OH Sehun

[A/N: I will be doing my first point of view!]

Oh Sehun's PoV

It's ten in the evening and I'm ridiculously tired. I've been asked by Kyungsoo to stay with him in cram school so he could catch up with work, which I highly doubted that he needed seeing that Kyungsoo is one of the top students; below me of course.

Okay, I didn't mind at first that Kyungsoo asked me since I found that maybe I could catch up with him, forget about school work. Kyungsoo and I had been friends since late elementary school and highschool and we've just drifted apart when he announced that he wanted to go to a different university from me.

An all boys school, he said, which I found pretty ironic. Kyungsoo used to moan about how he has a phobia of girls and he only liked hanging around with boys...hmm.

Okay, digressing.

When we were about to leave, Kim ing Jongin had to come. I get that he's seriously infatuated with Kyungsoo and I think he does as well, which I find horrendously disturbing, but being me, I'll ignore that, plus Kyungsoo's my friend.

But I had to draw the line when Luhan came to the picture as well. At least it kicked me out from being a third wheel with Kyungsoo and Jongin. I swear, but I get this feeling that Jongin is in 'cahoots' with Luhan. Whenever Kyungsoo and I get a chance at talking theh always seem to pop out of nowhere.

But Luhan...

I guess he's...alright. No, gross, annoying, childish, an eye-sore, ridiculous, oh the list would go on.

Unfortunately, whenever he's NOT around, I stupidly miss him. Oh my God did I just think that?

I arrive in the house and I find that the lights from most rooms are turned off. I know that Jongin wouldn't be here nor Baekhyun and Tao so I'm guessing they must be asleep already. Which is weird since it's only 10

Before I enter the gates, I pass by a car that seemed to have just exited the house. The car's unfamiliar so I'm guessing they had a guest, but then why would the lights be turned off?

Curious, I fasten my pace up the annoyingly long drive way and dig for my keys inside my bag. Opening the doors as silent as I could, I manage to enter the house quietly. I removed my shoes to change to my slippers and I peek inside the house.

I see a figure down by the living room.

I was about to call out when I hear a soft groan and a few fumbling noise. From the lack of lighting in the house, it's not very clear who it is.

And I swear if it's Kris and Tao again on to each other, I'm going to die. Moving into this house has it's perks but the down side is I either hear or if I'm unlucky enough, see some seriously gay things going on around the house.

I guess it's kind of a given seeing that 6 men in this house weren't exactly straight.

Like in those dramatic crime scenes, a car passes by outside, the lights seeping through the curtains and finally showing a glimpse of whoever was in the living room.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk." I tut and it seems like I've gathered their attention, with such shocked expressions on their face. "Pretending you hate each other in the day and you two are really like this without anyone around."

Yixing and Kris fumble away from each other with violent actions and awkwardly stared at me after glaring at each other as if they just had a telepathic arguement.

"It's not what it looks like!" Lay defends.

I look at them suspiciously before deciding that playful Sehun should come out. "Oh, so Lay wasn't giving you CPR? What was he doing then? Are you two like...cheating on Su--"

Kris dashes in front of me and placed his finger on my lips hushing me down. "No. It's not really what it looks like." He hisses, his breath smelling like alcohol.

Okay I get it already. Kris is drunk, he thought Lay was Tao and so he tried to kiss him. I see, I see.

I move his food-smelling finger away from my face and I gave him an incredulous look. "Fine, I'm not going to say something."

Lay and Kris sigh in relief.

"Not yet anyways."

It's funny how their eyes bulge out at the same time lime what Kyungsoo does whenever I about things. I chuckle slightly.

"Kidding." I joke and before I quickly dashed into my room I added, "Not!" Surprising the two again.

I laugh behind my door.

But seriously, I swear if I catch one more couple getting on one another, I will kill myself.

Am I being ironic, seeing that I've kissed...Luhan?

He forced me.

No he didn't!

Yes he did!

You kissed back.

Look at you, arguing with yourself, Oh Sehun.

Just accept you like him.

No I don't. I hate him.

Yeah then why did you kiss back? Why did you miss him.

I shake my head vigorously before plopping down my bed. Great, Luhan had managed to make me go crazy. I should be tied in a straight jacket.

I'm arguing with myself.

Just great.

My phone suddenly vibrates in my pocket and I checked it to see a message from Luhan.


FROM: Luhan-stupid-hyung

Don't forget your promise, okay ;D <3

Was the colon D and the heart even necessary?

I text him back.


FROM: Oh my prince Sehun


I think that was appropriate. Minus me knowing what my caller ID is in Luhan's phone.

I should go to sleep, I don't want to be late for my 'date'. sarcasm.

At least I know I'm going to have fun knowing a really great, slightly gross, weakness between Kris and Lay.


Author's Corner:


Will update ASAP.

This is a intro for the next chapter.

Should there be more KrispyLay scenes?

Or should I go for HunHan date?

Maybe both?

Maybe be I should do a double update soon to celebrate my 15th upvote ^^

Scratch that. 16th upvote! I should totally double update sooner or later! And the 300th Comment is relatively near, whoever you will be I will allow a request! ^^

Just for you my lovely readers! Just for you!

Can you leave a comment?...please? To make author-nim happy since I've been studying for 6 hours everyday since Monday and I'm slowly decaying...

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296 streak #1
Chapter 3: Hahaha Luhan teasing him for his first day in the school
296 streak #2
Chapter 2: Kris and tao?? And Suho?
You really straight, Sehun?? XD
296 streak #3
Chapter 1: Sehun the new guy and kris is cheating
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Chapter 60: Hahaha hunnie
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Chapter 51: Jealous hunnie is just tooooo cute
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Chapter 37: such a sweet kiss
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Chapter 31: Kaisooooo
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Chapter 30: Awwwwwwwwwewwwwwwwweeee
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Chapter 18: Hahahaha luhan is persistent