Rich = Bad


[A/N: Hoho, I'm seriously delaying BaekYeol and if you haven't noticed, I fast forwarded HunHan...meaning you didn't know how they slept, *wink wink...Ha! So as a distraction...I am (finally) introducing XiuChen!]



Xiumin and Luhan are still chatting whilst Sehun busy himself, snooping around Luhan's room and doodling on what looks like his English book.

"So, what's up?"Luhan smiles and pats Xiumin's shoulders, in a friendly manner.

"I was wondering whether you can hook me up with another job." He smiles awkwardly while rubbing his nape. "'Cause I seriously ing hate my boss right now. So bad that I'm on the verge of killing him, Luhan."

Luhan laughs as Xiumun intend to be threatening, cause in the back of his mind he sees Xiumin as a cute little bun boy who's a little mad in an adorable way.

"Yah! You're picturing me as a bun aren't you?!"

Luhan giggle again. "N-no..Sorry. I'll stop." He stifles his grins and chuckles that threatened to appear. "So, this boss?"

"Oh my God, I absolutely ing despise the living out of that bastard of a man !" He exaggerates and Luhan is taken a back from his language.

He knows that Xiumin would sometimes throw in the casual curse but not loads in one sentence. Luhan imagines that this man is certainly something.

"Woah, there!"

Xiumin is seething with anger.



Xiumin's PoV

1 Week Ago


I've recently applied for a personal assistant job for the Kim Enterprises, also known as the Kim Clan; underground.

At first I took curiosity to the job advert that was neatly placed on top of my desk in my last office job which was as a photocopier guy in a small law suit.

I decided to get out of my low ended and low paid job and took my first step inside the tall, probably 20 or more flights up in the sky building.

Entering the clean cut building, I had my most expensive suit on and I kept my hair flat. I adjust my tie as I took steps towards the receptionist.

"Kim Enterprise, How may I help you, sir?" She bows politely, but insincerity is written all over her face.

"Oh, I'm here to apply for the personal assistant job for Mr...Kim..Jon--" I read his name of the small paper I was hiding inside my pockets and before I could finish it up, the receptionist straightens up noisily, making me shut my mouth as she signaled me to follow her.

"Mr Kim is expecting an applicant today. So, please step in the gold elevator, different from all the others and press the 'KJD' button and it will lead you directly to his office." She said as she lead me to a hall complete of 4 similar looking elevators and one that caught my eye, which was a gold plated one.

"A-am I going alone? h-how about you?" I ask the receptionist but she looks fidgety.

"You have to go alone, I'm sorry:" The woman slimes. "Mr Kim doesn't like other people he's not expecting to pop to his office. Don't worry, you'll be fine, sir."

She bows and leaves.

The metal doors close on me, secluding me inside the small spaced elevator. Inside there is a silent background music, all for ambience. I recognize the song, although vaguely. It was 'Bolero' by Ravel.

I start judging the man that would be behind the glass walled office.

I'm guessing he's all about etiquette. I think he'd be polite, maybe even poetic.

But then again, never judge a book by it's cover, or in this case never judge a man by his choice of music.

And God, how I absolutely have misjudged this man.

I enter the doors as soon as I reach it. Not bothering to knock; well, more like forgetting to.

"Hello..Um, Kim Jongd-"

"Please, call me Chen." He abruptly stops me from greeting him an I stretch my hand out for a handshake, which he returns quite politely.

So far so good

During the firm handshake, Chen looks at me with a smile, that look more much like a smirk and before I knew it, he pulls me close to him, leaning his face by my neck, taking a whiff of my scent.

"Hmm, I don't recognize this perfume..." He whispers breathlessly.

I jerk back, pushing him away, harsher than I thought I would do as I see him bounce to his glass desk, tipping off one of his pen pots.

The contents clang on the marble tiles, some roll by the burgundy colored carpet.

"W-what are you doing?" I stutter, watching him laughing to himself.

The smirk rises up to his lips again, tugging them upwards and he walks near me again, this time he reaches his hand out to my right cheek, grazing his thumb on it, shortly before he retracts it back. "So, are you my new assistant?"

I was appalled by his actions, slightly fazed as my cheeks burn in a deep shade of red.

"I was going to apply but now, I don't think so, jerk."

Chen laughs to himself again, slightly creeping me out. "Oh, that's too bad, you would have been my.." He stops and starts counting with his fingers. "12th one? Or is it 11th? Just in the start of the year. That should be a record or something, right?"

"12th!?" My eyes widen. "But it's just March!" 

"I know." The smile is still present and he's slowly backing down to his leather swiveling chair again, placing his elbows on the table and propping his chin by his palms as Chen observed me shrink under his piercing gaze. "Can't you just try for a while?"

In his voice, there's a bit of sadness which is masked by the cockiness of his attitude.

I ponder to myself, thinking that this is the hardest decisions I have to make in my whole entire life. And as I normally do, I tally up the pros and cons of working in the Kim Enterprise.

Pro: Money

Con: Psychotic erted boss

Pro: Money

Con: Possibilities of ual harassment in the future

Pro: The ing money

And...Of course, the money wins.

"Alright, on one condition."

I see his eyes sparkle, probably not at the point when I was on the verge of agreeing but the point where there was a catch.


"Let me decide on my salary." 

Chen laughs, which looks like a habit of his.

"Sure, how much ever you want."

I'm a bit taken a back by his boldness.

"I want ₩ 800,000, every month." (estimate:475GPB/700USD) 

" you, I can give you ₩1,000,000 if you want."


"Alright, then!"

We look at each other, glaringan Chen breaks our eye contact as he harshly open on of his drawers, flinging out a piece of paper for me to sign.

"Here, sign here and you'll start working, today as my personal assistant."

I hesitantly took the pen, reading through the legal document. Chen has already placed the amount of money he'll give me monthly, and gosh is this counted as swindling? I'm slightly fazed by the amount of zeroes behind the one as I placed the tip of the pen, slowly signing my name on it.



"And God I have signed my death wish!" I exclaim as Luhan patted my back. "I would complain more but I think I could write a whole novel just about my first day working with that ed up bastard."




Author's Corner:


Chen the money throwing and the poor Xiumin

Do you see where this is going guys?

Rich and Poor?

The badass and the independent woman man

HAHAH, hopefully more comedy will come from XiuChen couple.

HunHan, BaekYeol and KaiSoo are still the main ones though, unless you want XiuChen to be main ones as well.



 Do you guys dig the new poster?

I didn't make it, though (ILY PinappleBANA)

A lovely reader made it and I'm all fluffy happy about it! HAHAH I've never realized that people actually read this shizz of a story enough to make a poster out of it.

I love you guys 

especially for coping with a crack filled mind of a writer I am!


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