can you stop being gay, especially in my bed?" Sehun frowns.

All four of them calms down and starts making small chats as they wait for Suho and Kris to settle things down. Sehun and Kai had already changed into their pajamas readying to sleep but they still hang around Sehun's room. Even Chanyeol is starting to sleep on the floor, next to Baekhyun while Sehun and Kai share the bed, much to Sehun's disapprovement.

There is no more shouting, screaming and cursing downstairs; Suho and Kris' voices are almost unheard.


"Can we really do this?"Kris asks.


"Are you sure? Won't it creep out...well, everyone?"

"Wu Fan. We found what was wrong in our relationship. We loved each other too much and too long we've become almost like brothers; no longer lovers" Suho explains.

"How about mine and yours?" Kris asks, talking about their 'guy friends' "Will they be okay with our plan?"

"I hope so. Or else we'll have to do what Sehun fears. I don't want that."


Author's Corner:

What's the plan? Oooh!

Heheh. I can totally imagine Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Kai and Sehun having a sleep over. Hahah.

Oh! And who's Suho's guy friend?

I know there are SuLay shippers here but what if it's SuChen? Hohohoho!

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