don’t take my happiness away

The same sky... different place...

Chapter 7



~ Charles de Gaulle Airport~


Kyuhyun’s pov


I stayed silent in the cockpit, less than a hour we will take off, back to Korea. I already miss my Siwon, I looked at the sky thru the window The same sky...different place...’ *sigh. Thanks Lord, this time I’m flying a direct flight to Seoul, it takes 12 see my Siwon.


And why is it easier to control the aircraft  from this pit with hundreds of buttons, than control my when I think about Siwon,  arrrgggghhh... my ert mind.


*smirk* I've bought pepper spray, for preparation, if at the dinner plan Tae Hee dares to flirt with Siwon, hmm then... when Siwon doesn’t see, I'll quickly spray Tae Hee’s face... and as she screamed in pain, I would throw the spray under the table and pretend to be sweet again, Siwon would not suspect me, since I'm his sweety babyKyu, right ? bwahahaha, eat that!


“Why are you smiling by yourself, thinking of someone?” my co-pilot smirk.


“YAH! None of your business, monkey...” I moved my hand to check all the devices, making sure all is being normal, safe and ready.


“Why are you so grumpy Captain Kyuhyun? Hmm... that’s why I told you to have one of our stewardess as your temporary girlfriend, you can her *giggle* she can help lessen your stress in our long flight you know...”


“Hyukjae, stop it... not interested.” I sighed.


“I don't get it, so many women are very interested in you, even in various countries, and our stewardesses are so pretty... but why none of them interest you?” Hyukjae keeps blabbering, seemed curious.


“I’ve told you, that’s none of your business...!” I snapped him, aiiish...this monkey.


Emm, well... I already have the best lover *smile* but I can’t tell him that I have Siwon as my lover right? I believe all koreans know Siwon, he is the top ten richest people in Korea and automaticaly he becomes the target of many women, plus he has a very handsome face and sculptured body... *kyaaaaa*  I continued the answer to myself, of course. Siwon often travels out of the country, almost all of the airline & airport staffs know that I’m close enough with him. We pretended to say things like ‘Oh, Hi... long time no see...’ but then you know Siwon, sometimes he could not resist the urge to touch me when we walk together in hallway if we had the same flight schedule. So, I can’t tell anyone that he is my boyfriend, since he is too famous. I cannot imagine what would happen if people knew, and most importantly I don't want him to get into trouble with his parents.


“All passengers are complete, Sir.” one of the stewardes come in with her flirtatious smile.


“Ok, thank you.” I faked my smile, geez this girl... After she left, I asked Hyukjae to contact the Air Traffic Control, and I did my final check before we take off.


~~~~~~   ~~~~~~   ~~~~~~    ~~~~~~


~Incheon airport~


I dragged my luggage while turning on my mobile phone, when it’s on... directly an incoming call appears on the screen “Wonnieeee...” I squealed.


: “Gosh, thankfully you've landed safely baby... you have no idea how many time I've dialed your number, sweetheart...”


“No need to do that next time, you know I would immediately call you right after I’ve landed, my love.” I kept walking towards the airport exit.


: “But... but I'm dying, I miss you...”


“Aigoo... cheesy as always.” I think I blushed, “Where are you, Wonnie? Office?” I asked him.


: “No, at the airport parking lot.”


Huh? This is office hours... but maybe, “Do you have plans going somewhere, for business trip?” Gosh, I hope not... why do I suddenly become limp and feel very tired.


: “Baby... how could you think that I would go somewhere else when I know that my lover would arrive? I'm at the airport because I had specially come to pick you up.”


I stopped, and discourage my move to get into the van, “Y-you‘re picking me up...?”


“Captain Kyuhyun, hurry up, get into the van...” one of the stewardess who is already in the van called me.


“Oh, I-I’m sorry... you guys go first, I left something in my locker, I'll take a taxi later.” I waved, “Bye...”


“Oooh... I've set up your seat next to me.” she looks disappointed. I turned around, pretending to go back inside the building, slooooowly...


“Wonnie... hello...”


: “Who is that, baby?”


“Naah, only the stewardess, I usually come home with them.” I slowly turned my head to the streets, they were gone.  “So where are you, Wonnie?”


: “Just behind the van you’re supposed to be in, sweety.”


Eeee..?? I fully turned around to look, and there’s Siwon with his black Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren. He lowered half of his window car, Gosh ... he's so handsome...’ sunglasses perched on his nose, he waved at me and smile with his trademark dimples. I hung up my phone and put it in my pocket, still looking at him while approaching his car. I don't understand why, I was parted with him just for a few days, but always amazed me to see my own boyfriend each time, my face is like burning.


“Baby, I’m really sorry... I can’t get out, many people watching. Would you please put your luggage in the trunk by yourself?  Sorry, sweetheart...”


“Of course, Siwon... geez, I’m not a woman.” I said, walking to behind his car to put my luggage, then walk to the door and sit at passenger's seat, next to Siwon. When I was about to put on the seat belt, he suddenly kissed me on the lips, only two seconds, but feels like heaven *kyaaaaaaa...


“Ready? Shall we go, baby?” he asked me with his husky voice.


*Nod...nod...* that's my only response .


*kyaaaaaa... it was only a light kiss, but i feel a bit dizzy gaaah... my stomach, so many butterflies in there, oh gosh... I miss him so much... I stole a glance at his face ‘So handsomeeee...’ then I cleared my throat and asked, “N-not so busy today huh...?”


“......” he looks serious facing the street while driving.


“W-wonnie...” I called him.


“After almost 3 days not seeing me, was that seriously your first question to me? I’m very sad...”


“My love, I’m sorry... I-I’m just a bit eem... kinda nervous, I think...” I palmed my burning cheeks.


Suddenly he laughs “Hahaha... you are so cute...” with his free hand, he pinched my chin.


“Wonnie, I said I’m nervous, but you called me cute?” I pouted.


“Sorry baby... why are you nervous? Tell me...”


“... ...” what should I said to him?


Let me guess, you’re nervous because since we met at the airport you were fanboying over your own boyfriend in your mind, right?” Siwon chuckled.


Oh uh... what should I do, is it too obvious? I panicked, how can the most handsome pilot in korea fangirling over his own boyfriend? That's not cool at all!


“Tsk... such a teaser...” I tried hard not to blush this time, my goodness.


Still smiling, “Baby, are you hungry? Let’s get lunch, what do you want to eat?” Siwon asked.


“Perhaps some kind of soup? I feel a bit dizzy...”


After we arrived and entered the korean food restaurant, he chose a table near the window and began to order, I just ordered a rice with samgyetang -chicken soup-.


“Baby, I want to tell you something...” Siwon said, “I cancelled the dinner with Tae Hee-ssi.”


“Huh? Why? But my pepper spray...?” oops...


“Pepper spray?” Siwon frowning.


“N-nothing Wonnie... Um, I mean, what happen when I left? Tell me...”


Then he started to tell me about his father who asked him come to his office, until he called Tae Hee to cancel the dinner.


Now, I feel so happy, yet sad at the same time, I am happy that Siwon loves me and is not be tempted by Tae Hee, but it is very saddening that he had clashed with his father because of our relationship.


“Wonnie, I’m sorry we can’t make your parents happy...” I’m so sad.


“Don’t be sorry, this is not your fault... I'm so tired of always trying to please my parents, I also want happiness, with you...  So this time, I beg you not to persuade me to obey my parents, Cho Kyuhyun, please...” I definitely heard his voice was cracked.  What? Wait... do I see tears forming in his eyes, “I’m so tired, baby...”


“Si-siwon... No, my love, please don’t cry, I’m sorry... I won’t insist you about anything anymore.” I cupped his face... leaned to his face, kissed his lips, then I hugged him. “I promise...”


“Don’t take my happiness...” He buried his teary eyes on my shoulder.


“No dear... I'll never leave you, so you won’t lose your happiness.” I his back gently, “I love you, Choi Siwon, so much...”



*hug my reader* thank you...

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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...