Sandy Socks: TaoRis


Kris' fingers interlocks with Tao's as they walk on the beach. The sun is setting and the sky is almost turning violet.

Like in those soppy romantic films, Tao will occasionally splash the salty water with his feet to Kris' direction and vice versa.

"We look like a pretty ed up couple." Kris comments. "I mean, I'm tied down with someone else and I'm not supposed to be with you, like seriously, how old are you?"

Tao just laughs at Kris' question and stops his tracks. "You're a cougar, aren't you?" He jokes making Kris laugh.

"What the hell? No I'm not. You came on to me." Kris lightly pushes Tao.

"Then are you some sort of milf?" Tao continues.

"How am I a 'milf'? I'm not a mother."

"M, for man. Unless you're not one, of course." He points out.

Kris follows up with an amused laugh and silence falls over the two.

The two sits down, burying their feet in the warm sand that filters through their toes. Kris didn't mind that his suit were collecting the tidbit grains. His slacks is rolled up just below his knees and his sleeves just on his elbows.

Tao looks at his watch and to Kris. "We got to go. I have a shoot in 20 minutes." He reminds Kris who is too indulge in drawing on the sand pile.

He draws something which looked like a potato with hands and tie and something that looked like a thin grizzly bear with a stick in it's paws. "What the hell is that supposed to be?" Tao questions.

"Can't you tell? This is me." He points in the suited up potato. "And this is you with a wushu stick. You're a panda, too." Kris gestures to the other.

"Let's just go." Tao stands up to pull up Kris and uses his feet to rub out the drawing.

"What was that for?"

"I like you and everything. But that thing you call a drawing is horrendous." Tao comments.

Kris can only laugh and it came out as a weird sounding chortle, causing Tao to chuckle.

"Let's go."


"Any reason why your socks are full of sand?" Suho questions, his brows furrowing.

"..." Kris stays silent and continues to poke at his food.


"I was at the beach." He replies almost sarcastically.

"What were you doing at the beach?" Suho calms down.

Kris shrugs and shoves a piece of meat in his mouth.

"Bet you Kris will crack in a few and they'll end up being at 'it' all night." Baekhyun whispers to Kai.

"50, we'll hear Suho begging very loud." Kai adds which Sehun hears.

The two were betting while Kris eats in the table and Suho nags at him.

"75, they'll do nothing and Suho will shrug this of like usual." Sehun finally speaks and joins.

"Aww, Sehunie's finally giving in to us and he's absolutely like us." Baekhyun puts a hand on his heart and faking sobs.

"No. I'm straight, hyung. Remember." Sehun adds nonchalantly.

"100, Sehun will convert at some point." Kai whispers to Baekhyun alone, who smirks.

"Deal." They do a shake on it and Sehun stares at them weirdly.

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