Spring Cleaning: Bonus Chapter (Part 1)


Suho has been nagging about the state of the house and saying things like everybody needed to be a little bit more neater inside the house.

For some reason, it ends up everybody in the house cleaning. Kris informed that they needed as much help possible if they were planning to clean the whole mansion.

Now I don't know whether I've told you that Kris' house is huge. I probably have. But seriously. It's ginormous.

While Kai immediately calls for Kyungsoo, Baekhyun calls for Chanyeol.

"Aren't you going to call one of your friends to help?" Lay asks Sehun, who is quietly sat in a corner, scrubbing away invisible dirt on the window.


"Come on Sehun-ah! It'll be great help and we'll finish quicker." Suho pops out of nowhere and prods Sehun. "Quickly. Call that guy you were with yesterday!"

"Oh yes! The cute one!" Lay adds and they both clap, like excited little fangirl es."Come on! Call him!"

"I don't have his number." Sehun replies bluntly.

"Oh! don't lie! I saw them swap phones." Tao squeezes in the conversation while he holds a porcelain vase that he's polishing.

"Oooh~" Lay and Suho tease in unison. "Call him!"

Damn! Sehun mutters curses inside his head. He quickly got figured out my the three motherers as they saw what happened when Sehun and Luhan reached his house yesterday.


Both Sehun and Luhan walk up the hill, still hand in hand.

"Sehun?" Luhan whispered, almost unheard.

"What?" He replies coldly.

"Nothing. I just like saying your name." Luhan giggles and Sehun feels Luhan tightening his grip on his hand and his thumb is softly grazing over his.

"Don't push your luck, hyung." Sehun hides his smile, not wanting to know that what Luhan had just said had an effect on him and what he's doing with his thumb is tickling him.

"Eyy...Last day with me and you're still being a mean pants." Luhan pouts and pushes Sehun lightly with his shoulders.

Sehun doesn't reply anymore as they reach his house. He stops his tracks and slowly so does Luhan. He looks at him and Sehun takes out their interlaced hands out of his pocket.

"Uhh...we're here."

Luhan blinks and for a second he doesn't believe Sehun but he sees no sense of humor on his face. ", dude! Your house is...ing huge!" Luhan guffaws as he stares at the house in awe.

"Yeah, whatever..." Sehun whispers, embarrassed for some reason. "I need to go now."

He let's go of Luhan's hand, reluctantly. He secretly wants to linger, but he couldn't. Then Luhan grabs his wrists.

"Can I at leas--"

"Sehun-ah!" Calls Suho, distrupting whatever Luhan had to say. "You're home!" He skips down like a majestic unicorn, with Lay catching up behind him. "Wanna come with us? we're gonna go buy bubble tea, I know you love it."

"It's fine, Suho." Sehun bows politely.

"Now, is that how you talk to your mother?" He sasses and Sehun furrows his eyebrows. "Yixing-ah! Tell him off!" He points at Sehun.

"Sorry, Sehun. He accidentally drank Kris' gin." Lay awkwardly laughs. "He can't hold his alcohol very well."

Sehun nods, seeing Suho for the first time drunk. it's discouraging him to even try alcohol.

"Look Lay! Look at this cute little !" Suho slurs his words as he walks to Luhan and starts squishing his cheeks. "He's so cute! Marry him Sehun!"

Luhan blushes as Suho admires his round cheeks until Lay slaps his hands away and starts to carry Suho on his shoulders and they go back inside the house.

"Uhh, sorry about that...they're not usually...drunk." Sehun is about to say 'crazy' but even that word is an understatement if he were to describe his new family.

"Who was that?" Luhan asks, still a bit flattered with what Suho said about him and Sehun marrying.

"Like he said. My mother...kind of, long story."

Luhan takes it as a joke and he laughs.

"I'll go now. Uhmm...bye, I guess, hyung."

Sehun is about to go inside the metal gates but Luhan stops him. "Can I at least get your number?"

"Uh.." Sehun hesitantly takes his phone out of his jeans pockets and Luhan snatches them away before Sehun could even think twice. He watch him punch some numbers in and take a selca of himself with his cheeks puffed out.

"Here you go." Luhan innocently smiles and turns on his heels. "Almost forgot."

Luhan walks nearer Sehunnand goes on his tip toes. "Kiss goodbye." He grins and quickly sneaks a peck on his cheek, before he completely runs away, waving his hands vigorously.

Sehun watch Luhan go downhill, and he slightly slips maybe once or twice on the snow and Sehun can't help but let out a chuckle.


"So? call him!" Suho grins and yanks Sehun's phone out of his hands and starts going through the contacts.

"Fine! I'll do it myself." He says giving up to Suho's request.

Sehun lingers his eyes on the picture and he feels his heart leap.

"Hello? Luhan hyung?"


Author's Corner: Bonus Chapter(s)!! yay

I don't know why I made Suho drunk...OTL I don't know anymore.

The next few chapters will be fillers/bonus chapters full of fluff that you can puke rainbows on!

Since this is a short chapter...I might update again later...it is basicallly 1 in the morning here. I might update when I wake up. wait for me!

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