Final Day: HunHan


[A/N: Continuation of Chapter 25]

Sehun is fast asleep on a random thick history book and not even the bell had been able to wake him up. The librarian didn't bother to touch Sehun at all because he looks peaceful and (handsome) tired, so the woman leaves Sehun in his deep slumber.

The other students make their way to their respective classes, leaving Sehun.

Finally he wakes up after probably a whole 2 hours and he flutters his eyelids open. Rather that seeing the dead cherry blossom trees outside covered in a white blanket of snow, he sees a face, a few inches near him.

Sehun gasps lightly as he sits up straight. "What the hell, hyung?" He asks, still quite a bit startled.

"You look handsome while sleeping." He comments and also sits up, not breaking the eye contact with Sehun. "You missed 2 periods, by the way."

"." Sehun curses lightly as he looks at the library's grandfather clock. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I told you. You looked handsome sleeping." Luhan repeats.

Sehun stares at him as if he's absolutely mental. "That's not a valid answer." He states with a dirty look on his face.

If only Sehun didn't lead in Luhan to liking him, he wouldn't be in this mess. He just had to say that magic word, didn't he? 'hyung' He dislikes himself from saying that or just even the first words he said to Luhan. Ugh.

Luhan doesn't say anything but continues staring at him with smitten eyes while random thoughts run inside his head.

They don't talk any Sehun is tired from looking at Luhan so he stands from the chair, making a loud screech noise causing the librarian to look their way. 

"Where are you going?" 

Sehun lets out an exasperated sigh. "Away from your stupid face." He says coldly even though he doesn't mean to sound like it. 

Luhan stares at him with his large doe eyes, innocently.


Week has passes that folded quickly into a month and they haven't talked since they did so in the library. It's not that they were ignoring each other but they just didn't see each other anymore. Sehun wouldn't see Luhan waiting for him in front of his locker and seeing him suddenly behind his back. There was nothing like that anymore.

Sehun is secretly grieving that he hasn't seen Luhan and is secretly worrying about his well being, until he found out that he hasn't been away but was just currently busy with studying for the exams and catching up to his role as being the soccer team captain.

The exams came into an end and Sehun is on his way to see the results board and see where he came in the end. 

'1-A : Oh Sehun : Rank: 0001'

Sehun stares at the board for a long minute. He's done it. He's top of not just the whole year group but the whole school. 

Around him are a couple of cheering noises and also moans of disdain.

He feels odd. He didn't feel accomplished or even a tiny bit proud of himself.

Sehun wants someone to congratulate him. But no one did. 

A realization hit him. Since Sehun moved to this school, he hadn't bothered to make friends or even talk to anyone new. It was just Luhan. Luhan this Luhan that.


A day later he comes home from school and is greeted by a big bear hug from Suho. "We just got the letter about your test results. I've called Kris and you can now move to Jongin's university." 

Sehun pulls a fake smile.


Suho pats his back like a proud mother he is.

Sehun goes straight to his room but is blocked by Kai. "I can't believe you topped the ranks. Psh. Getting a 100% in math. " he playfully punches Sehun on the arm but he only receives a scowl from the younger fellow.

Night comes in hand and Kris arrives with a smile at his face.

In dinner, with everybody, as usual, still as awkward as ever, Kris opens his mouth to speak. "Sehun." He calls. " I've sorted out everything and you can start going to Jongin's school next week."

Sehun opens his mouth to say something but Kris is not yet done talking. 

"I've made sure that Jongin will be in your lessons so if that 'bullying troubles' you've had starts again, you'll know someone." He looks at Kai who is busy stuffing his face with Lay's cooking. "You'll watch after him, right."

Kai nods, as if he heard every single thing that Kris said.


Sehun is thankful and everything but not about the fact that Kai is going to be 'babysitting' him in school.

It's his final day in Seoul High and he's already managed everything that had to be said to the principal and they were sad about the fact that their new top student is leaving after taking one exam season.

"You'll be missed Oh Sehun." His homeroom teacher speaks but deep inside Sehun' he know that he won't be. He doesn't even think that his other classmates will even notice that he's gone, despite the fact that he had just raised their school's expectations with his outstanding grades.

He walks around the halls, admiring the place that he knows he wouldn't really miss. And he bumps into a small body for not looking straight at where he is going.

"Sorry." Sehun bows.

"Hey" An oh-so familiar voice calls. "Congrats on ranking 1st. Bet I'll just be always second in the rankings, now that you're here." He jokes.

"Hyung." Sehun didn't even notice that Luhan's name was just below his on the ranking board.

"Ha! but seriously, next time I'm going to be first."

A small smile sprawls on Sehun's face and Luhan notices it. "Of course you will." He says with no sarcasm.

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"No."'Sehun pulls a straight face. "How can you compete with me if I'm not even here?"

Luhan lets the information to sink in until his eyes widen. "You weren't kidding about moving schools?"

"I was. But not anymore, I guess." He shrugs.

"Oh." His smile fades from his angelic features. "So when are you leaving? Next year?"

"No. Today's my last day." 

It dawns on Luhan and he think that he doesn't really have any right to tell him anything. "I see."

With that reaction, Sehun isn't really pleased. He expected some over exaggerating pleas but there is going to be none of that. 

"You didn't even tell me." Luhan pouts, hiding his sadness with his usual aegyo-filled face. 

The bells of the school rings and it's now the last time Sehun will hear them in this school.

"Can I at least walk you out?" He asks Sehun who is a little bit hesitant, but since Kris isn't picking him up and he doesn't feel like riding the bus, Sehun agrees. Plus, he's never going to be  seeing anymore of Luhan, so what hurt could it possibly give him.

"Fine." Sehun replies as if it's the most obnoxious and useless thing he's about to do.


It's the middle of winter and the temperatures are below the positives.

Luhan is barely managing to keep his hands warm thanks for his stupidity to forgetting to bring some gloves. He curses under his breath in a language that Sehun doesn't understand as he frustrates about his coat that didn't have any pockets to hide away his frostbitten hands.

Sehun notices his little secretive rants. " this." He says to himself and  stops his tracks, the snow crunching beneath his feet.

"What did you forget something?" 

Sehun doesn't peep a word but instead he takes off his scarf and wraps it around Luhan's neck.

"My hands are the one's that's cold though." He blurts out, completely out of shock.

"Fine." Sehun sighs and yanks his red scarf back, wrapping it to himself again and started walking.

Luhan twitches in annoyance with himself before he catches up to Sehun's pace. He rubs his hands together and blew hot air on them, just wanting a bit of heat. 

Then Sehun stops again.

"Don't say anything this time." Sehun informs, looking straight into Luhan's forever doe like eyes.

All of a sudden, Sehun takes his left glove off to out it on Luhan's, before he walks away.

He stares at the glove for a second before he runs back next to Sehun and as soon as he did, Sehun grabs Luhan's right hand, interlocking their fingers together and pockets them together inside Sehun's coat.

Warmth surges not only on Luhan's hands but also inside his body.

"God, you're hands are freezing." Sehun comments avoiding Luhan's awe-struck stare.

Luhan doesn't say anything this time, scared that he'll ruin the moment.

The two walk hand in hand, ignoring the stares they were receiving.

Their hands are warm and that's all that matters...probably not.


 Author's corner: 

That scene was fluffed up.

/pukes rainbows

I can't...HunHan..feels


I can actually imagine Sehun doing that XD

I'll be editing the past chapters with the spelling mistakes! I want to be better to you future readers!






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