It was a roller coaster ride (Part 2)


[A/N:  Again, TaoRis will be featuring in the sequel more than they did in here. So this is basically a preview to their storyline. ^^]

It Was A Rollercoaster Ride: Ending Part 2 : TaoRis

 Now that things are settling down, life is much more easier for Kris now. He no felt the need to supress his affections to Tao now that Suho's happy with Lay. Kris rarely argues with Lay, yet they still gave each other a few glares from time to time.

Things only calmed between Kris and Lay ever since that little incident. Fortunately a certain someone hadn't been talkative and mentioned it. And by someone, it's Sehun.

Regarding Baekhyun, Sehun and Kai, both of Kris and Suho had come to the conclusion of keeping them in their house permanently and act as if nothing really change except for the fact that rather than having two 'parents' they get four.

No one dares to take sides everytime someone argues. And only Sehun is the one who has the guys to favor Suho since he does feel much more secure around him compared to Kris.

In the household, Suho and Lay are in charge of groceries, cooking, cleaning and really what the wife would usually do whilst Kris and Tao give the financial support to all eight of them currently living in the house.

One thing had also changed. The placard outside the gates of the mansion that used to say "Wu-Kim Household" now clearly stated "Wu-Huang / Kim-Zhang Household" which is probably the longest name of a household had ever been.

"Hey, Zitao, do you actually have any plans of me meeting your parents?" Kris says out of the blue whilst they drive home from work.

Tao keeps silent and pretends he didn't hear Kris at all.


"Hmm, what?"

"I said, will I ever meet your parents?" Kris softly lands his foot on the brakes as they encounter the red stoplight.

" parents?"

"Yeah, the wonderful people who brought you to this world." Kris replies with slight sarcasm.

"Um, they, they, um." Tao stammers as he tries to think of an excuse. "They're back in China, so..."

"Oh." Kris can only nod.

It's not long before they arrive to the house and Tao seems nervous all of a sudden. He runs in, slyly avoiding more questions from Kris regarding his parents.

"Definitely next time, okay?"

"Y-yeah. Next time."

Inside the house, there's only Kai and his friend Kyungsoo who's recently been spending a lot of time hanging around with Kai which Kris sometimes doubts. Kyungsoo was nothing compared to Kai. He was nice, a good cook and polite while Kai was just the exact opposite.

Sehun was still away in Jeju whilst no one had heard of Baekhyun for a few days now.

A phone rings while Tao is busy taking a shower and so Kris decides to be nosy and check the caller I.D. "Seoul Private Hospital." He frowns and before he knows it, he click on the answer button.

"Hello? Huang Zitao-ssi?"

"Er, I'm not Zitao. He's in the shower." Kris replies to the man inthe other line.

"Ah, is that so? Then can you be a dear and pass on a message to him?" Kris hums as an agreement and the man resumes. "It's regarding his mother. She's been asking for him."

"But Tao's mother is in Ch..."


"Nothing. Thank you, I'll pass on the message."

Kris hangs up as soon as the man ends the call. Something rings in his ears. Did Tao lie about where his parents were?

Just in time, Tao exits the bathroom with dripping wet hair and only a white towel wrapped loosely around his waist. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Tao jokes as he walks towards his wardrobe, finding somethig comfortable to wear.

"Uhm, no but you got a call."

"Yeah, from who?" Tao asks as he puts on his pajama bottoms, hanging the towel back on it's rack.

"From the hospital." Says Kris with a dry throat.

"Did you answer it?"


Tao sighs. "W-what did they say?"

"They said your mother was asking for you."

They envelop into silence. Kris finds Tao's eyes which are too afraid to meet Kris' as he hangs his head low.

"Why did you lie?" Kris frowns. "You said they were in China."

"Because." Tao starts. "Because there are things in my life that I don't want you to be involved in." He blurts out and there's a flash of hurt in Kris' face which disappears when he turns stoic.

"What do you mean?"

Tao doesn't talk but instead he sits on the bed, still damp haired and shirtless.

There were somethings in Tao's life that he hadn't considered telling Kris. Like how his mother is hospitalized in such a critical condition and how he's father is non-existent. And by that he means he had already passed away.

He didn't dare bring in Kris to that. Seeing that his life was perfect while Tao's was the complete opposite.

Kris was raised with a silver spoon inside his mouth, having everything his way and his way only while Tao lived in the harsh life leading on a rocky and indefinite road.

"Do you not want me to meet your parents?" Kris says. "For goodness sake, I don't know anything about you, Huang Zitao."

It was true, Kris barely knew Zitao. He only knew Tao, who was a young model, living alone. Heck he didn't even know where he lived. Kris never met any of his relatives or even friends.

One thing Kris knows is that every single person on the face of this planet had a baggage that they carried and for Kris it was that name of his father. Their reputation which followed him and the expectations they had of him.

"Kris, please understand." Tao finally looks up and places his hands over his shoulders for comfort. "I don't want you to get too involved with me."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" He jokes. "Cause it sounds like I'm just a fling to you."

"No. You're not. I love you and I promise, I'll tell you everything once I figure things out." Tao smiles which is enough to melt away Kris' coldness.

"Figure what out?"

"Just things. I promise."

Kris just gives up and sighs. If there was another thing he knew, it was Tao and his persistence. There was no point arguing with him right now. Kris is surprisingly understanding.

If Tao wants time, he'll have it. Kris doesn't want to act hasty and dig into something that Tao clearly doesn't want to be bothered. He can say in his own time. Kris just thinks of it as saving their relationship.

"Fine. I'll forget the phone call and everythingyou just said. Just promise it won't take long." Only to Tao, Kris is a softie.

"Promise." Tao seals it with a kiss and like what Kris said, he forgets the things momentarily and they act as if the phone call did not happen.

For all Kris knows, Tao's parents are in China, he'll meet them soon and maybe then, Kris can pop the question.

"Go grab a shirt, I'll dry your hair." Kris laughs, remembering that Tao's still had no shirt and his hair was still dripping with water.

Tao complies and he returns back down on the bed where Kris sits with a hair dryer on his hands. The electronic device hums loudly by Tao's ears as if blew off warm air.

Kris' long and slender fingers run through his damp hair and he dishevels Tao's raven colored locks.

They finish in a few minutes and now Tao's lying on Kris' lap while he brushes his hair with his fingers. With eyes slowly drooping, Tao snuggled closer to Kris, causing him to abruptly stop the calming sensation of his hands running through his hair and massaging Tao's scalp.

Now they're both lying on the bed, eyes shut and hands tightly holding.

Tao rolls to his side and wraps one of his arms around Kris's waist and he buries his head on his chest.

Kris securely wraps his arms around Tao's broad shoulders and he hums with his baritone voice.

"This is probably the longest time we've spent together awake in bed without kissing." Tao laughs.

And as soon as he says that, Kris smirks and tips up Tao's head to face him and he plants a small but lingering kiss on his lips.


Kris kisses him again and now one of his hands is roaming around under Tao's shirt, feeling his built chest and occasionally flicking his fingers over his s playfully.

Tao can only grin and do the same thing while their kiss deepen.

Kris the bottom of Tao's lips, begging for entrance which Tao complies to. Their tongues battle by swirling together and mixing their saliva together.

Kris on his tongue, then his bottom lip and slowly he travel downwards, leaving traces of freshly made hickeys by his neck and collar bones.

"Kris..." Tao moans his name out as Kris on a certain sweet spot.

Their hands roam while their lips travel to every place they could and before they know it the two are shirtless, covered with glistening sweat and their breaths are hitched to the point they could barely breathe properly.

Kris hovers above Tao while his legs wrapped around the older man's waist, putting pressure on their es.

Both lets out groans of both satisfaction and want.

Tao bites on Kris' shoulders before he feels Kris' whole weigt dropping on his body.

He laughs to himself, seeing that time had cleay passed. Kris was tired from work and now he's basically asleep on top of Tao.

He hugs the man before placing him down to his side. Tao observes his sleeping features while his chest move up and down in constant speed.

Tao ghosts his fingers on Kris's skin. Tracing his nose, lucious lips and going down to his chest.

Tao then leaves soft and gentle bitterly kisses all over Kris before he goes back up, covering the bothe of them under the sheets and he hugs him close, still both shirtless and he leans by his ears.

"Goodnight, WuFan. I'll tell you everything soon." He knows Kris can't hear him now.

"But for now, I'll say I love you."

And as if Kris heard, a smile sprawls on his sleeping face as he subconsciously hug Tao tighter.

Author's Corner: 

idek guys. IDEK. 

But Tao's so fladorable and so cute I wanna squish him like a little piece of he is.

I sense a storyline...hohoho, wait for the sequel ;D

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