she want her mommy

The same sky... different place...

Chapter 33



Mrs. Choi’s pov


It’s been three weeks since the last time I met him, ever since their fight, ever since kyuhyun left our house. I really miss him, even though I call him 2-3 times a week, but I still miss him very much. Siwon doesn’t want to talk about Kyuhyun. If I asked about him, Siwon would always change the subject or pretend he didn’t hear by saying:


'Mom, I’m sorry, I’m really tired today, we’ll talk tomorrow.' And of course, as expected, when I bring up the subject again the next morning, he would just ignore me,

'Mom, I have a meeting this morning, I should get going. We’ll discuss it later, okay, mom?'


Siwon’s condition is worsening, but he still busied himself. Luckily enough, I know that everyday JungHoon always brings breakfast and lunch for Siwon, made by Kyuhyun, and I’m so thankful to Kyuhyun for his effort. Everyday, Siwon always return late at night, and he would still continue his work in his study, everytime I would remind him to take a rest he would just simply replied '10 more minutes, mom.' or 'Just a few more minutes, mom'. But... he kept on continuing his work.


Luckily the girls are so understanding towards their appa. They realized that they have to transfer from their school in New York to their new school in Seoul is to be close to their appa. Even in this situation, leaving their friends behind, they didn’t complain. They didn’t expect much also from their appa, due to his lack of time being together. Siwon would always spend some time with them before he leaves for the office and kiss them, and sometimes I would take the girls to the office to meet Siwon during his busy schedules after their school. He would always make time for the girls, asked them about their day, what they did in school while they sit on his lap. Even sometimes, Gina would always have to remind Siwon of his next meeting or that some VIP is waiting for him in the meeting room.


My son’s face is still handsome as ever and his smile is still captivating, especially when he is around his daughters. But truthfully, he looks so thin now, his eyes... dimmed, black circles are now visible under his eyes. I would cry by myself at night thinking about my beloved son’s condition.


That afternoon, I was waiting for the girls in the car, while waiting for them by the school gate, I decided to do something, I have to call Kyuhyun. Hopefully he’s not flying, hopefully his mobile phone is active.


Thank God, it’s active, I heard the dial tone...


: “Anyeonghaseyo, mom?


“Kyuhyun-ah... how are you, dear?”


: *Chuckle* “I’m fine, mom. How about you?


“I’m fine too... but I miss you Kyuhyun-ah.”


: “Thanks mom, I miss you too.


"Are you busy now? Is it okay for me to call you at this time?"


“No mom, It's okay. My next flight isn’t until 2 more hours, I’ve just finished lunch. Did you have yours, mom?"


“I’m on my way to have lunch, dear.”


: “By the way, mom, is there something you want to talk to me about?


“Well, what time will you be off from work today? Can I meet you, have dinner together, perhaps?”


: “Oh... b-but...”


“Don’t worry... I won’t take Siwon along, he’s always coming home late these past weeks.” I reassured him, understanding he’s not ready to meet Siwon yet.


: “Coming home late? Is he okay, mom?” he asked, concerned in his voice.


“I don’t know, Kyuhyun-ah.” I replied sadly.


: “Is he able to eat, mom? I mean, without throwing it up?"


“He can eat, but only the food that JungHoon brought for him for breakfast and lunch. He can't swallow any other food than that." I said, pretending I didn't know that he was the one preparing Siwon's food.


: "Really??" This time a sound of cheery tone in his voice.


"Neh, I'm really grateful to the person preparing Siwon's food, and I know that's not JungHoon who made it, because that person really made a good food for Siwon, Jung Hoon can't do that." I chuckled.


: "Maybe a famous chef who made it?" This time I heard him giggle a little.


"I think so, too, Kyuhyun-ah.." I gigled too. "So, will you spare some time see me?"


: "How about tomorrow, mom, for lunch. It's my day off tomorrow."


"Perfect, dear. So, see you tomorrow? Do you want to choose the restaurant?"


: “No, mom. Up too you...”


"Is it okay if we have lunch at the restaurant last time?" I asked.


: “S-Siwon’s favorite restaurant?


Oh... he remembers. "You don't like it, Kyuhyun-ah?"


: "No, no problem, mom. See you tomorrow then."


“Ne... gomawo Kyuhyun-ah... I miss you, take care. Bye-bye.”




I'll be meeting Kyuhyun in just a few moments now, I really miss him... I just can't get rid of the image of him crying in Siwon's room the night they fought while holding the girls' framed photo.


We were already in the lobby, I brought the girls with me. I prayed Kyuhyun won't be upset with me since I brought the girls, because deep down in my heart... I knew the reason behind Siwon's and Kyuhyun's fight that night... about the girls.


I walked in the restaurant holding Bella's and Sheila's hands on each of my sides, Yesung bowed when he saw me and brought me to the reserved table, "Has he arrived yet, Yesung-ssi?"


"He has, mam. This way please..." He said smiling and walking ahead of us showing the way.


There... I saw Kyuhyun. He's brown hair shinning, and even though he looks a bit pale but his flawless texture was glowing, his cheeks are not so chubby as it used to, and that makes his nose seem more sharp.


Seeing me walking towards him, he smiled and stood up. But when he realized I wasn't alone, he seemed a bit taken aback, then he moved his gaze to the girls. Oh dear God, I hope he's not angry with me.


We were just about ten steps away from the table, I saw Kyuhyun kneeling down and opening his arms out while smiling. I'm still not aware what was happening, but suddenly I felt Sheila released her grip on my hand and ran towards Kyuhyun. Sheila immediately put her little arms around Kyuhyun's neck hugging him. I don't understand...


Sheila doesn't get along well with people she doesn't know, she would always hide behind me if I introduced her to someone new to her. She would only hold out her hand to shake but hide her face behind me, but today...


Kyuhyun smiled and closed his eyes, holding Sheila tightly in his embrace, while rubbing Sheila's back... a very warming sight to see. When Bella and I were close enough, I heard Kyuhyun said "Hi Sheila, my cutie pie... my baby girl."


I'm lost for words...


When Kyuhyun realized Bella and I were already in front of him, he opened his eyes, still kneeling down and holding Sheila, he looked at Bella, "And you must be Bella..."


Bella held her hand out, but Kyuhyun reached her by her waist and hugged her on his other side. Releasing his hug and still looking at Bella, "Nice to have finally meet you Princess Bella... I'm uncle Kyuhyun."


Bella smile and nodded happily, "Hi uncle Kyuhyun, nice to meet you, too..." I don't know how Kyuhyun knows this, but Bella is always fond and happy to be called 'Princess Bella' like her appa always calls her.


Kyuhyun finally stood up, still holding Sheila in his embrace, carried her on his arms, bowed to me, "How are you, mom?" He asked smiling at me. I caressed his left cheek and kissed his other cheek, "Hi son, I miss you..."


"Come on, let's sit." I said. "Sheila, honey, would you please get down, uncle Kyuhyun will be tired carrying you like that..." Sheila ignored me, she was just quiet. It's very unlike her, she's a very chatty girl once she gets used to the new person, but I don't know why, she was so clingy to Kyuhyun. I saw her tighten her hug to Kyuhyun, her legs wraping Kyuhyun's torso, like a baby koala with its mother.


"It's okay mom..." Kyuhyun chuckled, then sat still having Sheila in his embrace. Sheila is now sitting on his lap, her head still burried in Kyuhyun's chest.


“Is she sleeping?” I whispered, sitting in front of Kyuhyun and Bella beside me.


“No, mom...” He replied looking at Sheila then kissing her head.


"Aigoo... Bella, have you ever seen Sheila like this before?" I asked Bella who is now already looking at the menu.


"No, halmeoni," she answered with smile.


"She's usually shy at first, and gets all chatty afterwards, Kyuhyun." I continued, still fixing my eyes on the loveable sight in front of me. "Sheila, honey... do you like uncle Kyuhyun?" I asked her. Sheila didn't answer, she just burried her head deeper to Kyuhyun's chest. Kyuhyun just smiled. I don't know... but I see Kyuhyun is very happy, as if he was waiting to see his long lost child, his eyes sparkled brightly. And Sheila is the same, and I am sure that they never met before today. Maybe Sheila is the answer to melt Siwon's and Kyuhyun's heart to be together again. I am deeply touched looking at them both.


“Halmeoni, I want chocolate ice cream...” Suddenly Bella said breaking my short daydream.


"Neh, but only after you get your lunch." I said caressing her head. "What do you want to eat? Steak?"


Bella shook her head, “I want spaghetti.”


“Okay, dear... How about you, uncle Kyuhyun?” I smiled.


“I want spaghetti too, same with pricess Bella.” Kyuhyun nodded to Bella, and she grinned. "And what about you, baby Sheila?' Kyuhyun pushed Sheila's body abit to see her face, but Sheila just shook her head and hugged him back, tighter. "I think I'll have spaghetti and some chicken salad, too, mom."


I nodded and gave our orders to the waiter.


We continued chit chatting, and at first Kyuhyun used English with Bella, but later on spoke using Korean to Bella, whose Korean skill is not yet fluent and she looked a bit shy mixing in those two languages together. And from the looks of it, Bella is really fond of Kyuhyun, too.


Not long afterwards, our food came. Bella was mixing the spaghetti sauce with her spaghetti. She forked some spaghetti and made a circling motion on her plate, then put it in . "You know what, I don't think a princess should put too much in when she eats, honey..." Kyuhyun said to Bella smiling watching the way she eats, but Bella just grinned and  shook her head while enjoying her meal.


I saw Kyuhyun took some veggies and a slice of chicken using his fork, and pushed Sheila softly using his left hand to give space between them, "You have to eat, baby Sheila..."


"Kyuhyun, dear, Sheila won't eat vege..." I didn't continue what I was about to say when watching Sheila opened and slowly accepted the veggies Kyuhyun gave her and chewed it.


Bella and I were just mesmerized, looking at each other in awe, Bella slightly tilt her head as if asking "What just happened, halmeoni?"


"Mom, sorry, what were you going to say earlier?" This time Kyuhyun ate some of the vegetables.


"Oh...uh... nothing really, it's just that Sheila usually doesn't want to eat her vegetables. She only wants to eat fruits, and that was because Siwon told her that fruits could make her taller. So, well, I mean... I didn't know Sheila would eat her veggies." I explained still with my mesmerized expression towards Sheila's behaviour.


Kyuhyun put down his fork, and cupped Sheila's cheeks, "Baby Sheila, my cutie pie, from now on, when halmeoni ask you to eat your veggies, you have to eat it, arrasso?" And not expecting the reply, Sheila nodded. All these times, Sheila would just scream 'I don't like veggies! I won't eat it! I hate uncle Sungmin!' every time Sungmin would ask her to eat her veggies.




After we finished our lunch and have our deserts, I asked the girls to play at the garden of the restaurant. But as I have guessed, Sheila just shook her head, and tighten her hug again towards Kyuhyun, until Kyuhyun was coughing because her hug was too tight on his neck, "Sheila, dear, your uncle Kyuhyun will choke if you hug him that tight..."


Kyuhyun chuckled, and removes Sheila's small hands from his neck, " Baby Sheila, Uncle Kyuhyun needs to speak with halmeoni for awhile. Can you give us some time and play with your eonni?" Kyuhyun kissed both of Sheila's hands that he was holding. Sheila stayed quiet and just looked at him, blinking cutely. "I promise, I will play with you and your eonni after talking with halmeoni. Okay?" Sheila finally nodded, and Bella take her hand, they both run to the garden.


"Sheila listens to you, Kyuhyun-ah", I said beginning our conversation, "She must really likes you."


"And I think she is a very cute and a very obedient child, mom."


"Yes, but she usually is a very chatty girl... But with you, today, she was really really sweet. Have you two ever met before today?"


"No, mom, not before today." He said with lowering his head, "But I have to admit, that I immediatley fallen in love with her the moment I saw her picture in Siwon's room."


"I see... Kyuhyun-ah, may I ask you something?" I asked him carefully.


“Sure, mom...” He looked at me.


"Can you tell me what you and Siwon fought about that time? I sorry, it's not like I want to interfere, but I just don't understand. If Siwon is the one mad at you, why does he look that he misses you and somehow felt that he has lost you? But if you are the one mad at him, why do you keep preparing his breakfast and lunch everyday?"


“Y-you know about... about...”


"Yes, dear. I know. Even though JungHoon kept it as a secret, but do you remember..? We talked about it once.." I asked him smiling.


He nodded, with his head down. I moved to the chair next to him, and held his hand tightly, put it on my lap, "I need you to know how grateful I am to you... Siwon might have hurt you, and I  know that he is hurting too, but I understand that he hurt you more. I still can't get your image crying in Siwon's room out of my mind. My heart still hurts remembering that moment, Kyuhyun-ah."


I wiped my tears, then continue to hold Kyuhyun's hand, "And I also know... that your fight has something to do with the girls..." I can feel his hands stiffened, so my guess was right.


"Kyuhyun-ah, I don't know the details, and you've met the girls, can you forgive Siwonnie? Please...?" I lift his hand and put it against my cheek for a moment, "I really don't have the heart seeing both of you hurting like this. You've lost weight, and Siwonnie...well, he's like a zombie now."


Suddenly Kyuhyun moved his gaze towards me, frowning, "Z-zombie? What do you mean, mom?" I put his hand back on my lap, looked to his hand, I tried to hold my tears.


"He works from early morning, while the girls are still asleep, and he would come home very late, the girls would already fall asleep. That's not all, as soon as he arrives home, he still wouldn't get some rest, but he would continue his work in his study with IV needle in his arms. I even have to take the girls to the office, sometimes, because they rarely meet their appa. What's worse is that Siwonnie's condition is deterioting, Jung Hoon told me that Siwon's pain is more frequent now."


"R-really, mom?"


"Yes, Kyuhyun-ah." I looked to his face now, "Please, dear, I beg you, what ever made you furious and hurt, please forgive Siwon. I know you still love him very much, so please... don't hardened you heart. Both of you are sufferring, you need to talk and work things out. It's been 3 weeks, don't take too long, honey." I can't hold my tears any longer, "Becuse he might not have a long time, with him not wanting the surgery."




Siwon’s pov


It was almost 11pm, Kim-jibsa opened the door for me, "Thank you, Kim-jibsa. Has my mom gone to sleep?" I asked while handing him my suit, because usually my mom always greets me at the door when I came home. He bowed and then received my suit, "Madame is still in the family room, Sir."


So, my mom is still waiting for me, "Ah, ne. Thank you, Kim-jibsa. You can go and have your rest. No need to wait for me, the doctor won't be coming tonight, I won't be having my IV."


"Very well, Sir." He bowed again. I changed my shoe to my comfortable slipper, and walked to the family room.


I saw my mom, sitting in the sofa watching tv, while slowly caressing Sheila's hair, who was already asleep on her lap and holding tight her favorite teddy bear.


"Hi, mom..."


"Oh, hi dear... you are back." She smiled.


"Mom, why is Sheila sleeping on the couch? Not bring her to her room?" I asked taking the empty space beside Sheila.


"Your father brought her to her room, twice, already. But she would wake up and go downstairs again. She insisted to wait for you until you arrive, she said she has something to tell you, Siwon." My mom explained patting my my cheek softly.


"Why can't she tell me over the phone? And why didn't you call me earlier, I could've gone home sooner, mom."


"Sheila told me not to, she said she doesn't want to disturb her appa. You know your girls, honey, sometimes they're just too understanding towards you. But I think Sheila is a little worry if you'd send her back to New York if she burdens you."


I was very touched but sad at the same time, my precious daughter, my baby Sheila...


I carried Sheila, she wriggled slightly and put her head on my shoulder and put her little arms around my neck, "Is Bella asleep, mom?" I stood in front of her while I was rocking my body a bit to make Sheila comfortable and go back to sleep.


"Yes, she fell asleep at 9 earlier. Perhaps she was a little tired, she had attended two courses this afternoon."


"Two?" I asked her slightly confused.


My mom just smiled, "You've been too busy lately, dear... that's why you don't even know what your girls are doing."


I pressed my cheek against Sheila's, "I'm sorry."


"Bella attended Korean lesson and piano today, while Sheila only had piano lesson." She leaned forward to me and patted my thigh, "Go upstairs, put Sheila on her bed and go get some rest too, Siwon. Don't overwork yourself, give some time for the girls, they need you."


"Ne, mom. You go get some rest, too. Go be with dad. And, mom... thank you for watching over and taking care of the girls today."


My mom noded with a smile on her face, "No problem at all, honey. I'd rather spend time with them than to be with your dad's clients..." She said chuckling. Yeah, since my princesses are in Seoul, she cut almost all of her activities in the office and in the family business, and dad just let her because she looked happier spending time with her granddaughters.


I walked heading Sheila's room. The girls wanted their own rooms. One of the reasons, Sheila said, she doesn't like to sleep listening to Justin Beiber or One Direction unlike Bella. Sheila prefers to sleep in a tranquile environment while holding her favorite teddy bear.


I put Sheila on her bed, and slip her teddy between her arm. I kissed her cheek and forehead, said 'I love you' and 'goodnight' then cover her small body with her blanket. I stood up slowly, afraid the headache would come back if I moved too quickly, and walked towards the door, when I heard, "Appa..."


I turned my body, looking at Sheila who's just five steps away, she still has her eyes closed, but I heard her saying 'Appa' again.


Eeeh..? I walked back to Sheila's bed, sat beside her. I caressed her cheek with my thumb slowly, and suddenly she opened her sleepy eyes, "Appa..." So, she is awake..


“Ne, my baby boo... you want to tell appa something, right?” I whispered.


She motioned me to get closer, as I got closer to her, she puts he arms around my neck, and whispered in my ear, "Appa... I want my mommy..."





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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...