It was a roller coaster ride (Part 4)


[A/N: This is a short...but sweet KaiSoo chapter for their ending. ^^ Please wait for them in the sequel. ]

It Was A Roller Coaster Ride: Ending (Part 4) KaiSoo

It's such a great time, spending the rest of the weekend, sick. Kai's stuck in his bed with a few good number of thick covers on top of his body. He's not sure whether he's the one who has a temperature or it was all because of the stuffy and thick material covering him.

He can hardly breathe under all the weight but since Kyungsoo had insisted, Kai could only nod, ignoring how difficult it was for his to respire.

Kyungsoo is currently running up and down the stairs, renewing the water he had constantly used to dampen a towel that cooled Kai's forehead. He would sometimes use it to wipe the sweat that has formed around his neck, being hurried under the sea of duvet covers.

Once he comes back, Kai beams again, forgetting his uncomfortable position and he watches as Kyungsoo nears him again, readying to place the cool and damon towel over his forehead.

"This is lame. You're here and I'm sick." Kai frowns as Kyungsoo continues to take care of him.

"It's not your fault you're sick. What did happen though?" Kyungsoo queries, as Kai's sudden fainting event was a surprise to him as well.

Kai shrugs, trying to sit up from the bed. "Probably because a few nights back, I was coming home from the store and it suddenly started raining and I was just wearing a tank top."

"A tank top in spring? You're asking for it, Kim Jongin." Kyungsoo worries. "And I bet you sleep shirtless too."

Shyly nodding, Kai confesses to that.

"Well from now on, I forbid you to be shirtless, okay?"

Kai smiles weakly and playfully punches Kyungsoo. "Even if I want to be shirtless in front of you?"

Although Kyungsoo blushes terribly, he manages to get a hold of himself. "Even that."

Kai laughs shortly, not having much energy to laugh whole-heartedly which what he would have done normally when Kyungsoo was flustered.

Kyungsoo removes the wet towel and rinses it before squeezing the excess water that it had soaked up. And before Kyungsoo could place it back on his forehead, Kai stops him and signals him to drop it; which Kyungsoo obliges to.

"You need t-"

"Kyungsoo-ah." The weakness in Kai's voice is detectable, but he still sounds sweet. "Can you lie on the bed next to me and stop doing that?"



A couple of Kyungsoo's heartstrings gets tugged at the small smile that Kai gives and he places down the basin full of cold water and he crawls on to Kai's bed, going under the covers with him.

"Oh my God it's hot in here." He comments as he closes the distance between him and Kai so that he could feel his slightly sticky with sweat skin and warm temperature.

Kai opens his arms for Kyungsoo to rest in but he rejects it and instead, he opens his arms for Kai to cuddle in. Kai smiles and gladly takes the offer, it wasn't everyday that Kyungsoo offers a cuddle.

Kai hugs his waist and rests his head by Kyungsoo's chest, feeling the constant heaving of his chest everytime he inhaled and exhaled.

"You're so hot." Kyungsoo says.

"Did you just realize that?"

"You know I'm talking about you temperature, right? and not your physique."

Kai just nods, causing Kyungsoo to laugh.

Resting his head on top of Kai's, Kyungsoo plays with his hair by running his fingers through his dark locks, while Kai drums his fingers playfully on Kyungsoo's chest.

"Kyungsoo, can we stay like this forever?"

The word forever shocks Kyungsoo, a bit. He had never believed in that word. Forever. It seemed too long for Kyungsoo, too long that it's impossible to achieve.

As for now he knew that he liked Kai and Kai liked him back. But the uncertainties of whether Kai would still feel the same for hears to come or even just months scares Kyungsoo.

Coming back to one of Kyungsoo's problems, he has never quite gotten used to trusting people too much and with Kai, he thinks that he's relying on to him much more than he had meant to.

Kai was supposed to be a harmless first love. One that will end without a heartbreak nor bad memories. But now it seems like Kyungsoo had been greedily wanting more and more of Kai and all the great things that came with him.

Believe it or not but Kyungsoo still couldn't quite fully trust Kai. From his bad boy reputation in the school and Kyungsoo's good next door boy look, it was still hard to believe that out of all the people that had lined up for Kim Jongin's attention, he had picked out the least interesting and the simplest person in the palate.

"Forever's a long time."


Kyungsoo's quiet again. He doesn't know what exactly to say.

"Want me to sing you a song?" He asks out of the blue, indirectly trying to avoid the conversation.

"Till I fall asleep?"

"Yeah, till you fall asleep." Kyungsoo parrots.

"Okay, but promise me when I close my eyes and drift to sleep, you won't leave and let go of my hand." As he says that, Kai firmly grasps on to Kyungsoo's hand.

"I'll sleep with you. And I promise when you open your eyes, it's me who you'll see." Kyungsoo secretly cringes at his own cheesy remark but Kai's too infatuated to notice.

Kyungsoo starts on humming first then words slowly form on his lips. The melody was serene and there were deep meanings to the lyrics.

Kai wasn't sure whether the song had already existed of Kyungsoo was either singing his own or was making one on the spot and it turns out that he was making a song on the spot.

Kai's clapping but they're slowly fading into just a pair of hands touching one another softly. His eyes ever so slowly shutting and by now the claps had died down and so are the lids of his eyes.

He can still hear Kyungsoo's ballad clearly as he reach what sounded like the last stanza of his song as the lyrics starts to fade to nothing but 'lalala's'

Half-asleep, Kai opens his mouth to speak.

"Kiss me goodnight, Do Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo smiles at hearing his full name escape the younger man's lips, although it sounded slurry and too groggy.

"Goodnight, Kim Jongin." He whispers as his lips ghost above Kai's before he diminishes the distance, enveloping his soft and plump lips.

Kai moves a bit, responding to the kiss but shortly after, he drifts to dreamland, still not having to detach away from Kyungsoo's lips.

Kyungsoo pulls away as soon as he realizes that Kai had fallen asleep and he plants a small kiss on his forehead. "Goodnight and sweet dreams, Jongin-ah."


Author's Corner:

Dedicated to suatmm for being the 500th Commenter for this story. <3

Kyungsoo is such a sweetie pie AoA

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