Hmm...:BaekYeol + Filler

[A/N:To or not to ...hmmm...? Sorry, but no. >:D ALERT: Another boring-ish chappie OTL]

"B-baek?" Chanyeol quivers underneath Baekhyun. " you wait."

Baekhyun frowns, not understanding what Chanyeol had meant.

"I...I don't want to do this..yet." He says as he sits up, Baekhyun still sitting on his lap.

"Huh?" Baekhyun flushes red, embarassed by his actions, starting to regret saying the things he had said.

Picking up on the atmosphere, Chanyeol just smiles and gives Baekhyun a sweet peck on the lips.

"It's not that I don't want to do it with you," He kisses him again. "I just want to wait till I'm ready, you know?"

Baekhyun nods, understandingly to Chanyeol's words and he let's out a sigh of relief. "I'll wait."

With that said, Chanyeol can't help the butterflies inside the pits of his stomach. It sounds wonderful to him that Baekhyun is now the one doing the waiting after much time he did it.

He's now much more satisfied that he had chosen the path to wait 9 years rather than forget about Baekhyun in his school days. It would have been better off though if Chanyeol had the balls to actually strike a conversation with Baekhyun back then. Things would have been easier that way.

But then again, he highly doubts that Baekhyun would have even looked at him twice back then, being an average sized, big spectacled, weirdo he was.

Baekhyun wasn't much of a looker back then either, his hair was bowled cut more than a coconut and his looks had not even matured into what he is today. But he had confidence, Baekhyun was the school's moodmaker. Everybody was friends with him. He still is.

Chanyeol had not only grown probably a foot taller but he got eye surgery and managed to find a hairstyle that didn't make him look like a 3 year old whose parents had budget cuts to pay a barber.

"Thanks, I knew you'd understand." He softly smiles and Baekhyun just hugs his around his neck and kisses the nape, traveling to Chanyeol's jaw line and back to his plump lips.

At the same time, the door flings open, revealing the usually wide-eyed Kyungsoo, a disgusted Sehun and a smirking Luhan and Kai inthe background.

Baekhyun shoots up from Chanyeol's lap and he stumbles down to the floor with a big thumping noise. Chanyeol sits still but he turns his head up to look at the foursome.

"Gross." Sehun comments and he scoffs. "There's food downstairs."

Sehun doesn't even wait for a reply and he walks away from the sight. Despite that he was basically doing the same thing they were doing just a few minutes ago, with his former school senior, Luhan.

Kyungsoo stares for a while before he follows Sehun like a lost puppy. Kai smirks and hoots for Baekhyun before he walks after Kyungsoo.

Luhan on the other hand, stayed longer.

"What?" Baekhyun asks as he manages to stand from his and is now pouting in pain.

"Nothing." He says, a small smile present on his face. "Good job though."

Baekhyun is about to reply but Luhan starts walking away, and back to the kitchen where Sehun is heading.

Chanyeol tugs on Baekhyun's shirt and he pulls him closer to him, making Baekhyun stand in between his legs. "I want some food."

Baekhyun chuckles and gives the cute Chanyeol a kiss on the lips, again.

"Ha, saw that." Luhan pops his head in for a while before he runs away again.

Chanyeol's cheeks flushes pink and he buries his face on Baekhyun's shirt.

"That kid is he'll nosy." Baekhyun squints his eyes as he pats Chanyeol's back. "Come on, Chan, I bet there's cookies downstairs. I know you love them."

Chanyeol is giddy again as Baekhyun pulls him upwards and the go down the steps hand in hand.


Lay had managed to peel basically all the fruits they had in the fridge in a matter of minutes and Tao and Kris comes in right on time.

Sweat is slightly covering their forehead and Tao's descreetly catching up on his breath.

"You two had either been running or had been doing some hardcore cleaning down the garage." Suho points out, with a smile on his face.

Okay, okay. Let's get one thing straight. Kris is feeling very irksome at the fact that Suho is all dandy pants even whenever Tao is present. He expected some glaring and immature bickering with them two but Suho was just abnormally calm about everything.

Maybe for some reason, Kris wanted an itsy bitsy tiny part of Suho wanting him back. That may sound severely cockish and selfish but they've been together for more years they could count. Kris feels a bit hurt that Suho has clearly cut all romantic ties with him cleanly. While there he was, annoyed at the fact Tao and Suho are actually getting along unusually well.

Just a few days back, Tao and Suho went out for a grocery trip and they end up coming back like best friends. They even assigned themselves to be doing the groceries every week together from now on.

Little did Kris know that Suho and Tao got along so well because Suho would gossip about Kris' bad points and Tao would occasionally give 'tips' to Suho regarding with his 'love-life' with Lay.

Kris and Lay on the other hand, they were the ones with immature bickerings and glaring contests. Why was it always the older ones who are such children.

"You prepared all the freaking fruits?" Kris asks Lay as he points at all the peeled and sliced fruits.

"Yeah, problem?"

"Yes, problem. What if we don't finish it?"

"Then we put it in the fridge, duh."

"Yeah, you like wasting food, don't you?"

"What? I said put them in the fridge for later."

They start bickering again. This happens almost everyday. They always seem to look for some flaw with each other and starts bashing eah other. At first, Suho and Tao would halt them but now, it was just getting too immature.

Everyone eats the fruits and watch TV and Lay and Kris are still fighting. Even Suho and Tao had given up watching them and they just joined the rest on playing on Baekhyun's new game console.

"Stop with the ing fruit! I'm your problem, aren't I?" Lay prods Kris.

"Yeah! Stop pullin' out your knife and cutting all my damned fruits!"

"Your fruits? Suho bought them"

In the background, they all start cheering as Tao started demonstrating some of his wushu skills, almost kicking the TV off the wall, but totally ignoring the amounts of curses that shoots off from Lay's and Kris' mouths.

"Should we stop them? They're in the kitchen, before we know it they could be killing each other with knives over there." Chanyeol worries, not quite understanding the full situation if the Wu/Kim/Zhang/Huang household.

"Nah! They usually do that until we have to eat dinner." Baekhyun waves off Chanyeol. "OMG! Do that again Tao!"

Tao does another backflip gaining hoots and claps from the crowd, except for the usual uninterested Sehun, who's too busy listening in to Lay and Kris' argument about fruits.

And for some reason, their conversation change into Tao being a performance monkey and Suho being a needy crybaby.

"I think we should stop them." Luhan whispers to Sehun, who flinchs at the feelin of his hot breath by his ear.

"Nah, Tao and Suho will eventually stop them."

"Say- what is the deal with your family?" Luhan asks.


On the otherwise, Kyungsoo asks the same question to Kai, who responds indifferently to Sehun's

Tao and Suho finally decides to break up the fight between Lay and Kris and that leaves the rest in the living room. It's quiet for a few seconds and they hear Suho shouting for them to stop and they hear a bit of clanging metals, imagining Tao had just probably pulled one of his wushu tricks out the bag.

"You have such a great family." Luhan speaks up.

Luhan, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol look close to their 'partner' and all whisper, "How did you manage to be in this house?"


I used the BaekYeol slot as a filler Chapter.


But it's like an intro for the next few chapters. There will be a few fluff and more flashbacks and stuff about their pasts

No BaekYeol , you need to wait a bit more! hahahaha, I intend this story to be like a 70+ chapter story (Cause I'm a crazy author) So bringing in the might ruin things.

Boring chapter again. OTL

Oh and thank you for all the birthday greets! I think it should be my birthday everyday cause it brings out all the silent readers out.

B-bring the silentreaders out~


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296 streak #1
Chapter 3: Hahaha Luhan teasing him for his first day in the school
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Chapter 2: Kris and tao?? And Suho?
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Chapter 1: Sehun the new guy and kris is cheating
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Chapter 60: Hahaha hunnie
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Chapter 51: Jealous hunnie is just tooooo cute
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