Misleading Mayhem: BaekYeol


In the law firm, it is as it sounds.

Paperwork, break, paperwork and even more paperwork. And for Baekhyun, it's an ongoing vicious cycle.

He picks up his staple gun and fires it on the blank picture frame he placed on his desk for absolutely no reason . The staple backfires and bounces off to the guy on the other side of his desk.

Baekhyun spins on his chair as a sound of confusion comes out of the guy. "Sorry about that." He laughs and leans in to pick the metal piece stuck in his co-workers fluffy light hair.

If Baekhyun isn't oblivious, he would have noticed his co-worker's cheeks tinge pink. But sadly Baekhyun is oblivious.

"N-nah. I-it's cool, m-man." He stutters with his baritone voice and flattens his own hair as Baekhyun flicks the staple to the trash can.

"Chanyeol, right?" He nods, secretly happy that he does know him and he wasn't just one of those co-workers that exist but had a blur for a face, and you'd refer them to as 'that guy'.

Baekhyun smiles like what he usually does and tries to strike a conversation. "So, when did you start working here?" He asks.

Chanyeol looks hurt of a millisecond before he answers. "I started the same time you did." He fakes a grin. "We went to the same school." Chanyeol adds, sadly.

"Oh my God! We did? Are you my sunbae or are you a hoobae?" Baekhyun feels panic rush over him.

"We were in the same year."

"No." Baekhyun looks baffled.

"Yep. Same classes too."


"And homeroom."


"Same afterschool club as well."

"..." Baekhyun stays silent for a long moment. "How the hell did I not notice you?"

Chanyeol just shrugs and awkwardly turns around back to the screen of his computer.

"I mean, I talked to everyone. I was friends with everyone." Baekhyun states, making Chanyeol feel a lot lower. "We should have lunch together."

Chanyeol doesn't answer but his cheeks gets redder and his palms perspires cold sweat.

"Lunch?" Baekhyun offers, again. Chanyeol smiles as a yes and avoids looking at Baekhyun in the eyes.


The hours pass and slowly skids to lunch time. 

Baekhyun waited for his co-worker to wrap up in whatever he was doing and both went off to the cafe a few blocks a way from their building.

They enter in silence as they walk to the tills.

"What do you want?" Baekhyun asks. 

Chanyeol shrugs and signals Baekhyun to order first. 

He orders a BLT sandwich, a cola, and 3 small choc-chip cookies.

"I'll have the same but make it 5 cookies, please."

Giggles escape Baekhyun's lips as he paid for his food and Chanyeol following suit.

They takes a seat by the window and Baekhyun doesn't hesitate to dive in on his food. Chanyeol starts with his cookies, crumbs falling all over the place. They don't talk but it's comfortable.  The only noise they make are munching and gulping sounds.

Baekhyun finishes and leaves out his cookies to share. He passes one to Chanyeol and looks at him expectantly "You looked like you enjoyed them, so..."

Chanyeol is hesitant but takes the snack anyway. 

Baekhyun snorts and picks up the tissue he had on his tray and leans in on the table, reaching for Chanyeol's lower lip.

His eyes grows wider and, if possible, his heart palpitates faster than when he catches Baekhyun's eye smiles.

"There was crumbs and it was bothering me." Baekhyun grins and retracts his arm back to his side. "Let's go."

He stands too quick for Chanyeol to respond to. He's quite and speechless as he dreamily trudges behind Baekhyun.



Author Corner

Hey guise! I can't believe I have actual subs here! 


I know chapters are short but I'll try to make them longer just for you guys.

ILY guys. Leave a comment for me ( ;^^ )/

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