dont' lost your hope

The same sky... different place...

Chapter 28


Siwon’s pov


I slept like a baby last nite... unlike my nights before, always waking up in the middle of the night, dizzy and feeling as if I’ve lost something in my life... which is actually true, I lost Kyuhyun. But lastnight, my life seem to be in order, it felt complete, shole again... I slept so well, even didn’t remember whether I dreamt or not lastnight.


Speaking of dreams... suddenly I opened my eyes, I remembered I slept holding kyuhyun in my arms last night... aaaah... that’s why... that’s the reason I slept so peacefully lastnight. His presence always give that effect on me... able to put me to sleep and soothing. 


By the way, where is he? I looked around my bedroom, he wasn’t there, I touched the pillow Kyuhyun was using, it’s still warm. Maybe he’s in the bathroom? “Kyuhyun... baby..?” I called him, no answer. Oh perhaps, he went downstairs to give mom a hand for preparing the breakfast? Kyuhyun must’ve remembered that I love eating the breakfast he prepares for me, yeah, that’s it. Eventhough, sadly to say, I won’t be able to enjoy it without throwing it back out. Not realizing it, I smiled happily, just beacuse I was thinking of my handsome pilot... I don’t know what spell he’s used on me...

But deep down my heart, why do I feel that something is wrong?

I wasn’t supposed to....

Oooh my...

It was so stupid of me. I should’ve been more rational.

Really stupid...idiot of me.



Kyuhyun’s pov


I was preparing mix fruit juice and a simple sandwich for Siwon while having a small chat with Siwon’s mom, who’s enjoying her tea and salad in the kitchen table. At first, I wanted to make some coffee and my special fried rice, Siwon’s favorite, but his mom told me earlier that now Siwon’s body can’t intake anything besides juice & oatmeal, and IV fluids of course. I just hope he can eat my sandwich, even if it is only a bite or two.


“Sooo, you used to always make breakfast for him?” Siwon’s mom asked me, smiling.


“Y-Yes mam, he used to say my coffee was the best, and suits the special fried rice I used to make for him”, I replied shyly as I was cutting the sandwich diagonally.


“Kyuhyun-si, just call me mom, okay son...? And that means, you have to make some food for me too tommorow, ” Siwon’s mom said and laughed, making my face blush a bit.


“Good morning, mom”, I heard Siwon’s voice, I glanced over to see him, he was already dressed, looking dashing with his black suit & blue shirt, he smiled vividly towards his mom, then looks at me “Good morning, Kyuhyun-ssi”, he said expressionless.


Kyuhyun-ssi’? suddenly my smile dropped, what happen with ‘babyKyu’ or ‘mylove’? After lastnight, I thought he accepted me back, we even slept having his arms around me, and now...he’s back to being cold again to me? Why Siwon? I don’t get it.


“Mom, I’m going to the office.” Siwon said and kissed her forehead and turned his body away without speaking to me.


“Siwon, you’re not well yet.” his mother responded, he just turned his face towards her and gave her a thumbs up. “A-and Siwon, Kyuhyun prepeared breakfast for you... Siwon, wait...” suddenly she looked a bit confused. She told me earlier this morning, she was so happy, because everytime she checked on Siwon lastnight, he was fast asleep, unlike his days before... while hugging me. 


Fast thinking, I put the sandwich in a food container and find a cup with lid for Siwon’s juice, “It’s okay, mom, I already packed it...” And I ran a little to catch up with Siwon who was walking towards the front of the house. I heard vividly Siwon’s mom saying ‘I’m sorry..’


JungHoon hyung already held the car door for Siwon, when Siwon was about to reach him, I called out his name, “Siwon...” he turned around, ”Your breakfast.” while showing the food container and his juice glass, and I forced a little smile on my face, and hoped he accepts his breakfast.


He just narrowed his eyes a bit and said, “Thank you Kyuhyun-ssi, but I’m not hungry.” and got in the car.


“Siwon..!?” JungHoon hyung shot a glare at Siwon still holding the door, but Siwon didn’t flinch, looking straigh ahead.


“Close the door, please, hyung. We have to get going, dad is waiting already.” Why is Siwon like this to me? Why is he acting this way? I felt my heart clenched, my eyes starting to burn. The container and the glass in my hands almost fell out, luckily JungHoon hyung took it from me. “Don’t worry, Kyuhyun-ssi” he smiled at me “Siwon always loves whatever you make for him” he wishpered, then he bowed, walked over to the other side of the car, opened the door and sat next to Siwon.


I was standing just like a statue for several moments after the car drove off. I felt a soft hand rubbing my back, “I’m sorry, son. I hope you can be patient with him. After he got sick, he’s attitude changed a bit and become more sensitive.”



Jung Hoon’s pov


“I don’t get you...” I said while putting down the food container in my lap but still holding on to the glass from Kyuhyun-ssi. “Lastnight, you were sleeping holding him, as if afraid that we would take Kyuhyun-ssi away from you, and now... you’re being cold and act as if he was a stranger to you. Do you have a dual personality I should know about?” I asked him with narrowing my eyes.

“You saw us sleep, hyung?” Siwon aksed frowing.


“Of course. And after giving us quite a scare lastnight, how am I supposed not to check on you? I was afraid that you were in pain again. But  luckily... no...” while shaking my head, “You were fast sleep like a hybrnating bear in the winter”. I sighed, “But I don’t get it... I really don’t understand... why you were so cold again to Kyuhyun-ssi. Poor him.” After saying that, suddenly I felt my throat dry, I opened the glass slowly, and almost took a sip when Siwon suddenly took away the glass, “Yaaaah! Siwon, you got my pants wet, you....” 


Before I could even finished my sentence, Siwon glared at me and shouted “MINE!” 


“Hahahahaha...”  I laughed my eyes out and took out some tissue to wipe my pants,”I’m sorry... I was wrong just now, I guess... you only acted being cold, aren’t you?” I saw Siwon enjoying his glass of juice.


“Hyung, why does this juice taste more delicious than usual?” Siwon said ignoring my question.


“I think, even if Kyuhyun-ssi gave you the water used to soak the laundry, you will still drink it and say the same thing” I made fun of him. Siwon gave me a glare, and continue enjoying his juice. I just wish, that he would do the transplant, live healthily and accept Kyuhyun with his open heart, I know he will be so happy.


I felt my handphone vibrated, I took it out from my inner suit pocket, a message, I opened it... hmmm from MyChullie, ‘Good morning my love, don’t forget to remember me today, because I love you and I know you love me as well.’ I giggled.


“MyChullie? Who’s that hyung?” I was startled have to death, Siwon’s head was on my shoulder without me noticing it, and he was reading the message from MyChullie?? “Yaaahh! You read my message!?”


“Hyung, MyChullile is your girlfriend. Right? Right?” Siwon ignored, he just smiled widely and teased me.


“It’s none of your business, BOSS..." I answered.


“Tell you what... you tell me who she is, and I’ll give you 3 days off so you could have some time off with your girlfriend, how’s that sound, Hyung?”


Days off...? T-three days...? “Yaaah, what am I? A kid? You want to bribe me with that?” I answered him, pretending not to be interested.


“Are you sure you don’t want three days off, Hyung...??” Siwon asked me still with his teasing eyes, ”You can get away with her, spend more time with her... just tell me who she is. Come on, Hyung...”


I thought it over... in a second, three days off?? It’s very tempting, it would be a very pleasant being able to have 3 days off with my Chullie. At least, when Siwon was sick, I didn’t have the heart to leave him, and Siwon’s parents won’t even think of giving permition to me. ”So, you’ll give me three days off? F-for real?” I asked Siwon curios


”Yup, don’t worry, I’ll ask dad to assign one of his assistant for me for three days, hyung.” He smiled widely showing his dimpled smile, while nodding his head and blinking his eyes like a kid to me... of course still teasing me.


I turned my head away, looking at my hands, still holding my handphone. “B-but, you won’t like him...”


“Him..!? Him, hyung...? Wow, you were always with pretty girls. This is breaking news to me.” Still grinning, “Do I know him, Hyung? Is he one of our staff in the office? I’ll call the Personnel Dept to give him a leave, too.”


“No, Siwon... he’s not one of the staff.” I’m so worried to how Siwon would react if I told him that my lover is Tae Hee-sii’s ex, which according to Siwon is a ‘brat’.


Truthfully, I’m so happy to see Siwon smile like that, but on the other hand, I’m a bit scared, what if after I told him, he would ask me to stop seeing MyChullie. “Come on Hyung...tell me. You really don’t want it? Three days off and mmm... how about if I add a huge sum of pocket money, you could even buy tickets to Hongkong and do some shopping there.”


I chocked on my own spit, “H-Hongkong?” I said with coughing


Siwon burst out laughing...”Hahahaha, sooo HE IS in Hongkong!! I was just merely guessing, Hyung.”


“Yaaahh! Stop teasing me....”


Then he stopped laughing, “Hyung, please hold my glass, I’m hungry from all this laughing” giving his glass to me and opening the food container from Kyuhuyun, he took a bite and started chewing the sandwich slowly. “So, Hyung, he is in Hongkong, what else? But why do you say that I know him? Is he one of our business associates, hyung?” Siwon asked and took another bite of the sandwich... I was so glad that at least he could swallow the sandwich, I guess love really heals sickness.


“No... not one of our business associates, Siwon.” I answered and gave him the glass for him to drink, and then he handed back the glass, and took his third bite.


“So, how do I know him?” Siwon kept asking while slowly chewing.


“Mmm... maybe you’ve forgotten about him, because you’ve met him only once.” Aiissshhh, that’s so not Siwon... he won’t forget people even only after meeting once, especially ‘that brat’.


“Arrasso... How about you show me his picture. Maybe I’ll remember him.” Ooohhh why is he so persistent.


“I don’t have his picture yet.” I just anwered without thinking.


“You mean... you DON’T have his picture fully clothing, right Hyung?” Siwon was again laughing loudly, he really likes it when he can tease me like this. But I really don’t have MyChullie’s picture that is ‘decent enough’ to be shown to him. Boy, I feel my cheek burning up.


“Hyung~~, why is ur cheek burning red like that? Hahahaha... so YOU DO have his y pictures?” Siwon almost chocked on his words, I quickly handed him the juice. “Hyung... you’re very naughty~” he said smirking, right after his breathing was back to normal, and took his last bite. “Hyung, it’s a deal then... I’ll give you three days off and pocket money... to Hongkong.” He winked,  “But you have to promise me, you will take pictures of you and him... decent pictures, if you get my drift, during your holidays,” winking at me again, “And show them to me, okay hyung?”


“Jjinja, Siwon?” I’m asking him again. Aaaah... I feel my eyes are really sparkling now.


 “But remember, take pictures of you both... fully clothed this time, ne, hyung?” he said giggling again.


Aiisshh... I bet my cheek got more red at this time, but I’m really thankful to Siwon, I miss MyChullie so much.


“I’ll let you know the dates, Hyung. I have to talk to dad about it first.” Siwon continued, now in a serius tone.


“Gomawo, Siwon-ah, I really appreciate it.” Eventhough he will be mad at me after I show him the pictures, but I don’t care, at least I get the time to have fun and spend quality time with my Chullie first, patting his shoulder, “Saranghae, Siwon-ah.”


Siwon nodded while wipping his mouth with a tissue, “Nado, Hyung.”



Mrs. Choi’s pov


I felt sorry for Kyuhyun, I don’t quite understand the change of my son’s attitude towards Kyuhyun, what was going through his mind. I have to speak to him later on. I continued walking heading the swimming pool where I saw Kyuhyun was heading awhile ago talking to someone on his phone. He was sitting with his head down low in one of the swimming pool chairs, I was devestated seeing him like that. I asked him to come here with high hopes that he and my son would be happy, but now..


I sat beside him, “Son, don’t mind Siwon... alright? I hope you won’t decide to leave him again, I know it’s hard but please hang in there... and please try to persuade Siwon on having the transplant. Even though we’ve lost the donor, we can try to find another donor for him, but at least we have to get him to agree first.


“Lost the donor?” Kyuhyun was stunned.


“Yes, dear, there are alot of people on the waiting list for receiving a kidney donor, but since we don’t know when Siwon would agrees, we couldn’t be selfish, right? Importantly, please stay by Siwon, and get him to agree... please, ne?”


“Don’t worry, mom. I won’t leave him. And I’ve just called my Paris office, asking to extend my leave.“ Kyuhyun smiled bitterly.


I hugged him, tightly “Thank you Kyuhyun dear. I wish I didn’t separate you both in the first place. This would have not happen if I didn’t do what I did. Cheongmal mianhae...” and without realizing it, my tears just ran down my cheeks and I felt Kyuhyun’s body slightly trembling, I guess he was crying with me too.


After some moments, Kyuhyun pulled himself from my embrace, I let go and his his head, “Do you want to say something, dear?”


“Mom, can I have dr. Leeteuk’s number and borrow one of your cars?” Kyuhyun asked.


“Of course, you can..” I answered him without thinkhing, and I grab my phone that is on the table near us, gave him dr Leeteuk’s number and asked one of the maid to tell the driver to get ready to take Kyuhyun.



Mr. Choi secretary’s pov


I hurriedly stood up to greet the handsome young boss who is walking towards my desk, and putting on my best smile on my face for him, “Good morning, Director Choi.”


“Morning, miss Goh, I’ve an appointment to see my father, can I go in now?” he asked me showing his double dimpled smile which added his perfection on his face.


“Of course, Sir, you’re father has been waiting for you. Please...” I replied while walking rather in front-right side of him towards the door. I knocked twice and opened the door to President Choi’s office, bowed to him “Excuse me, President, your son is here.”


President Choi smiled and nodded, then I turned facing to the handsome Director, smiled and gestured him to come in “Come in, please...” aaawwww, why does my voice sound so flirtious.


“Thank you, Ms. Goh,” replied the handsome Bos, as he was stepping inside the room and I was about to close the door, when I saw him turning his body around, “Excuse me, Ms. Goh...”


“Yes, sir, do you need something?” I asked him.


“It seems to me that you got taller, right?” I was a bit shocked hearing him asking, aaaw... he noticed... it was really worth it buying the shoes I’m wearing now... it costs almost one month’s salary.. my legs look longer, kyaaaa...”No, Sir.” I replied shyly.


“Oh, really? I could’ve sworn that you got taller, because it seems that your skirt looks shorter somehow... I thought it was because you got taller.” He said turning his body back facing his father, and strecthing his arms open to hug him.


I immediately closed the door, gosh... I was so embarrassed, why does he have to bring up the subject about body heights. President Choi doesn’t have any complaints about my choice of short skirts, but why does his son, who’s still young... makes a big deal out of it.  


Mr. Choi senior’s pov


“Hello, are you today?” I stood from my seat and walked towards my son, stretching my arms widely to hug him.


“I’m fine, dad.” I patted his back lightly, I was so sad when hugging my son... his body looks smaller and thinner now, he had lost a lot of weight.


I let go from the hug, caressed his cheek. “Sit down, son. Did you have breakfast yet?” I asked while I sat next to him.


“I did, dad.” Siwon smiled wide, a sight I rarely see lately. He’s in a very good mood apparently. Is it because of this Kyuhyun guy? My wife told me lastnight when I got home late, that Kyuhyun, my son’s lover, came. It was a pitty I didn’t get a chance to meet him lastnight and this morning, either. I had to leave very early to the site to meet some guests from Japan before they rushed to see another project in Jeju island. “JungHoon hyung told me that you wanted to talk to me about somethings.” he continued.


“Ah... yes, just a bit about work. I already asked Ms Goh to give the documents to your secretary, I need you to take a look and study our latest project and I want to know your opinion about it. Because according to me, it’s a promissing and profitable project. You’re smarter and more thorough than I am in analyzing this kinds of things. Then again, my insctict is getting a bit dull compared to yours, son... hahaha.” I have to admit, Siwon has an outstanding talent and skill in business.


“Okay, dad. I’ll take a look at it.” He rested his back to the sofa “By the way, dad, can I give JungHoon hyung a three day leave next week, perhaps? He deserves to get a rest, he’s been really tired taking care of me in the office and at the hospital and at home.”


“Leave? But, are you sure you’re okay if he takes his leave?” My dad asked me. I nodded “I’m sure dad, and you can assigned Daebin hyung for three days to me, can’t you dad?”


After thinking for awhile, “Alright, go ahead, let JungHoon take some rest and I’ll assigned Daebin to help you.” I smiled to my kind son.


“Thank you, Dad. Oh... and what’s the second thing you wanted to talk about....”


“Hmmm... How’d you know there’s a second matter?” I chuckled.


He was still smiling, “Dad, you usually called me over the phone if you wanted to talk about office matters. It was rare of you to call me in like this... unless, you have something very urgent to discuss, and it seems to me, what you mentioned earlier,was not... urgent.” he chuckled too.


“Alright... it’s about your health and, marriage.” I managed to say it to the point.


Siwon frowned, “My health... I’m okay, dad. Dokter Leeteuk  will take care of me. Marriage..? Why do you suddenly bring this subject up?”


“Well, you know... I’m not getting younger, Siwon. I will enherit the company to you, I plan on doing that in the near future, but the stock holders won’t approve me giving the company to you before you get married and you’ve prooved yourself of being able to care and be responsible of your own family first.” I explained in a gentle manner as I could, as to not stress him.


“Do you want me to get married to your choice?” Siwon asked me an unexpected question, I thought he would answer me something like ‘I want to get married only to Kyuhyun’.


Now, I’m a bit confused, ”Son, you know that I won’t force you like before. You can marry to the person of your choice, to the persom who you love. Don’t think about bloodlines... heirs. I will not ask for more, I already have you, and your adopted daughters are my bloodline too. I just want you to get marry to the person you love, and get your daughters to live with us in Seoul.”


I heard him sigh, he put his head on the sofahead, looking at the ceiling, “Dad, I was about to ask mom to pick up the girls, I miss them so much. I can’t do it myself anymore, dad. It’s too tiring for my body to take 14 hours’ flight to New York to see them once or twice a month like I used to.” He is now looking at me with his sad look, “Dad, and about marriage, I don’t want to do it, dad. I’m sorry. You can just put the girls’s name as the heir of the company. Donghae can take care of the company until my girls are old enough to take over.” He held my shoulder, “But if you insist, please, help me find the another accessor.” Then stood up, “Excuse me, dad... I have to get going”.


I was devastated, my heart was broken “Siwon, son... don’t you want to get the transplant? Please don’t do this to me and your mom, to your girls.” I took a deep breath, “And to Kyuhyun-ssi, I know you love him.”


Siwon looked at me with his applogetic eyes, “Mianhae, dad, I promise to take care of my health... but I won’t have another transplant.” He bowed, and smiled vividly, then left me. How is it possible for me to just do nothing for my son, while he is dying. I even gave him my conscent for him to be with Kyuhyun-ssi. But he seems to have lost hope...


I walked towards my desk, took my handphone and press no.1 on my speed dial, “Yeobo... I think Siwon lost his hope. Darling, what’s the use of me and you working so hard building this company if our only son doesn’t want it?” I could only hear crying on the other end of the line, I continued “Darling, I’m sorry... shhhh... please, please, don’t cry. I trust Kyuhyun-sii will find a way, I know he will.”




I'm sorry for posting the update so late, I hope you guys will still support this fic, until the end *bear hug*
gomawo... saranghae... ^^
@purpleungu : cheongmaaaaaal gomawo for helping with the translation, saranghaeeeee...
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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...