Weary Welcome II : OTPs


[A/N: I didn't know who to base this chapter for so here ya go!]

Baekhyun is feeling left out because both of his 'brothers' know who this Zitao guy is and he didn't. Baekhyun had always wanted to know everything that goes around the house but now that he doesn't, he feels a bit weary.

"Come on lets's eat." Kris announces, stopping Baekhyun from staring and judging Tao for too long.

The whole table is awkward and Kris tries very hard to uplift the mood and start a conversation but everyone answers in one word, even Tao himself.

Chanyeol also feels a bit out of place and Kris just had to point that out when he asks, "Who are you, again?" He says bluntly.

"Oh...hmm." He places his hand over his mouth as he finishes chewing his food. "I'm Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun-ssi's work mate." Chanyeol extends his arm to shake Kris' hands who does the same thing.

"Oh god, I thought you were his fuc--" Kris shuts his mouth after seeing Baekhyun do the I'm-slitting-my-throat-meaning-you-shut-your-trap movement. Kris smirks and shakes his head. "Never mind."

Chanyeol blinks in confusion and turns to Baekhyun who innocently tilts his head after stopping his little movement.

They all continue with their breakfast and Kai and Sehun hadn't made a peep. Surprising for Kai but not Sehun who's usually quiet any ways.

In the middle of all awkwardness, Kai cannot keep quiet anymore. Out of everyone around the dining table, he hates awkward situations the most and starts to laugh really loud.

This would have accounted for craziness but it definitely was one of Kai's charms.

A small chuckle that gradually increased in volume came out of his mouth, grabbing everyone else's attention.

Sehun frowns, Baekhyun grins, both Tao and Kris are confused but Chanyeol acts normal. Probably thinking it is.

"Baekhyun hyung? What's wrong with him? Finally gone retarded?" Sehun implies, the smallest of smirk is on his face.

"No! hahha...I-I-I c-can't s-stop! W-wait." Kai inhales sharply while clutching on to his stomach. His laughter is so loud and abnormal looking that Chanyeol is easily infected and so he starts laughing as well, with that distinguishing twitch in his eye.

Baekhyun follows and Kris also chuckles, and by a few seconds Tao also joins in, leaving Sehun frowning to himself and starts judging the rest.

He's slightly amused hut not enough to make him laugh like a crazy person.


Sehun leaves the house after preparing for school. Baekhyun and Chanyeol leaves for work after Kris lent him one of his whole suits, shoes and all.

Kai also leaves, slightly excited, probably something to do with school but Kris highly doubts it.

Following Sehun to school, he reaches the gates after Kris offered (more like forced himself) to drive Sehun there, even just around the intersection where people wouldn't see him with such a person like Kris. (Not gay. But rich)

He shuts the car door without even saying thanks or a goodbye. Kris can just sigh and think over what he's done as he had already accepted all the possible consequences that can be thrown at him; mostly from Sehun.

He reaches the school gates and finds that Luhan had been waiting for someone and by someone I really meant Sehun. It seemed like Luhan is still determined to force himself to Sehun and no one was going to stop him.

"How's life, Sehun-ah?" Luhan pops near Sehun and wraps his arm around Sehun's shoulders. He stiffens a bit but calms as soon as he reminds himself that this guy isn't straight and nothing abouth him is scary. Well, those are the words that Sehun is trying to shove in his heads rather than some nonsense saying 'Luhan is going to you when you least expect it Sehun. He's a e! Run!'

Sehun doesn't answer. Things in his house wasn't exactly all dandy and great.

Luhan pouts which still had the ability to melt a few bits of the cold Sehun. "Not talking to your hyung, again?" He whines.

Sehun tries to ignore him hard.

It hadn't been easy but Sehun gets these weird vibes whenever Luhan is around. He feels like he can't breath and sometime he blurts out things he doesn't mean or intend to say or do.

After getting his books from his locker, Sehun turns to Luhan, finally has something to say instead of keeping on nodding or shaking his head.

"Hyung." He calls out.

With that name out of Sehun's mouth, Luhan's knees wobble.

"Hyung, I thing your stupidity is harming me." Sehun says and blinks innocently at Luhan.

"What do you mean? I'm not stupid." He replies, not completely getting what Sehun said.

Rather than saying out loud, Sehun is saved by the bell and he decides to keep everything from Luhan.

He can't explain himself but he really does think he's starting to turn stupid because of Luhan cause Luhan always manages to occupy Sehun's thoughts, even when he's doing his beloved math equations.


On the other side of Seoul, in the middle of the countryside, Suho lays on his back on the grass, his head is resting one somebody else's lap.

"Isn't much better that everything is out and good?" The man asks Suho.

He just nods and smiles, with his eyes closed.

The other man smiles and runs his fingers through Suho's dark locks and uses his hands to block off the sunlight that is hitting Suho's eyes.

"Can't wait to live with everybody." He says with real excitement and slight sarcasm.


Author's Corner:

My eyes are seriously drooping right now. In the middle of the chapter is where i accidentally fall asleep and wake up again so...yeah. I rambled.

Sorry OTL I just keep on butchering all my plot!

Anyways next chapter is going to have the new couple! Suho and .......

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