(Step?) Brothers: Additional SeKai/KaiHun


As Kai drags Sehun to his room, he ignores his struggling and wails of complaints. Sehun is taken aback from Kai's surprising strength.

"What now!?" Exclaims Sehun. He doesn't get he has to be forced by Kai to follow him and stalk Kris. "Let me go."

Sehun's plea is a bit too late since they arrive inside Kai's room. He locks the door behind them and pushed Sehun to his bed.

Kai smirks.

"Y-yah!" Sehun squeaks but still tries to sound manly. Kai is about to sit on next to Sehun on the bed but he misinterprets and panics. "Go away you...homo."

Sehun shoots up from the bed and cowers away.

"Yah. I'm not going to do anything apart from...nevermind." Kai trails off after he chuckles at Sehun's hasty reaction.

A bit embarrassed, Sehun's cheeks pinks and he fakes a scoff before sitting himself down on the chair that was tucked under his computer desk.

"You're such a drama queen, Sehun." Kai jokes as he lays his back on the bed and stretches his limbs out.

"Shut up." Sehun murmurs as he swivels around the chair, opening up Kai's computer screen.

"Since Baek hyung ditched, the planning will have to be done by us." Kai informs but Sehun just rolls his eyes.

"By us, it means just you." Sehun interjects.

"What? Why? It's going to be fun." Kai queries, excited about finding something out about their currently weirdly acting foster parents.

Sehun doesn't answer and opens up an a web search and types in 'bubble tea shops in Seoul'

"Oh seriously, you're one life deep , Sehun. At least show some interest." Kai rolls out of his bed and crawls towards Sehun, who's too immersed in his findings on the world wide web.

"Ah. I know where that is. I get discounts from that cafe." Informs Kai and he opens up his drawer to whip out his bubble tea coupons.

Sehun's eyes twinkles in interest. "..." He has been craving for some bubble tea but ever since he had nowhere to go, he hadn't been able to afford one and he's too egoistic to ask Kris or Suho for money, especially if they just sent him to such a  prestigious school.

"What?" Kai pops in to Sehun's bubble as he notices his longing stare at the paper he's currently holding. Kai looks at Sehun speculatingly. "Want to go for some?"

Sehun's heart leaped in excitement, not because he is able to hang with Kai but he is finally able to have some of his precious holy bubble tea.

"Um..whatever." Sehun bottles up his excitement to avoid sounding like a deprived child.

Kai shrugs. "Okay then, we won't"

Sehun's eyes widens. "Yah! No! Let's go! Now!"

Kai is a bit surprised on Sehun reaction to the bubble tea as he's never seen someone so excited over a simple drink.

"Let's go then." Kai hesitantly stands and carefully watches Sehun, who leaves his room, probably to change.

Kai chuckles to himself as soon as Sehun was out of sight. At first, he didn't quite like Sehun because he seems to mature for his age, mental wise. And now he knows a weakness of him, Sehun seems cuter and more charming now, in Kai's mind.

The two leaves the house after they change. Kris and Suho are both currently not home.

They walk a couple of blocks away from the house and Kai could see that glinting light just over the crossing. Sehun is giddy and excited on the inside albeit his bored expression that is now on his face.

"Come on in then." Kai pushes Sehun into the shop and goes in front of the till to make an order.

Sehun says some words that Kai didn't quite get as he looked around the comfy looking cafe.

Sehun comes back to Kai with two cups in his hands. Kai was about to reach for one and then Sehun retracts his hands away.

"Sorry, these are all mine."

Kai is about to come back with something clever when a familiar chuckle crosses his hearing

Sehun is about to speak but Kai clamps his hand over his mouth. "Shh!" He hisses. Sehun turns his head to where Kai is looking.

The two stays still and quite as thy observe Suho and the unknown guy.

"Maybe he's a client." Kai suggest.

"Yeah, unless you hold a clients hand romantically and flirt, then yes, they are friends"

Kai's eyes widens.

"I thought it was Kris who's cheating. Then is it Suho?" Kai ponders.

"Or it's the both of them."


Sorry if it's later than unusual again.

I dont think I can update tomorrow. Sorry guys.

Maybe I'll do a double update next time, okay?

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