Moving: HunHan


Sehun wakes up, aghast. It's quarter to 8 and school is about to start in a few. He shoots up from his bed, quickly changing into his now navy blue coloured uniform.

He quickly looks by the mirror, seeing his fluffed up bed hair and he unsuccessfully swipes it down. Sehun does his tie as he go down the stairs and he catches a glimps of Kai, eating a piece of toast.

"Tick, tock. Tick, tock, Sehun-ah" He taps on his imaginary watch as we observes Sehun shove his feet inside his shoes.

Just on time, Kris comes out of his room, all suited up and he smiles when he sees the two of Kai and Sehun, ready for school. Well, half ready.

Sehun's sneaks in for a piece of bread and Kris and Kai are already on their way out of the house, he runs for them and scoots in the back seat.

"Jongin, please take care of Sehun, alright?" Kris breaks the silence as he keeps glancing on Sehun, watching crumbles from his toast fall of the car's interior.

"Of course." Kai grins and puts one of his arms around Sehun, who scowls at him and yanks himself away.

"I think I can take care of myself, Kris." He replies blatantly.

They drive for a few more minutes and Sehun notices that his new school is further away than his old one and it also looks bigger, despite the image of Seoul High, being prestigious and a high and mighty school.

A big bold sign, saying 'Kwangsoo High' is written at the very top of one of the buildings and below in smaller writing; 'For exceptionally talented boys' and even further below that, there is a tacky banner with slightly scruffy and slanted writing saying 'and girls'.

"I hope that's not permanent." Sehun comments as he hops down the car with Kai, who playfully punches his shoulders.

"Why? I made that sign." He says, pointing at the dirty white sheet with black paint writing. "Since we're gonna be a co-ed school by next school year. "

"A monkey would have done a better job." He scowls as they walk together, down to the principal's office for Sehun to formally introduce himself and also to receive his timetables.

They gather a few stares from the boys, and Kai would high five and greet most of them. It was obvious that Kai was and is popular in his school.

"Welcome, Oh Sehun." A middle aged woman turns around ona swiveling chair, with a cat on her lap. Sehun flinchs, not even sure if cats were allowed in school.

The office smells of overly scented flowers and a hint of cat nip and litter box sand.

He bows, respectively and so does Kai who is right behind Sehun.

"I've talked to Wu Fan about your situation and I must say, you have a great set of grades." She compliments after putting her pet cat down and starts looking through papers. "But I want to ask you, what's your hobby?"



"Oh, umm, I don't know." Sehun stammers, taken a back by the question.

"Well you've decided to study in Kwangsoo, you must have a talent" She says. "Jongin here is in the dance sector."

"Dance sector?" Sehun parrots.

"Oh, he must've forgotten to tell you." The principal gasps. "Okay, I'll give you a week to think about it. Here is a list of sectors you can apply to."

She hands Sehun a two page long document. It had activities like, singing, dancing, all over performance, and also art. And at the very bottom there is one, basic academic.

Sehun also receives the rest of his timetable and his locker combinations and by the time they exit the office, Kai had been abducted by a couple of his friends, leaving Sehun to explore by himself.

The bell rings in a short notice and Sehun doesn't really have any problem in finding his homeroom, being great at directions.

He introduces himself to the class, gaining a few stares but the majority were too immersed in talking to even notice Sehun's appearance. He doesn't mind and just continues as he's assigned to sit at the very back, by the window, as it's the only space left.

Sehun is feeling fortunate that Kai isn't in his homeroom and Kyungsoo is. Although he sits a few seats in front, they manage to look and mouth out words to each other.

The first set of his class ends and it's now break time. He hangs with Kyungsoo, like back in their old days in highschool. Until Kai pops out of nowhere, steering Kyungsoo away from Sehun.

He's alone again and decides to go for a short walk. He finds an empty bench, under a still green cherryblossom tree.

Sehun sits there, with a juice box in his hands and his school planner on the other.

He checks the school's policies and finds that it's compulsory to join one of these 'sectors' in order to enter exams. One thing that Kris forgot to tell Sehun about the school is that it was a performing arts major university.

Sehun had never thought of being a performer in anytime of his life except when he was 5 and was aspiring to be a rock star, but didn't all 5 years old wanted that?

He stares at it for a few more times until he hears scruffling in the back where the bushes are. Curious, Sehun stands to investigate after he placed down his planner and his juice box.

The leaves stop and Sehun leans into check what it was. To his surprise, it was just the principal's cat.

Was he expecting something else?

He picks up the cat and it's spine with his fingers. It purrs and arches its back.

Slowly, Sehun sits on the grass, whilst petting the feline. "What are you doing here?" He asks the cat who tilts its head as if it sort of understanded him.

"What am I doing talking to a cat?" He whispers to himself.

This time Sehun doesn't hear the leaves rustling and somebody behind him is ready to pounce to Sehun.

"Oh! Sehun oppa!" A girl squeals and Sehun turns his head to see the girl, about to attack him with a hug.

He quickly dodges before she gets to him, sliding slightly out of the way. The girl skid to the grass on her face and she glares at Sehun.

It's Kyungsoo's sister.

"Sookyung?" Sehun scrutinizes the female who dusts herself up. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too, oppa." She greets sarcastically. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

" still and all boys school, right?" He squints his eyes to Kyungsoo's sister.

Sookyung nods. "Kyung oppa is supposed to tour me here for a week. But he's always gone with that Kai guy." She pouts.

Sookyung sits by Sehun and they both catch up in their lives. The two haven't seen each other since Kyungsoo had gone to a different school from Sehun and to add to that, Sehun ran away from home, ending up in where he is right now.

They laugh in a memory they talk about and Sehun hears someone scoffing behind him.

"I disappear for a while and you're flirting?"

Sehun turns his head and again, to his surprise; it's Luhan.

Luhan wearing a Kwangsoo High uniform.

Sehun blinks, still confused whether he was imagining things because he finds this Luhan unconditionally handsome in the navy blue uniform and his dishiveled hair style.

Sookyung's tug on his shirt yanks out Sehunfrom his dreamy state and he shakes his head a little. He turns his head back to her, completely ignoring the whether real or not Luhan.

As soon as he turns his head, Sehun feels a thump on his head and he looks up to see the Luhan, nearer him. "Don't ignore your hyung."

That snaps Sehun. This Luhan is real and he's really in his school. Wearing the same uniform he had. This only had one explanation.

"Are you stalking me, hyung?"

Luhan scoffs and Sehun anticipates him to start defending himself but he doesn't.

"Of course I am." He replies as if it's the most obvious answer. "What's the point in staying in Seoul High when my dongsaeng isn't there?"

To tell the truth, that statement made Sehun's knees weaken and the butterlies inside his stomach to come to life. He was relieved that he was sitting already, or else he would have obviously wobbled.

"Did you miss me?" Luhan grins.

"No." He rolls his eyes. "I just saw you a few days ago."

"Well, I did." Luhan squeezes in between Sehun and the now left out Sookyung. "What the heck are you?" He rudely asks pointing at Sookyung.

She doesn't say anything but her cheeks flush pink, embarrassed.

Luhan continues to stare at her until she finally speaks.

"Um, I, I'll leave you two now. I bet oppa's looking for me." She shuffles awkwardly and walks away.

"Sookyung-ah" Sehun calls but Luhan clamps his mouth closed and signaled her to continue walking away. Sehun slaps away Luhan's hand and glares at him.

"What do you think you're doing here?"

"Following you? Isn't it obvious?" Luhan blinks innocently to Sehun.

"I moved schools to get away from your stupidity, hyung."

"Oh, stop it and just admit your falling for me." He smirks and pokes the sides of Sehun, causing him to laugh.

"No. How about you leave and I get on with my life."

"Hm, how about I don't leave and you get on with your life with me?"

Sehun stares at Luhan for a while until his frown reappears.

"How about no."

"Stop denying me Sehun-ah." Luhan says cutely and he pouts.

"I'm not denying anything."

Luhan let's out a sigh. "Keep saying that, then." He leans in by Sehun's ears and whispers; "You'll fall anytime soon." and he quickly kisses Sehun's cheek before he stands up to leave.

Sehun wants to pull him back to start beating sense to Luhan and say that he's never going to be interested but something wants him to pull him to kiss him back.

But in reality, he's still too surprised to do either one of those.


Author's Corner:

Sorry I couldn't update yesterday. OTL,

I'm going to update as much as I can because my Exams week is going to start on the 11th and I have to start studying. By next week

Meaning updates will be scarce.

School is such a pain in the .

Oh and what do you think about the demo of wolf? I'm actually excited because finally they're giving better signs of a comeback.

My purse is crying. ( TT-TT) Since I plan to buy both EXO album...when they come out.

Anywho, thanks for the Birthday greets again. I labu labu you guys!

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296 streak #1
Chapter 3: Hahaha Luhan teasing him for his first day in the school
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Chapter 60: Hahaha hunnie
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Chapter 51: Jealous hunnie is just tooooo cute
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