It was a roller coaster ride (Part 1)


[A/N: I know I said that this will last for 70 chapters but I've already planned the start of the sequel, so it will be cut short so basically, this is now a 6 part long ending, for all the couples and by ending, I really meant ending till the sequel comes out.]

It Was A Roller Coaster Ride: Ending Part 1: SuLay

In all honesty, Lay had been feeling quite compelled with his relationship with Suho. He means, he loves the guy and all that, but something doesn't feel quite right.

Sometimes he feels as if he's a home wrecker, suddenly popping in the household, and announcing that he's the new lover of Suho.

And sometimes he feels like he's just a second option and Suho just started dating him to get back to Kris and that feeling wasn't really the best of feelings in the world.

"Joonmyun-ah." He whispers his name to Suho who's busy calculating how much the whole family had spent in their monthly groceries.

Suho's such an organized person. Lay on the other hand is forgetful and sometime untidy. It's sort of a miracle that they've stayed this long together without fighting. Well, they've had an argument before and that was just about making Suho to finally admit about Lay to Kris and how he hates the fact that he had to hide himself.


"Do you think we're working out?"

"What do you mean? You go to the gym don't you? Do you want me to start going with you?" He suggests, not fully understanding what Lay had meant.

"No not like that."

Suho still hasn't taken his eyes off the receipts and the calculator on his hands. "Then what?"

"I don't think we're working out very well, Joonmyun-ah." Lay continues his speech as whispers.

This time, Suho places down the items in his hands firmly and he turns to look at Lay's face in slight confused horror. "What are you saying?"

"Joonmyun-ah. Do you know how hard it is to live in this house, where you're ex lives with his new boyfriend?"

"If you were uncomfortable living here the. You could have said so earlier. We can move away if you want. My parents owned this house by the b--"

Lay cuts him off. "Joonmyun-ah, it's not that. Living here with you is difficult. I feel like I was your second choice. A default when Kris suddenly started paying no attention to you. It feels like I'm the rebound."

Tears were jerking to go out of Suho's eyes. "Why are you bringing this up now? You said you were alright? You said it was fine, right? You agreed." Panic rises in Suho's voice as he tries not to crack.

"Am I just a default, Joonmyun? Was I just a shoulder to lean on when Kris wasn't around?" Lay tries not to meet Suho's sad filled eyes.

"No! I mean, you were my escape. You made it possible for me to move on from Kris when he couldn't love me back."

"That sounds as if there could still be feelings for Kris in you, Joonmyun." Now it's Lay's eyes that is rimmed with wet tears. "It sounds as if I was the back up plan."

The panic has now taken over Suho as he stands fromthe chair and rushes to hug Lay who's still as a pole, standing idly in the middle of the kitchen.

"No, no, no you're not any of those." Suho's now crying, dampening Lay's shirt. "For all I know, you're my savior. You saved me from hurting while I watch Kris slowly slip away."

Now Lay doesn't talk. Although he feels relief from actually hearing those words, he stays cold.

"You made me fall in love, which I've forgotten the feeling of, since Kris and I were together for as long as I can remember. You, you, y-you," He stops and breathes in, clutching on to Lay. "You can't leave because, I won't be able to cope."

"Then you'll have to find another me."

Suho hugs Lay than he already is. "No. It's just you I want."

"I just need some space to think and I think so do you." Lay finalizes with until he pries of Suho's grip from his body and he slowly places him down back to his chair.

To Suho, needing space meant 'never-going-to-see-you-ever-again. Which terrified him. Things had just gotten better. They've slowly learnt to accept things and be comfortable with each other but he guesses not.

"Just some space and time, Joonmyun. We'll meet again." Before Suho could try and pull Lay back in, he quickly goes upstairs and collects the things he had packed earlier and he goes out to his car and drives away from the house.

Suho's still on the chair. He had just witnessed Lay leaving the house and he did nothing about it. He couldn't move nor speak. He stayed there in his place for as long as he could.

Which wasn't long, since Sehun had also witnessed the whole thing, accidentally. He runs to Suho immediately, but hesitantly and he looks at him with pity.


Tears still stained his naturally pale face and all could Sehun do was awkwardly hug and comfort him with such useless words.

"He said you'll meet again, so, you'll meet again and you'll both be a better man."

>> 1 Month Later >>

The days had passed, nobody was able to make Suho budge out of the house and into the outside world where there was fresh air. He had been limp and lifeless like a vegetable and all he did was sleep, eat once a day and watch dozens of dramatic movies and TV series.

But Kris had been sick of it. Totally sick of it. He couldn't properly live well seeing Suho all broken while he gets to be happy loving Tao.

It wasn't fair. How come he did the bad thing and he gets to be happy. But then again, he got to watch Suho, in a heartwrenching state which was the thing he had been avoiding the most.

"Yah! Kim Joonmyun! If you don't get your of the bed and go out, I will kick you out of this house!" Kris barged into his room, frantically opening the curtains to let some light inside the dark and depressed room.

The room was full of empty cup noodles, water bottles and box sets of dramas he had been watching the next day Lay had left.

It was a good thing that Suho wasn't a drinker cause if he was, he'd be even more of a mess. But there was one odd bottle of not even half drunk soju and a half used cigarette, shamely hiding in the corner of the room.

"You smoked?! Are you crazy!?" Kris points at the not even half used cigarette stick. "You're the one who made me stop."

"I tried, I coughed up pretty bad and puked." Suho replies with dry humor. "Don't worry, I'll never ever do it again."

"You better! Now go wash and go outside!"

Kris had to drag Subo into the shower and he even had to properly dress him up since Suho came out of his room first with awfully drenched hair, a gigantic gray shirt with matching pants, looking like a beggar.

With much difficulty, due to Suho's lack of effort, Kris finally was able to dress up Suho nicely, in his shirt, paired with one of his favorite knitted cardigan, black jeans and a bow tie for a finish.

Kris even had to dry his hair and styled it for him, although he ended up calling in a barber to trim his hair. Now with his short hair, Kris styled it himself, pushing his bangs up, revealing his forehead.

"There now go outside whatever!" Kris pushed Suho out of the gates, not even giving Suho his car, afraid that he'll get into and accident.

Knowing that Kris would never let him back inside, Suho just walks aimlessly until he finds himself stopping in front of one of his favorite cafe.

The small and cozy area was similar as he last found it. He ordered a cup of coffee, exactly 2 sugars, and extra cream. Just the way he likes it. Really unlike to Kris who likes his coffee black and bitter.

The it reminds him of Lay, who also liked his coffee, creamy and sugary sweet. He just wanted to crawl into a ball and sob again.

A tap interrupts his thoughts. "Can I sit here."

Suho's confused since the cafe is completely empty and there are about a dozen more available seats around and until he sees his face, Suho stiffens.

Suho nods nonetheless.

What was Lay up to?

He watches him drunk his coffee, as if nothing had ever happened in between them. There're a sense of distance in Lay's eyes.

His hair is different too. It's shorter as well. He wore a pair of glasses, a thin stripey cardigan above his plain shirt. There's big head phones hung poison around his neck and he's sipping on his coffee as if it wasn't pipping hot.

Suho was about to leave until the whole scenario start to feel familiar for him. The coffee, the same cafe and even the same style of clothing. This loomed like the exact same day when Lay and Suho met.

When Suho wanted to take a winding break.

Lay catches Suho's stare and he smiles, revealing his deep dimple that Suho had alwYs adored.

"Oh, I'm Zhang Yixing, by the way." He reaches his hand out. "And you?"

Suho raises his eyebrows for a bit, but Lay's looking pretty oblivious. "Kim Joonmyun." He finally shakes his hand. "And what do you think you're doing?"

Lay smiles, too obliviously again. "I'm waiting. Waiting for the man who I fell in love with and meet for the first time, once again."

Suho's confused for a bit. "What?"

"I gave ourselves some time and space. But I come here everyday, waiting here to meet the man I fell I love with for the first time." Lay smiles wider, making his eyes disappear into cresents. "And he finally came."

Suho's still confused but Lay continues to talk.

"And now that he's here, I want to introduce myself again. Start again and fall in love again with him. This time, I want to do it correctly."


"This time, I won't be a home wrecker. I won't be the rebound. I'll be a new man who you fall for." He reaches over to cup Suho's face. "We'll make new memories, instead of me healing your wounds and make you forget about Kris, we'll start normal. We'll fall for each other, this time, better."

Suho's crying again. But this time Lay's there to wipe the tears.

"Wait a second, did you just make me suffer for a month so you can say you want to start all over again!?" He fumes but secretly he's happy. "Don't you know how I felt s--"

Lay interrupts by planting a small kiss on his lips and Suho's left ajar, when be detracts away.

"Hey, I suffered too. I waited here, for a month for you to come. I had to drink 5 cups of coffee everyday." Lay jokes and he quickie kisses him again.

"That's not suffering." Suho pouts.

"Really? Because for a month, I had to suffer away from you." Lay pecks his lips once more.

"Now what do you say? Can I get you a drink, now that you really are single and available?"

"Yes you may." Suho laughs. "But please, never ever do anything like this again. Ever or I'll punch you."

Lay nods. "Okay."


"Hello, My name is Zhang Yixing, I'm single."

Suho can't help but grin. "My name is Kim Joonmyun and I've recently got out of a relationship, which I'm completely over now."

"Nice too meet you, again."


Author's Note:

You guys can puke at me now.

I'm glad to say to you that SuLay will be featuring more in the sequel than they did here! YAY!!!

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