Road Trip

[A/N: OTL, sorry for leaving you guys for 2 days with no update. T-T don't kill me. hehe, here's two couples for compensation!]


Chen treats the house as if it's his own while he casually sit on the sofa, resting both of his long arms on the back rest.

Xiumin is in the kitchen, preparing some tea and some snacks. Luhan is also helping after having the hard time of persuading Sehun to keep his hands to himself and sit down.

Sehun sits there awkwardly, next to Chen who's taken up more that fifty percent of the seating whilst Sehun is scooted at the very edge, squished by the arm rest.

After a few more moments, Xiumin and Luhan arrive with a tray of tea and some cookies on the side.

"Are you feeding freaking five year olds?" Chen questions as he picks up a chocolate chip cookie on the plate and observes it as if he's never seen such thing before.

"I might as well be." Xiumin whispers and only Luhan and Sehun heard.

Chen eats the cookie nonetheless, followed by Sehun who picks a Ginger bread cookie and feeds it to Luhan who happily accepted the offering.

"Are we really coming with you to Jeju?" Luhan perks, eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Don't you have work to do and finish?" Xiumin interjects.

"Nah, that's fine." Chen shoves another piece of cookie inside his mouth, devouring most of the delicacy on the plate. "More the merrier, right?"


A wall of silence falls.

Then a phone rings and everybody digs in their pockets, looking for whose one is ringing.

Sehun frowns and answers the call from a certain somebody he really doesn't want to hear from

"Yah! Where are you? Where's our kimchi! And our pasta. Dude, no one's here!" He hears Kai complaining loudly on the other side of the line, so loud Sehun swears everybody he's with has heard.

"Didn't Lay tell you guys that I won't come home till Sunday evening?" Sehun hisses.

"No! I haven't been home exactly!" Kai defends himself.

"Fine. The kimchi is in the fridge and the pasta is in the third cupboard above. Now go away."

Sehun hangs up and everybody's eyes in the room stares at him curiously. "Who was that?"

"uhh, step brother...I guess." Sehun whispers the last bit and only Luhan got what he meant.

"So....Jeju?" Luhan nods.

"Yeah, I advice you kids to go home and sleep cause we're leaving at 4 in the morning." Xiumin warns.

"4!? but it's almost 11!" Luhan whines.

"Let's go back, hyung." Sehun tugs on Luhan's shirt, making him stand on his feet as Sehun lightly dragged him near the door. "Bye."

Sehun abruptly closes the door, leaving Chen and Xiumin behind alone.

"Umm, you should go home too." Xiumin looks at Chen.

"Ugh, how about, no!"


"I'm staying here so I won't have to drive here again to pick you up."

"How about no and get the hell out of my house." Xiumin pulls Chen up and tries to push him out of the door but Chen's too quick for hum and is much more stronger compared to Chen.

He manages to turn Xiumin around and he holds him from the back, hugging around his arms around his waist and Chen pushes Xiumin until they fall on the sofa.

"Dude, this is such a gay position." Xiumin complains as he tries to pry Chen off of him by pushing his hands on his chest and pushing away from his body.

Chen doesn't even budge a millimeter and he stays there, attacking on top of the weary Xiumin. "You're gay."

"And? So are you, dude."

A smirks presents on Chen's lips, tugging his lips upward. "That settles it then." He says playfully before stealing a short peck on Xiumin's lips.

After the quick action, Chen immediately hops off of Xiumin and he runs to the toilets, leaving Xiumin appalled.


It ends up Chen sleeping on Xiumin's bed but unfortunately for him, Xiumin was forced to sleep on the sofa in his own apartment while Chen takes his room all to himself.

Xiumin leaves a mental note to himself to burn the covers that Chen had used.

They both wake up and it's 3 in the morning. Xiumin had called Luhan who were already on the way to his house, readying for the trip.

They arrive a few minutes later and Luhan eyes Xiumin, wondering about the reason why Chen stayed in his house instead of going home.

Xiumin merely rolls his eyes and he himself looks at Sehun who's holding Luhan's hand since they've come in The house.

Sometimes, Luhan laughs at how different Sehun had turned out after confessing. At first he was reserved, full of sass and completely confusing.

But now he's like a child always with it's mother or a magnet, completely attracted to a piece of metal. Luhan bary reconizes Sehun from the change of his actions, in a good way, of course.

He honestly loves how Sehun is basically babying himself to Luhan and he loves every moment of when he's showing absolute and shameless jealousy whenever somebody just talks or even just looks at Luhan.

They're all ready and they've packed heir belongings inside Chen's car which is fortunately big enough for all four of them.

Sehun and Luhan sit at the back while Xiumin is forced to drive and Chen decides to sit next to him, readying himself to nap, all along the trip.

Xiumin refuses him to do so as he blares o. The radio with full on a song of a certain cutesy ear-shackling with finger curling lyrics of the voices of the members.

Little did Xiumin know that Chen liked thy sort of thing as he sings a long, unfortunately, not off-tuned to the songs and Luhan would occasionally joint in when he gets a chance if Sehun isn't talking to him of Sehun is just purely distracting him by playing with his hair or repeatedly intertwining their fingers together.

The trip is loud and raucous and Xiumin is starting to get absolutely annoyed.

Thankfully, a few minutes pass and everyone's knocked dead. Sehun is asleep on Luhan's lap while Luhan subconsciously on his light soft hair.

Chen had tipped his chair way back, almost squirting Sehun's leg with his eyes closed. Xiumin would have been fooled that he's asleep bu he isn't knowing the Chen is probably just pretending.

"Hey, why bring those two with us?" Xiumin whispers only for Chen to hear.

he shrugs, his eyes still closed. "Much more fun, I guess."

"But don't you have a meeting or something in Jeju?"

"Hmm; not particularly. Just a few papers to sign, nothing big. Just wanted to take a short rest from work." Chen continues to talk but his eyes are still closed. "And it's more fun with people. Better than being alone."

Xiumin feels a tug in his heart but he ignores it and continues on driving. There is a few more hours left till they arrive at Jeju. Xiumin had asked why they didn't just take an airplane which would have made the journey faster and less tiresome and all Chen answered was 'it's part of the trip experience."

Chen had finally completely fallen asleep until they decide to swap.

Chen is now driving, being nice enough to let Xiumin have a feww short hours of rest before they arrive in their destination.

From the side mirror, Fhen secretly peeks at how Xiumin is sleeping. With his mouth slightly agape and how his nose would sometimes crinkle and everytime he does, Chen chuckles softly, making sure that he wakes no one up.

The journey goes on.

Sehun and Luhan had also swapped position, this time, Luhan is restin on Sehun's lap and he's the one doing the hair playing now. With their other free hands intertwined, they look peaceful sleeping just like that.

Xiumun, on the other hand is curled up to one side, leaning his forehead on the window, facin his back on Chen who's still driving and may or may not have been speeding up a few kilometers per hour from the speed limit.

Xiumin would occaisionally hot his forehead on the glass, causing Chen to laugh to himself.

Then something dawns on Chen.

Something unthinkable.

How could he have conjured up a crush on his assistant for such a short time? Him of all people.

This trip sure will be...different.


Author's Corner:


Shoooooooort Chappie, sorry.

But again, my eyes are like slowly closing as I write this and I swear, I've sort of fell asleep twice while updating.

But good news is that my Spring break, Easter holiday or whatever you call it is a few days away, maybe I can double update sometime and make more specials.


Imma slepp now guys, it's 12:04 in the morn, and I have stupid school!


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